We encourage members to complete all sections of the record book. The minimum requirement to exhibit (for archery) at the Kitsap County Fair is for 4-H members to complete (1) the record book cover page and display it on exterior cover, (2) include signed agreements, and (3) include complete project pages. Entries should cover the dates of October 1 to August 1 or until fair.

AGREEMENT TAB - A complete agreement section consists of the following pages:

·  Fully Signed Code of Conduct

·  Fully Signed Club Agreement(s)

PROJECT TAB - (Covering dates of October 1 to August 1 or 21)

·  Project Cover Page

·  Project Goal and Evaluation Pages

·  Activity Log (Archery Shooting Log and Attendance Log printed from the web site or similar)


The Archery co-superintendents have set the requirement as the minimum above standard to attend fair. Minimum record books are turned in on the archery exhibit day and are not judged. All Record books will be displayed in the Archery Barn.


Full record books that are judged and presented for the Archery record book award will be turned into the superintendent on Super Saturday also known as Barn Clean August 1 or on August date for county judging with all other record books prior to the commencement of fair. This record book must display on the cover the Shoot Sports emblem and have the first project in record book of archery or a statement that the primary project is archery.

A final judging of Blue ribbon Record books will happen after state fair at a county-wide judging event. Any youth that wishes to have record book judged needs to deliver the record book to Club Leader or Archery Superintendent. Club leaders who are unable to attend may elect to send representatives.

At the end of the day, the record books go back with the people who brought them. Club leaders will then submit record books for year-end Archery award for the best Archery record books in Kitsap County (one person’s record book for juniors, intermediates and seniors). A record book has to have been judged in order to be eligible for the best Archery record book in Kitsap County award.

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