BIOL-1408 Fall 2005

General College Biology I (Lecture)

Location and Time of Class: TCC-SE, EMOD-1104; 10-11:25am TTh

Instructor Name: Shreyas Krishnan ()

Instructors Office Hours: 11:30 – 12:00 Thursday (immediately after class)

Required Text: Campbell et al. 2006. Biology: concepts and connections. 5th edition. Benjamin/Cummings.

Goals and Objectives: The goal of this class is to introduce non-biology major students to organization and diversity of life. We will cover the basics of biology including basic chemistry, anatomy of cells and energy production and cycling (photosynthesis, nutrition and respiration), organismal anatomy and the genetic basis of life and inheritance.

Exam Schedule: next page

Make-up Exam policy: no make up exam; you must have a valid documented reason to request re-examination. The format of a re-exam may differ.

Grading Policy: Four exams; Quizzes may be passed out either as class exercise or for grade (will be announced)

Attendance Policy: attending class is advisable

Drop Policy: 18/19 Nov ‘2005

Class rules

·  Turn off your pagers and telephones.

·  Read text and ask questions.

·  Attend class and don’t be disruptive.

Academic Dishonesty

It is the philosophy of TCC that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures.

Americans with Disabilities Act

As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels.

BIO-1408 Fall 2005

Tentative Lecture outline

Week / Topics
29 Aug – 2 Sept / Introduction to Biology, The study of Life
5 – 9 Sept / Chemistry & the Cell
12 – 16 Sept / Cell, Energy and Photosynthesis
19 -23 Sept / Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration
26 – 30 Sept / EXAM I Cell Respiration
3 -7 Oct / Cell Reproduction, Inheritance, Genes, DNA
10 – 14 Oct / ------Presentation
17 – 21 Oct / Genetics Quiz + Nutrition, Animal Structure and Function
24 – 27 Oct / Nutrition, Animal Structure and Function, (Take Home Assignment)
1 Nov / 3 Nov / EXAM II
8 / 10 Nov / Nervous system(8 nov), Baones & Muscles (10 nov)
15 /17 Nov / 15th no class Circulation, Respiration (17 nov)
22 Nov (24 Nov – Thanks Giving) / EXAM III
29 Nov / 1 Dec / Excretion, Hormones (29 nov)
6 – 8 Dec
13 Dec / EXAM IV

Schedule may change during the course of the semester.

Evaluation: Lecture = 70 %; lab = 30%