Alihodzic 1

Alihodzic Merima


Personal narrative

10 October 2011


First day of practice after tryouts for cheerleading. I did pretty well at tryouts and I was really excited for making the squad, I was so ready for everything. I got dressed and went to the commons that’s where we have practice. All the varsity cheerleaders looked so mean and acted rude towards the entire freshman squad, but then I became friends with all of varsity and junior varsity. I was so glad because I knew that all the mean looks were fake and they were just trying to scare all of us. They started to teach us the dance and cheer for the winter pep assembly. I got it down really well, me and my friend Dzenana video taped the parts we knew and we sent them to each other, that’s how I learned and I understood the counts for the dance and I memorized the words for the cheer. Ms.loris said ‘’ move on to the stunts now because everyone got the dance and cheer down”. I didn’t really know what was coming my way. I thought I would just back someone or be a cheerio but they said that i looked light enough to fly. I was really scared on the outside but on the inside I was excited because it looked like a lot of fun. I was in a group with Zoe, Malashia, and Courtney. They were my friends so I counted on them to catch me if I fell, I figured oh hey that looks really easy I don’t even have to any hard work, but I was totally WRONG. Flying was pretty hard; I had to be stiff the whole time I was in the air. They tried to get me up there but I was so scared, I was shaking in my pants. Lexi said ‘you need to keep your feet up and toes in”that’s how she thought me how to jump high to the basses hands, I didn’t get it the first couple of times but I got the hang of it. Now I love flying, it’s my most favorite part of cheer. After that I learned how to bass and I never thought that my weak self would ever be able to pick someone up and hold them there for a while, at first I was scared that I would drop the flyer and I did a couple of times but every time she did fall I was there to catch her. I was really proud of myself for being able to hold someone up in the air, I even did an extension for the first time and it was really easy and simply, I thought it would take me forever but I caught on really fast. I learned to do everything bass, back, front and fly. After winter season was over, the try-outs for junior varsity was soon coming and I was siked. I was scared because it was a harder dance and more counts to learn, I had one of the old varsity cheerleaders help me (Christi). The day of try-outs I thought I was going to pee my pants because I was terribly nervous but I did so good all of the varsity and the coachs were commenting on how good I did. Christi said ‘ Merima you were the best one “,which made me feel great, it brightened up my whole day, I couldn’t believe that I did that good. Obviously I made the team and the season was getting better and better we went to camp for 3 days, I learned so much for flying, bassing and being captain. Yes, I did just say that I was captain. I couldn’t believe it either I was extremely happy, me and two others were voted to be captain. When school started a whole lot of drama and stupid little immature girls started to talk and make the whole squad look bad, we always fought with one another, we had two groups and they always fought against each other and they still do, nothing much has changed everything is the same, im not excited when we have cheer practice or games because they ruined everything for everyone. The parents even had to get involved in the situation but that didn’t change anything because everyone thought they were right. I formed a gathering for all the junior varsity cheerleaders so we could work things out and get over all the pointless drama that they caused the team. And now everything is a bit better. This is something special in my heart im thinking about going on and doing it in college for professional, (UCA) cheerleading. It’s important because the more practice I get the better I will be for my future. Im thankful for getting a chance on becoming a cheerleading at the AHS because ive learned a lot threw the times ive done it.