Date: 8, July 2013


The Government of Afghanistan has received a Grant from the World Bank for the Second Afghanistan Skills Development Project. The project has a component that will inter alia, address: improvements in the quality of National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) and curriculum for priority occupations and sectors, implement NOSS and associated curricula through the major government providers of TVET (Technical And Vocational Education And Training), arrange and oversee certification of 15,000 TVET graduates by an internationally recognized institution, develop a set of core/generic NOSS and curriculum modules for inclusion in TVET programs, and assess the feasibility of introducing new regulatory arrangements linked to the Afghanistan National Qualifications Framework (ANQF) for TVET.

The project authorities are looking for an Agency of international repute which will be able to address the above concerns.

Scope of Work

Without limitations of generality, it is expected that the Agency will assist in Integration of NOSS and curricula delivered in the various VET schools;

Evaluation and revision of NOSS to bring them up to international standards, as necessary;

Certification of NOSS by an internationally recognized institution;

Administration of assessments to graduates of TVET programs and certification by an international agency; and

Adaptation of NOSS and curriculum learning outcomes to address generic/core skills for each level as proposed under the Qualifications Framework for TVET.

The above are compressed into two components, described as below:

Component 1: NOSS & Curriculum Development

Through this component, Agency technical assistance will focus on strengthening standards and curriculum systems based on National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS). Priority occupations and curricula will be identified with reference to existing Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) priorities and available data on skill demand and supply. The component team will work closely with DMTVET of the Ministry of Education (MOE), and National Skills Development Program (NSDP) of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MOLSAMD) and other major providers to establish curriculum and standards working groups to revise and update NOSS and curriculum as required. Industry representatives (employers and workers) will be included in these groups. A technical group of industry representatives will also be put in place to provide inputs on market relevance of skills and the level of adaptation of the NOSS needed. This will provide the needed level of industry validation.

Through this work, the Agency will also support MoE/MOLSAMD and other major delivery agencies to modify and update standards based curriculum development methodology and systems. The Agency will also conduct a feasibility study and develop an action plan as required for establishment of the National Vocational Education Training Board (NVETB) to progress regulatory arrangements for providers delivering and assessing NOSS based programs.

Component 2: Assessment and Certification Systems Implementation

Agency technical assistance through this component will focus on strengthening NOSS based assessment and certification systems whilst delivering internationally recognized assessments and certification to at least 15,000 graduates of TVET programs. The international assessment and certification provider will be selected through a tender process to identify relevant international certification outcomes and assessment tools; map international certification with NOSS/ ANQF based local certification; provide quality assurance oversight of assessment process and outcomes and issue credentials.[1][1][1]

The Agency will train 250 assessors in competency based and RPL assessments (recognition of prior learning) and work with MOE and NSDP/MOLSAMD to plan and prepare for the assessments. Assessments will be conducted at ten newly equipped assessment centers, located in urban and rural centers, using existing both MOE and MOLSAMD facilities. Longer term sustainability of the new assessment model will be achieved through support to MoE to institutionalize improvements to national assessment and certification systems.[2][2][2]

MOE/DMTVET ASDP-II invites eligible consultancy firm to indicate their interest in providing the consultancy service for above assignment.

Interested consultants may send information indicating that they are interested and qualified to perform the services indicated above (brochures, descriptions of similar assignments or partnerships, experience in similar conditions, in-house expertise, availability of appropriate skill etc.)

Consultants may associate to enhance their qualification. [The Association may take form of Joint Venture (with joint and several liabilities) or of a sub-consultancy. This should be clearly states in EIO submission.

The criteria for short listing of consulting firms shall be as follow

1. Presence in Afghanistan for more than five years

2. Previous extensive experience of working with Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled, in Afghanistan as well as with the Deputy Ministry of TVET and the National Skills Development Program and industry representatives

3. Experience of involvement in development of occupational skills standards internationally working with multilateral and multi-sectoral international government bodies

4. Familiarity (at an organizational level) of working in post-conflict countries

5. Familiarity (at an organizational level) of development of labor policies and policies regarding TVET

6. Experience of Training and Certification processes in post-conflict countries.

7. Familiarity with Government processes in Afghanistan.

8. In-house capacity for training in technical and vocational education at different level.

The firms shall be financially sound with an annual turnover of more than (US$ 8,000,000.00) during any of the last five years;

The firms should have at least one similar experience in providing business service, relevant to assignment with total amount of (US$ 4,200,000.00).

Tenure of the Project

The project will be for the period September 2013 to August 2016. The exact length of the association may vary depending upon the perspective which the intending consultant decides in consultation with client to put on the scope of work and the approach intended to be adopted, but may not exceed 18 months.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with Consultant Qualification Based Selection (CQS) procedures set out in the World Bank's "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants Under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers- January, 2011". The Guidelines are available at

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below from 9:00am to 4:00pm, Saturday through Wednesday.

Expressions of Interest are to be submitted to the following address before close of business hours (Local Kabul Time) July 21 2013.

Procurement Department

Afghanistan Skills Development Project

Deputy Ministry of TVET, Ministry of Education, Kabul Afghanistan

Cell Phone# (+93) (0) 777 628 788

Email: or
