Name ______

English Mrs. Sheriff Period _____


Freak the Mighty

Chapters 2 – 4 Plot Analysis

Chapter 2

Read chapter 2 and answer each question neatly using complete sentences. You will not get credit for answers not stated as a complete sentence.

1.  What is the title of chapter 2? How is the title important to the plot of chapter 2?

2.  Define mastodon (Before you choose a definition, see how the word is used in context in the story):

3.  Why does the speaker call the backyard of Grim and Gram’s house a “so-called backyard?” Use evidence from the paragraph to help you answer.

4.  What is Max’s first impression of Kevin’s mother?

5.  Read the following citation from page 7:

“I’m thinking, no way, butthead, no way you’d know a female…”

Why is part of this citation in italics?

6.  There are many sentence fragments in this novel. Copy one of the fragments and explain what is the author’s purpose for having the speaker use so many fragments.

7.  What would have to be added to the above fragment to make it a complete sentence? (dependent clause, independent clause, punctuation, etc?)

8.  What is the real reason Gwen looked so familiar to Max?

9.  Who are “the beards” to which Kevin refers on page 7?

10.  Review the first half of page 8. Find the idiom and copy the citation in which it appears.

11.  What weird thing did Kevin say to Max upon seeing him? (page 8)

12.  What action does Max take at the very end of chapter 2?

13.  What is another meaning of “down under” outside the context of the story? You might want to search the phrase using a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or the like.

Chapter 3

Read chapter 3 and answer each question neatly using complete sentences. You will not get credit for answers not stated as a complete sentence, unless directed.

14.  Look at the title of chapter 3. How is the title important to the plot of the chapter?

15.  What simile does Max use on the bottom half of page 12 to describe the plastic bird? (Copy the entire citation sentence here.)

16.  The chapter’s context clues tell you what an ornithopter is. (a) What does the prefix ornith— mean? (b) What does the suffix –opter mean?

17.  What two things in this chapter are represented by the title? Write the two one-word answers only.

18.  Look at how the author lowercases “freak” in chapter 3, but has it capitalized in chapter 4. Explain why it is lowercased in chapter 3 and capitalized in chapter 4.

Chapter 4

Read chapter 4 and answer each question neatly using complete sentences. You will not get credit for answers not stated as a complete sentence, unless directed.

19.  What has changed/occurred between the two boys in the transition between chapters 3 and 4?

20.  What is a sobriquet (in context)?

21.  (a) Had you already (before this point in the novel) figured out for yourself why Max’s grandfather was “Grim?” (b) If you answered yes to the above question, what reasonings do you have for your assertion? Summarize your evidence; don’t use citations.

22.  What does postulated mean (in context)?

23.  Compare and contrast knights of the middle ages to robots of today. Be sure to include at least four (4) things in each section. Use some of what Freak says and some of your own knowledge. Use a Venn diagram

24.  What does Freak mean when he says, “Television is the opiate of the massives.”?

25.  Allusions are references to a well-known place, event, person, work of art, or other work of literature. On page 19, when Freak says, “The Fair Gwen; I gotta beam out of here,” what famous television show is he alluding to? (You can get help from an adult on this one. J)

26.  In chapter 1, Max said that he was in an L.D. class. What do the letters L.D. stand for?

27.  Think about the title of chapter 5. Yes, I said chapter 5! Now, reread chapter 1. Yes, I said reread chapter 1—all of it. Ok, now what is the significance of the title of CHAPTER 4? {This question means I want you to tell me exactly “what frightened the Fair Gwen.”} BE SPECIFIC!!!