Wish List for Indiana Youth Group
To purchase online, sign in to Amazon via smile.amazon.com, and choose Indiana Youth Group as your charity and they will donate .05% of your purchase to us! Then search for the Wish List for Indiana Youth Group. If you are donating any items on this list but not buying through Amazon.com, please select ‘Buying this gift elsewhere,’ so there are not duplicate items purchased. When you purchase gifts for IYG through Amazon, we are only sent your name. Please email us and let us know who you are and what you’ve bought! Also, we definitely accept gently used items. Thank you!
Please drop off donations at 2943 E. 46th St., Indianapolis (46th & Binford). Please call first.
Practical Items for Center:
Kitchen & Bathroom
Frozen foods: veggies, entrees, vegetarian burgers / Healthy snacks (granola bars, trail mix, chips, salsa, nuts, dried fruit) / Trash bags: 35 & 55 gallon & tall kitchen drawstring#40604 Freezer baskets (3)
Paper Towels (cases) / Coffee
Toilet paper (cases) / Soda (diet, regular)
Kroger, Marsh, gift cards
Staples gift cards / Colored pocket folders / Copy paper (white) – (cases)Forever postage stamps / Paper pads (8½ x 11 & legal size) / Post-It Notes 3 X 3”
General office supplies
Steel cages for backyard flood lights / Folding chairs9 volt batteries for smoke alarms / Lowes or Target gift cards / 14” x 20” & 25 x 20” furnace filters
Flashlights / Grass seed patch / 15-passenger van (might as well ask!)
Install back window in pit / Storage shed / Funds to install a back window
Fun items for YOUTH:
iPads – multiples (can be utilized for homework) / Wireless mousesNew computer and monitor
Art Supplies:
T-shirt screen printing frame and supplies / Silk screens for t-shirt printingCanvases: pre-stretched / Pens
2 ¼ “ button making supplies / 1” button making supplies
Supplies for art projects
Jewelry supplies
LGBTQ-themed DVDs:
Saving Face / Lots more DVDs listed at http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/reference-infoKinky Boots / Milk
LGBTQ-themed Books:
My Gender Workbook / Katherine Bornstein – need 15 copiesMy Tiki Girl / Jennifer McMahon
This Is Push: New Stories from the Edge by Where We Are, What We See / David Levithan
Love Together: Longtime Male Couples on Healthy Intimacy and Communication / Tim Clausen
Lots more books listed at http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/reference-info
Items for Prize Box: Small “prize” LGBTQ-related gifts or toys to give out for rewards to youth / Subscription to FTM Magazine. Order from http://www.ftmmagazine.com/New board games
Suicide Prevention Program:
VISA or MC Gift Cards for completion of Suicide Prevention Program ($35) / Speedway Gas Cards ($10 value) to help attendance at suicide prevention program / Marsh gift cards ($25) for party at completion of the programUNDERWRITE YOUTH PROGRAMMING
Financial Sponsors are needed for the following programming:
GLBT book club / $250Girls who like girls / $500
Boys who like boys / $500
Gender variant / $500
Dating and Relationships / $500
“IYG the Musical” / $200
Youth Council / $500
Straight Allies / $500
Youth of Color / $500
Art Group / $500
Underwrite Youth Social Activities
Financial sponsors are needed for the following youth events:
LGBTQ youth prom / Pizzas ($200), pop/ice ($75), rent ($150), DJ ($150), décor ($150) / Total: $725Annual Fall GSA Leadership summit / Breakfast ($200), lunch ($400), rent ($150), underwrite youth travel ($100 - $300) / Total: $850 - $1050
Annual Spring LGTBQ youth summit / Breakfast ($300), lunch ($500), rent ($150), underwrite youth travel($100 - $300) / Total: $1050 - $1250
Thanksgiving dinner / Meal and desert / Total: $250
December holiday party / Meal and desert / Total: $250
Halloween party / Décor ($100), DJ ($100), food ($200), marketing ($100) / Total: $500
Annual Talent/Variety Show / Sponsorship / $250
2016 Spring Benefit / ($500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000)
2016 Art Auction Benefit / ($500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000)
A trip to an outlying GSA ($40/20) / Help decorating IYG float ($75) / Annual lock-in ($75)
Send youth to National GSA conference ($400) / $400
Help decorate IYG float / $75
Various other events!
Volunteer Opportunities:
· Informational booths at summer Pride Festivals and various events throughout the year
· Speakers at our activity center (what’s your expertise, job, passion, or social cause?)
· Spring and Fall Work Days (one Saturday in April and October)
· Yard work & gardening
· Committee members
· Help with the annual Art Auction
· Help with youth summits
Building Maintenance/Upkeep:
· Build steel cages to surround A/C units outside and back yard flood lights
· Insulate and winterize basement
· Replace cracked siding in front of house
· New screened windows for east and south side windows in the pit
Indiana Youth Group (IYG) --- 2943 East 46th Street --- Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Phone: (317) 541-8726 --- Fax: (317) 545-8594 --- www.indianayouthgroup.org
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