Clicker/ TurningPoint Anywhere FAQ
Table of Contents (ctrl + click to follow link)
Getting the Software and Devices 1
Running and Saving Report as Excel file or .html. 1
How to prepare for student clicker registration. 1
How to import your class list from Blackboard. 2
Sending your reports to Blackboard 2
Extra Tips 2
Have additional questions? Please contact: 3
Getting the Software and Devices
You have to alert your students and the bookstore that you will be using the RF-LCD Turning Technologies clicker. Your students need to purchase the clickers for about $36. As the instructor, you need a receiver and access to the TurningPoint Anywhere software. Most on-campus computers already have the software on it, but if not, you can download the No-Install version at this link:
This campus supports TurningPoint Anywhere.
For a receiver, check the classrooms you're teaching in. Most classrooms with a capacity of over 40 will already have the receivers in the computers (they are gray USB drives with a “T” on the front.) If your classrooms do not have one, please contact Taylor (x 2149) or Academic Support (x 2656, 2438 or 2518) and they can get one to you.
After opening the software and plugging in the receiver, click poll, and a small window will come up with a “Play” button. This is the widget that will float above all of the material you are using to ask questions. All you have to do is use the same button to start and stop polling and after you stop polling the bar graph will automatically appear showing results. On the bar graph you can right click the correct answer and mark it as correct for grading purposes.
Running and Saving Report as Excel file or .html.
- Open session you want to run report on. (.tpz file)
- In the “Results” tab, click “Run a report.”
- In the left margin, click “Current session”
- Choose how you want to view your report from the dropdown box on the top of the page.
- You can choose “Individual Score,” “Individual Results,” “Results by Question (with Screenshots),” etc.
- Once you choose the one you prefer, you can save these results as an .html file or a .csv file, by clicking Save to the right of the dropdown box.
How to prepare for student clicker registration.
- On your Control Panel on Blackboard, click “Customization”.
- Click “Tool Availability”.
- Scroll down to find “Registration Block” and check the box corresponding to it.
- Click “Submit.”
- Then, on the top left corner of course menu, hover over “+” sign and click “create tool link.”
- In the name type in “Clickers” and change the type to “Registration Block.”
- Check the check box saying “Available to Users”
- Now your students can register their clickers.
How to import your class list from Blackboard.
- On the LaunchPad, click on the “Participants” tab.
- Click “Import an LMS List.”
- Type in in the server address box. Click Next/Continue.
- Type in your UTAD username and password.
- Click “Import Participant List” and then continue. All of the courses you teach should show up in a list.
- Click the list you want to work with and click continue. Now you want to make a name for your class list and save it. (Example: ECON 1150-006 MW9:30.)
- In the LaunchPad, click “Edit Participant List” and choose the list you just saved. Your class list should come up and show you which students have registered their clickers or not.
- You have to do this separately for all of your courses.
*Once all your students have registered their clickers, you can view your students results with their names next to their clicker ID names.*
Sending your reports to Blackboard
- In the LaunchPad, you'll see the Results tab under Create and Manage.
- Click “Export directly to LMS”
- Find Blackboard in the drop down menu and type in your in the Server Name
- Type in your UTAD username and password and Click “Next”
- Click “Export Grades/ E-mail Student Grades” and Click “Next”
- Highlight the course you are working with, and click “Next”
- At the top, click Select Session and pick the saved session you want to work with.
- After selecting this, your class list with their clicker ID and their individual scores from that current session should appear in the “Export Preview” sections.
- Check the “Add grades shown above to the grade book” box.
- Check the “New Item” box and type in the assignment name. Click “Next.”
- And then those grades from that session will show up in your grade book in the “Full Grade Center in a tab all the way to the left listed under the assignment name you added in above step.
Extra Tips
û When exporting grades to BlackBoard, make sure your session is opened with the correct student list corresponding. Before it allows you to send it to Blackboard your class list should appear in the window with how many points each student received.
û Your receiver is automatically set to Channel 41. You can change the receiver to any channel from 1-82. It may be good idea to change it to any channel other than 41, just in case there's interference. On the bottom of the LaunchPad, you can click to change the channel that way. You will also have your students correspond to the channel you chose by having them change it on their clickers. For example, if you decide to be on channel 15, all your students have to do is click “CH” “1” “5” “CH” on their clickers to change it.
û You can also make a question list within the TurningPoint Anywhere software
û If you are using the clicker technology for points, make sure you mark a correct answer either in the session viewer or right after you close polling by right clicking the right answer and “marking the answer as correct.”
û The drop down box on the Poll window under the polling button is the access to your main menu. Here is also where you can make your question anonymous.
û You can also change the point value for your questions, allow more than one response, set up a countdown timer, and change any extra default settings to how you want it by clicking the main menu button. Then by clicking “Tools” and then “Settings.”
Also, Online Tutorials are available via the Turning Technologies website.
These are short videos that walk you through the software in a more visual way.
Have additional questions? Please contact:
File updated on 9/8/2011 1
Taylor French-Lewis
Turning Technologies/ Clicker Intern
Phone: (419) 530-2149
Office: Field House 3040D
Office Hours: TR: 12pm-5pm and W 9am-12pm
and by appointment
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