Rules ofExecuting Translation/Interpretation Servicesat Wersja Translation Agency

General Provisions

1. WERSJA Translation Agency (hereinafter: BT WERSJA) providestranslation and interpretationservicesexecutedin accordance with these Rules and the adopted good practice.

1.1BT WERSJA performs all translation/interpretation services only after receivingconfirmation from theClientin the form of a written order for a specific service (order form).
1.2.When placing the first orderthe Principal shall send a filled order form by fax (the form is availablefor printing at the website of BT WERSJA form shall be signed by aperson authorised to representthe Principal;also an excerpt from the National Court Register (KRS)or entry in the register of businesses shall be sent with the translation request.
1.3.In case of long-established relations BT WERSJA shall accept orders sent by electronicmail.
1.4.Failure tosend a written ordershall release BT WERSJA from its obligation to provide the translation/interpretation service.
1.5.Submission of the translationorder in writingwith the use of the translation order formor electronic mailshall mean that the Principal has acquainted himself with these Rules of translation/interpretation services and accepts them in full.

Translation Service

2.The number of characters with spaces per page shall be a unit of measure applied for settlement purposes in case of non-sworn translations (as set forth in a translation agreement or order).

2.1.One pageof the sworn translation includes 1125 characters and spaces.
2.2.Settlement with the Client shall be made on the basis of the number of pages in the targetlanguage. The number ofpages of a translation that is not sworn is rounded up toone decimal place. Eachnewly startedpage in a sworn translation is counted as a full page.
2.3.Calculation of the number of pagesper translation: a) MS Word: using the "Word count" option; b) MS Excel: translation is transferred and calculatedin MS Word; c) PowerPoint: thenumber of slidesis dividedby 3 or the number ofwords is dividedby 240,provided that the higher result of these operations shall be used forsettlement d) other formats: as per individualarrangements; e) sworn translations: pursuant tothe principles set forthin arelevant ordinance of the Minister of Justice.
2.4.Sworn translations shall be made from copiesor the presented original.
2.5.Non-sworn translations shall be delivered tothe Principal by 5:00 pm on the order completion date or pursuant to individual arrangements. The order completion date shall commence on the next working day following the day when the order is received.
2.6.The translation pricedoes not includea fee charged for preparing itfor publication which requires additional editorial work.
2.7.In case of translations that contain drawings, charts, figures,etc. that the Principal has not providedin an electronic form that allows their processing using Microsoft Office, BTWERSJAshall not be obliged to rendersuch elements in the translation. Such elementsshall be renderedand included in the translation following additional arrangementswiththePrincipal. However, in agreement with the Principal BT WERSJAshall agreeon how to render such translation that will allow the Principal matching items of the translation with arelevant part of the drawing, chart, figure, etc. in a legible way.
2.8.If the Principal suspends execution of the translation service in its course, he shall be requiredto pay compensation for the actual work that has been completedand toreimburse other costsand expenses incurred byBT WERSJAin connection with the preparation for provision of the service ordered.
2.9.Complaintsshall bemade in writing only giving reasonablegrounds for omissionswithin 7 working daysas from the date of translation completionby BT WERSJA.

Liability and Copyright

3.BT WERSJAshall be held liable for any possible damage caused in connection with theprovision of a defective translation provided by BT WERSJA up to the net amount of payment (less VAT) due for the completed translation.

3.1.Liability shall notinclude errors or mistakesin translations done as an express service. The Principal who orders an express translationshall accept the risk of errors and mistakes occurringin such translation. BT WERSJAshall however beobliged to immediatelyremedyany defects in the translation that it has been notified of.
3.2.Copyright to the completedtranslationshall betransferred onthe Principaldirectly after the full amount due has been paid pursuant to an invoice issued by BT WERSJA.

Interpretation Service

4.The interpreter’s working time is measured from the time he has been orderedand arrivedto do the job until the time he has been releasedand shall include all and any breaksin theinterpretingservice (e.g. meals, breaks in the meeting, the interpreter’s travelling time together with the Principal).

4.1.The minimum dailyfeeshall becharged for the so-called segment, or4 hours of interpreter’s work, and in case of field interpreting (i.e. outside Warsaw), the minimumfeeshall be chargedfor 8 hours per day (2 segments).
4.2.Failure to use the services of the ordered interpreter shall not release the Principalfrom its obligation to payfull costsof the interpretation service.
4.3.The Principal shall reimburse travel expenses, meals, and accommodation of theinterpreter;travelling time shall be counted towards the interpreter’s daily rate.
4.4.There shall be a 100% extra charge on the basic price for work donebetween 08:00 pm and 06:00 am and on days that are statutory holidays.
4.5.A fee for a day off in the interpretation service provided outside the place of theinterpreter’s residence shall be not less than 50% of the daily rate (8 hours).
4.6.The interpreter shall be eligibleto any benefits as during the working day.
4.7.In case the Principalhas cancelledthe interpretation service order within 48 hours before the agreed interpretationdate, the Principal shall be required to payfor one 4-hoursegmentof the interpretation service.
4.8.If the Principal cancelsthe ordered translation service on the service performance day, thePrincipal shall be obliged to pay the full remuneration fee.
4.9.Principals, who use services of BT WERSJA, commit themselves not toestablishdirect relations with BT WERSJA interpreters, who have rendered their services to Principals, outside intermediation of BT WERSJA over the period of the 12 months as from the last assignment when they rendered their services to such Principals.


5.With the exception of materials that are in the public domain (press releasesand Internet materials, generally availableacts of law, etc.), all documents and auxiliary materialsthat have been submitted by theClientand the contentsof meetings interpretedby interpreters shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to third persons.

5.1.Upon the Principal’s request, BT WERSJA may execute an additional non-disclosureinstrumentthat shall bind the agency to keep information confidential.

Terms of Payment

6.Payment of the completed translationshall be made on the basis of a VATinvoice issued by BT WERSJA. The Principal shall make payment by a bank transfer into the account number indicatedin the invoice or by cash in the office of BT WERSJA. The payment date shall expire fourteen calendar days following the invoice issuance date.

6.1.Completed translations shall remain the property of BT WERSJA until the Principal has paidthe compensation due. Once the payment has been made, the Principal shall obtaincopyright to the translation.
6.2In the event of default on the payment date, BT WERSJA shall have the right to charge statutoryinterest for each dayof delay.
6.3.BT WERSJA reserves itselfthe righttorequest a down paymentprior to thecommencement of translation in the amount that has been agreed with the Principal.

Final Provisions

7.WERSJATranslation Agency may undertakeprovision of servicesunder the terms and conditionsother than those set forthherein or in the price list. Such conditions shall then be determinedin the form of an agreement concluded by and between BT WERSJAandthe Principalspecifically drafted in 2 counterparts for that purposesof executing such assignment.

7.1.Matters that have not been provided hereunder shall be governed by the provision of thePolish Civil Code and the Act on Copyright and Related Rightsof4 February 1994 (Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83,as amended).