Minutes of the meeting of the Walmer in Bloom Committee held on Tuesday 20 January 2009 at10 Victoria Road, Deal at 3.30pm.

Present:Cllrs Mrs S Le Chevalier (Chairman), Mrs M Beard-Gould, Mrs C Harris and
Mrs M Johnson

Also present:Mrs S Howard, Mrs M Shorten, Martin Bradshaw (DDC Horticultural Officer)

Officer present: Mrs A Brooks


Apologies were accepted from Mrs B Rutherford and Mrs P Misson


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 October 2008 were approved as a correct record.


(i)Minute 562 : Provision of Planters on the corner of Station Road

It was reported that permission had now been obtained from Kent Highway Services and Dover District Council to locate two planters, one either side of the bench at the corner of Station Road. They are now in situ and have been planted with Daffodil bulbs by Mrs Howard. There has been a continual problem with litter in this area and the situation is being monitored weekly and any problems reported to DDC Waste Services.

RESOLVED: That members of the Committee would pick up any litter in the area when passing.

(ii) Minute 563(iv) : School Poster Competition

It was reported that WalmerScienceCollege did not wish to participate in a poster competition this year.

(iii)Minute 563(vi) : Provision of New Hanging Baskets

Four hanging baskets and four brackets had been ordered and were due to be delivered during the first week in February. The unit price of the brackets had increased to £36 which meant that the total cost of the order was £231.80, excluding VAT. Other quotes for brackets had been sought but none of the companies could offer a more competitive price.

iv)Minute 565(a) : Slideshow

The Chairman asked members to take photographs of the Parish in spring for incorporation into this year’s slide show for the presentation event.

RESOLVED: That photos be e-mailed to the Chairman in JPEG format.

(v)Minute 565(d) : Presentation Photographs

It was reported that, at the Full Council meeting on 12 November 2008, it was resolved that the 2008 presentation photographs should not be offered for sale. The Council suggested that the Walmer in Bloom committee discuss how such a facility could be offered for 2009.

RESOLVED: That the 2009 presentation photographs be publicised for sale in advance of the presentation event and that ordering forms and pre-paid envelopes be provided at the presentation event.


Members reviewed the issue concerning the rescheduling of meetings to daytime hours as previously discussed at the last meeting. Cllr Mrs M Beard-Gould stated that it was difficult for her to attend meetings during daytime hours because she worked.

RESOLVED: That all future meetings, including the next meeting, start at 5pm.


(a)Floral Displays

(i)DDC Floral Planting Plans

Members discussed DDC plans with Martin Bradshaw, Horticultural Office. Martin

stated that, owing to financial economisation, there would be no winter bedding next year.

Fertilisation would be applied to beds over the winter but these would not be planted until the

summer. Permanent planting would be discussed in the future. Members requested that DDC use a colour scheme comprising, pinks, purples and creams this year in order to match with the preferred colour choice for the Walmer Parish Council hanging and lamppost baskets. Martin advised the Committee that, in future, they should liaise with DDC in the October before the campaign takes place, in order to coordinate colour schemes for planting the following year.

Members expressed their concern that DDC did not use local suppliers for plants. Martin Bradshaw reported that the Council used a contractor, English Landscapes, to purchase plants on their behalf. The contractor searches for suppliers with the most competitive prices and reliable after sales service.

Members were advised that Trudie Krol was taking over Martin’s responsibilityfor floral displays in Deal, Walmer and Sandwich, in March this year. Martin further reported that DDC planting would take place during the first two weeks in June. Members considered that this was rather late considering that the Walmer Parish Council baskets were due to be erected during the May Bank Holiday weekend, weather permitting.

RESOLVED: That a letter be sent to Richard Pollard, Property Services Manager, thanking him for Martin’s presence at the meeting but expressing concern that DDC planting dates did not coincide with erection of the Walmer Parish Council’s hanging and lamppost baskets.

(ii)Inventory of Baskets & Planters

Members received an update on the inventory of baskets and planters and considered any changes. It was reported that Brian from East Studdal Nurserieshad phoned that morning to confirm that there were 50 half baskets and 12 hanging baskets in storage. He advised that approximately 6 liners would be needed to replace those missing or damaged. Simon Chapman had advised Mrs Brooks that some of the reservoir tapers would need replacing and that a set of brackets would need to be ordered if lamppost baskets were to be erected at the top of Canada Road.

It was also reported that a quote had been requested from Mick Godden regarding the installation

of new brackets for the 4 new hanging baskets to be erected this year.


a)That Mrs Shorten cut out the liners using the surplus capillary matting from last year.

b)That the liners be taken to East Studdal Nurseries when the visit takes place to select plants for the baskets.

c)That a price be obtained for one set of lamppost basket brackets for consideration at the next meeting.

d)That Mrs Howard investigate the problem with the reservoir tapers and report back at the next meeting.

(iii) Winter Planting

It was reported that bulbs had been planted in the fixed planters.

RESOLVED: That no other planting take place at the moment and the situation be reviewed in February or March.

(iv)Texaco Garage Beds - Future Maintenance

It was reported that the working party scheduled for 31 October 2008 was cancelled owing to the bad weather.

RESOLVED: That a future working party be organised for the end of March or April.

(v)Key Dates for 2009

Mrs Brooks had compiled a provisional list for the key dates in 2009.

RESOLVED: That the list be updated following the meeting and provided as an attachment to the next agenda.

(vi)Consideration of Colour Choices & Plants

Members discussed the next course of action to take concerning the selection of plants and colours.


a)That Mrs S Howard and Mrs M Shorten go to East Studdal Nurseries to discuss plant choices for 16 hanging baskets and 50 half lamppost baskets, coordinating colours with DDC if possible i.e. pinks, purples and creams.

b)That Mrs S Howard, Mrs P Misson, Mrs B Rutherford and Mrs M Shorten go to East Studdal Nurseries,later on in the year, to discuss plant selection for the fixed planters.

(vii)Maintenance Contract

Members discussed the draft specification for 2009.


That the two plantersby the bench on Station Road be incorporated into the specification for maintenance and watering.

(viii)New Projects

There were no new projects to be considered for the local campaign this year.


It was reported that difficulties might be incurred in publicising hanging basket sponsorship and that sponsorship might be more appropriate for the fixed planters with the incorporation of a plaque.

RESOLVED: That the issue be discussed at the next meeting.

(B)School Youth Activity

(i)Primary Schools Competition

Members considered whether to hold a primary schools competition in the light of WalmerScienceCollege not wishing to participate in a poster competition, including timescale and allocation of budget for prizes.

RESOLVED: That the primary school poster competition be held once again in 2009.


a)That £30 be allocated to purchase art prizes for the winners.

b)That a donation of £25 be made to the winner’s school.

(ii)Other Projects

Members considered how artists of other age groups could be incorporated into the Walmer in Bloom campaign.

RESOLVED: That this issue be discussed at the next meeting.


There were no issues to be reported.


Tuesday 10 February 2009 at 5pm at the Parish Office, 10 Victoria Road, Deal


The meeting closed at 5.15pm.
