Transcultural Psychiatry Discussion Group University of Toronto
Topic / ReadingsIntro to “Transcultural Psychiatry” / Kirmayer, L. J. (2007). Cultural psychiatry in historical perspective. In D. Bhugra & K. Bhui (Eds.), Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry, 3-19. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Culture and Attachment Theory / Rothbaum, F., Weisz, J., Pott, M., Miyake, K., & Morelli, G. (2000). Attachment and culture - Security in the United States and Japan. American Psychologist, 55(10), 1093-1104
Akiyama, C. (2008). Bridging the Gap between Two Cultures: An Analysis on Identity Attitudes and Attachment of Asian Americans. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 8(3), 251-263
Culture Bound Syndrome - Koro / Feinstein, A. How psychiatry lost its way. An open letter in reply to Paul McHugh. Int. J. Soc. Psychiatry. 46(3), 232-5
Buckle C, Chuah YM, Fones CS, Wong AH (2007). A conceptual history of Koro. Transcult Psychiat. 44(1), 27-43.
PTSD / Freedman, K. (2006). The Epistemological Significance of Psychic Trauma. Hypatia, 21(2), 104-125
Summerfield D. (2000). Childhood, war refugeedom and “trauma”: three core questions for mental health professionals. Transcultural psychiatry, 37, 417-433
Cuban Mental Health System with filmmakers / Collinson, S. R. and T. H. Turner. (2002). Not just salsa and cigars: mental health care in Cuba. Psychiatric Bulletin, 26, 185-188
Spiegel, J.M., Yassi, A. (2004). Lessons from the margins of globalization: Appreciating the Cuban health paradox. Journal of Public Health Policy. 25(1), 96-121
Video – Vidal, Carolina. “Innovative Programs in Psychiatry in Cuba” Video – Rolando, Gloria. “Nosotros y el Jazz”
The Refugee System / Kirmayer, L.J. (2003). Failures of imagination: The refugee’s narrative in psychiatry. Anthropology and Medicine 10(2), 167-185
Rousseau, C., Crépeau, F., Foxen, P., Houle, F. (2002).
The Complexity of Determining Refugeehood: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Decision-making Process of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board. Journal of Refugee Studies. 15(1), 43-70
Classic critical psychiatry articles / Rosenhan, D. (1973). On Being Sane in Insane Places. Science. 179(4070), 250- 258
Spitzer, R.L. (1976). More on pseudoscience in science and the case for psychiatric diagnosis. Archives of General Psychiatry. 33, 459- 470
Homosexuality and Psychiatry / Video – Schmiechen, R. “Changing our minds: the story of Dr Evelyn Hooker”
Drescher J. (2002). Don’t ask, don’t tell: A gay man’s perspective on the psychoanalytic training experience between 1973 and 1991. J. Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy. 6(1), 45-56
Drescher, J. (2001). Ethical concerns raised when patients seek to change same- sex attractions. J. Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy. 5(3/4), 181-210
Foucault 1 / Foucault, M. (1964) “The Great Confinement” and “The Birth of the Asylum” in Madness and Civilisation.
Foucault 2 / Foucault, M. “The politics of health in the 18th century.” Power/Knowledge: selected interviews and other writings 1972-77.
Foucault 3 / Foucault, M. (1973). Nov 21, 1973. In Psychiatric Power. In Ed Lagrange, J. Palgrave MacMillan.
Various. (1861-1984). Schizo-culture. On prisons and psychiatry. Foucault Live. 168-180
Anthropology of Psychiatry Residency / Luhrmann, T.M. (2002). “Introduction.” Of Two Minds: An Anthropologist Looks at American Psychiatry. (book chapter)
Patient Experiences of the Mental Health System / Video – Dean, Hillary. “So You’re Going Crazy ....”
Transracial & International Adoption / Lee, R. M. (2003). The transracial adoption paradox: History, research, and counseling implications of cultural socialization. The Counseling Psychologist. 31(6), 711-744.
The Mind, Brain and Body in Psychiatry / Ghaffar, O., Staines, W. R., & Feinstein, A. (2006). Unexplained neurologic symptoms: An fMRI study of sensory conversion disorder. Neurology. 67(11), 2036-2038
Assumptions in Clinical Encounters / Katz, A.M., Alegría, M. (2009). The clinical encounter as local moral world: shifts of assumptions and transformation in relational context. Soc Sci Med. 68(7), 1238-46
Resiliency / Cooper, E and Boyden, Jo. (2007). Questioning the Power of Resilience: Are Children Up to the Task of Disrupting the Transmission of Poverty? Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper No. 73.
Mohaupt, S .(2009). Review Article: Resilience and Social Exclusion. Social Policy and Society. 8 (1), 63-71
Kirmayer, L. J., Kienzler, H., Afana, A. H., & Pedersen, D. (2010). Trauma and disasters in social and cultural context. In D. Bhugra & C. Morgan (Eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry (2 ed., pp. 155-177). New York: Wiley-Blackwell
The Role of Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Torture and Interrogation / Audio - Psychiatrists Protest Pentagon Interrogations
Justo, L. (2006). Doctors, interrogation, and torture. British Medical Journal. 332(7556), 1462-1463
Lifton, J. (2004) Doctors and Torture. N Engl J Med. 351, 415-416
Marks, J.H., Bloche, M.G. (2008). The Ethics of Interrogation -- The US Military's Ongoing Use of Psychiatrists. N. Engl. J. Med. 359, 1090 - 1092
LGBT Parenting / Stacey, J. and Biblarz, T. (2001). (How) Does The Sexual Orientation Of Parents Matter? American Sociological Review. 66(2)
Clarke, V. (2008) From outsiders to motherhood to reinventing the family: constructions of lesbians as parents in the psychological literature – 1886-2006. Women's Studies International Forum. 31(2), 118-128
Race and Psychosis / Sue, D.W., Capodilupo, C.M., Torino, G.C., Bucceri, J.M., Holder, A.M., Nadal, K.L., Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: implications for clinical practice. Am Psychol. 62(4), 271-86
Janssen, I., Hanssen, M., Bak, M., Bijl, R., De Graaf, R., Vollebergh, W., et al. (2003). Discrimination and delusional ideation. Br J Psychiatry, 182(1), 71-76
Traditional Healers and Mental Health / Patel, V., Musara, T., Butau, T., Maramba, P., Fuyane, S., (1995). Concepts of Mental Illness in Harare. Psychol Med. 25(3), 485-93
Shankar, B.R., Saravanan, B., Jacob, K.S. (2006) Explanatory models of common mental disorders among traditional healers and their patients in rural south India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 52(3) 221-33
Sorsdahl, K.R., Flisher, A.J., Wilson, Z., Stein, D.J. (2010). Explanatory models of mental disorders and treatment practices among traditional healers in Mpumulanga, South Africa. Afr J Psychiatry (Johannesbg). 13(4), 284-90
Aging in China / Video – Farooq, Samir. "I want to grow old in China."
Art and Trauma / No readings. Viewed art at the group.
Sociocultural aspects of Epilepsy / Andermann, L. From public to personal: a social and ethnographic view of epilsepsy. (2011). In J. Pinikahana and Christine Walker (Eds). Society, Behaviour and Epilsepsy. 28-41. Nova Sciences Publishers.
Global Mental Health / Collins et al. (2011). Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health. Nature. 475, 27- 30