17 May2013

Dear Parents


Congratulations! Front Street Primary has successfully achieved the UNICEF UK Recognition of Commitment (ROC) for your Rights Respecting School work.


Apologies to Brenna Orr who entered the Cross Country on Thursday 2nd May and whose name was missed off the newsletter. Well Done for your fantastic efforts Brenna!

Day for Change

Monday is Our Day for Change - children are invited to come to school wearing the colours of the Tanzanian flag (green, yellow, blue, black). Schools are asked to make a change in their day and students, staff and parents to make a donation to UNICEF for making that change.

One World Week

As you know next week the children will be working off timetable finding out about the country they are studying. Please can you make sure your child has their PE kit in school all week. On Friday afternoon parents are invited onto the yard from 2.45pm for our Bake Sale please send in donations next Thursday/Friday.


Just to remind you that children are not allowed to ride their scooters in the yard. Thank you.

Chase Park Fayre

We will be having some of our children participating in football, running, sack, skipping & relay races at the Fayre tomorrow. Some of our children have entered the Art Competition (see below). Friends of Front Street will be also having a stall at the Fayre. I look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you for all of the art work entered in the animal art competition. Congratulations to our school winners:

1st Prize:Orla McGuiness

2nd Prize:Maia Stovold

The following people have been selected to enter the competition in Chase Park on Saturday 18th May:

Josh Rothwell-MooneyAbbie LewisVictoria JoyceIsla Fletcher

Maia StovoldOlivia ThompsonJenni WilliamsJack McKenzie

Cameron Gilray Orla McGuinnessRebecca HarnessFrazer Gilray

Catherine HarnessBrenna OrrGrace CookAbbie Warris

Aaliyha PhillipsRobert BarkerCharlotte WilsonAbigail Wilson

The competition is going to be judged at about 3pm. Good Luck!

Dance DVD

I have been informed that the DVDs have been dispatched from the supplier and should be with us very soon.


Next week is One World Week and nursery’s focus country is England. During the week children will be baking cakes for a Nursery sale on Thursday 23rd. Please send your cake donation in on Thursday. Parents are invited to come to nursery early at 11am/3pm for the sale.

There are still some outstanding consent forms and payments for our visit to South Shieldsnext month. Please can they all be handed in by Wednesday 22nd May. Thank you.

Please can we request parents stop children from playing/walking on the grass outside of Nursery as we have had a few incidents recently where children have trailed dog dirt through Nursery on their shoes. Thank you.


Demi’s ‘My World Book’ has gone missing, please could you check at home and in bags to make sure no-body has taken it by mistake.

Plant Challenge - Please bring your seed/plant that you are growing at home in an unusual container on Thursday 23rd May so that we can choose a winner from each class.

Year 1

The Year 1 sharing assembly on Thursday 23rd May at 2.15pm. Please come along and help your child make a hanging basket. Donations of plants would be kindly received either on that morning if you are unable to attend or bring them along with you to the assembly. We look forward to seeing you there.

Class 1M need travel brochures of Italy – as many as possible please!

Class 1J will be tasting food from Mexico during One World Week. The food will not be too hot! If your child has any allergies, please let Miss Huntley know ASAP.

Year 5

Cycling – Bikes left in school are not covered by our insurance.

Please make sure you have signed the consent form for Class 5S visit to GatesheadTown Hall next week (slip below).

Year 6

Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd July Year 6 will attend WhickhamSchool for three experience days. Students will attend taster lessons and spend time with their new Tutor Group.

Monday 1st July at 6.30pm, Transition Award Evening at WhickhamSchool.

Wednesday 3rd July at 5.30pm - New Intake Parents’ Evening at WhickhamSchool.

Children not attending WhickhamSchool in September are to come to Front Street as normal on these days.

Athletics Trials

All of KS2 need to have their PE kit in school on Monday & Wednesday next week for athletics trials for the festival next month.


Nursery whole class photographs Friday 24thMay.

UNIFORM - The last day for ordering school uniforms is Friday 24th May (by end of half term if ordering online). These will be delivered by the end of the school year.

Orders received after this date will be submitted 28thJune. These should be delivered in time for September but given the summer holidays, there is no guarantee that we will be able to get them to you before the beginning of the school year.

Order forms available from reception, or to download from the school website. Orders can also be made online via:

If anyone has any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

HJ Gladstone



GatesheadTown Hall

I give consent to my child visiting the Town Hall on Wednesday 22nd May.

Name …………………………………………………….

Emergency Contact ……………………………………………………………….

Signed ………………………………………………….Parent/Carer