July 2006 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 1


by Jim Proctor

Happy Fourth Of July!

With our country at war, let us all take time to remember our dedicated armed forces.And remember these famous words; "WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Town Budget

As noted in the manager's report last month, the budget has been completed and adopted by the town council.Also as noted the tax rate will remain the same. I would like to say that it has been a long and well thought out process that brings us to our adopted budget. With increases in costs, unknown state revenues and a continuing uncertain electric income we certainly had some very tough decisions to make. I congratulate our town employees, especially our town manager and department heads for their hard work and help with this procedure.The town is very fortunate to have such a dedicated staff.

Ride for kids On August 27th the annual Ride For Kids will once again come to LakeLure. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the U.S. funds medical research grants and clinical fellowships to help find

the cause and cure of childhood brain tumors. Last

year more than 450 motorcycle riders raised more than$96,000!! If you would like to donate this year please mail a check made out to "PBTFUS" to PO Box 384, Lake Lure, NC28746. You may also leave donations at the LakeLureTown Hall. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s website is:


To be safe and legal, please let the professionals give the fireworks shows this Fourth of July holiday. As you may remember, in years past there was a fire at a boathouse due to an illegal fireworks show. If you plan on spending money this year for fireworks, I encourage you to instead give a donation to the Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber of Commerce for their fireworks show on July 4th.


by H.M. “Chuck” Place III, AICP

Since our editor is heading to New Hampshire (and to NYC for a Yankees game!) on vacation and I have to get this article done ASAP, I hope you don’t mind if I regurgitate this month’s report to council.

A Potpourri of News

Wastewater Improvements. The big news this month is the final approval of the half million dollar wastewater treatment plant improvements project to be funded with the STAG (State and Tribal Assistance Grant) monies from the federal government. This grant was originally funded at the request of US Representative Charles Taylor in 2000 and has been wending its way through the halls of bureaucracy ever since. McGill & Associates have advertised for bids on the project and those bids will be opened on June 27. We will develop a work schedule as soon as we have a contractor selected, but hopefully, the project will be completed sometime in late 2006 or early 2007. That is, assuming the grant gremlins have been properly been exorcized!

Dredging.Much of the material in the north side impoundment area has been removed, thanks to the efforts of Commissioner Pitts to find a user for it. In the meantime, Rick Miller of Lake Norman Dredging worked with Southeastern Underwater Services to pin down the exact location of the sewer pipe with only limited success. At least they know where the pipe isn’t – which will allow Rick to begin dredging the river sump, although not as deep as originally planned.

Hydroelectric Plant. The hydro plant is back in operation again, just in time for summer rains and the start of the hurricane season. Hopefully, both rain and revenues will continue to increase – but without the hurricanes, thank you!

Golf Course. According to Jeff Hine, there have been a few delays at the end of the golf course irrigation project, but all the new water lines and sprinkler heads are now in place, most of the system is in operation, and the remainder will be on line by the end of this week. This work does not include the pump and pond, which are still awaiting the closing on the property with CampLurecrest. The improvement in the appearance of the course is really starting to show.

Parks and Recreation. The newly reconstituted Parks and Recreation Board met this past month and elected Ed Dittmer as its new chairman. Later, members of the board, accompanied by Commissioner Noble, toured all town-owned property and began thinking about potential uses for several of them. In particular they looked at the KiwanisPark at the intersection of NC 9 and Memorial Highway as a scenic overlook and the forested hillside above the golf course for a series of hiking and biking trails.

YouthCenter. The youth center summer program began on June 12. Dot and Sid served hot dogs and various snacks to the 14 children who were in attendance and they expect upwards of 25 registrants by next week. Sid tells me that tennis lessons have started and both soccer and basketball lessons will follow shortly. Inside, Dot has arts and crafts and other activities planned. Stop by and look at the multitude of bird houses the kids have been painting; they are on display in the front windows.

Public Safety Training Facility. For those that missed it, we dedicated the new sign at the “C. M. Bustle Public Safety Training Facility” (the pistol and rifle range) on Tuesday, June 13th. Both the mayor and Commissioner Watkins were there as well as ten assorted town employees, five representatives of other law enforcement agencies, and Mike’s wife and daughter. Public Works built and installed the sign and we had an official unveiling (that is, we pulled a black plastic sheet off the sign). Swing down Island Creek Rd. and take a look.

Personnel News:Pro Shop Manager Sheila Spicer has been transferred to the Community Development Department replacing Susan Lynch who resigned last month. Sheila has taken off running and has already cleared up a large back load of work.

At the golf course, Jeff was fortunate to find an outstanding replacement for Sheila in Greg Long, a PGA professional golfer for the past 21 years. During that period, Greg worked as assistant pro at one course and head pro at six other courses in Maryland, Ohio and Florida. He was most recently the head professional and Director of Golf at the Lakewood Country Club in Naples, FL. Greg has experience in management, merchandising, tournaments, member services and golf instruction and has consistently increased annual revenues at each course. We look forward to an increase in both sales and members here, as well. Please stop in to say hello to him next time you are near the golf course, but don’t be surprised if he talks you into playing a round or two!


by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC

REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council meeting was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter.

Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council:

* approved the minutes of May 9, 2006 (regular meeting), May 11, 2006 (special workshop meeting), and May 23, 2006 (special workshop meeting);

* approved a budget amendment transferring $22,780.50 from the capital reserve-silt fund to the general fund in the lake department for silt removal as submitted by the finance director;

* approved Resolution No. 06-06-13A honoring Woody Harton as Community Assistance Planner on his retirement after 32 years and for his numerous years of dedicated service to the Town of Lake Lure; and

* approved a request from Inec McGinnis in order to serve beer and wine during a wedding reception inside the community hall of the Lake Lure Municipal Center on Sunday, June 25, 2006, from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

Town Council actions:

* approved the Capital Improvements Program as presented by the town manager;

* approved a request from Wayne Edwards to hold craft shows on town property for July 1-4, 2006, September 2-4, 2006, and October 28-29, 2006. The town’s peddling ordinance was suspended for these events;

* held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No. 06-06-13 Town Budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 as presented;

* tabled their decision on a request from G. Elton Todd to place white sand on the beach area in front of his boat house located at 517 Holmes Road; council members agreed to reconsider this item at the next regular town council meeting being held on Tuesday, July 11, 2006;

* tabled the adoption of Resolution No. 06-06-13 standard specification and detail for the design and construction of projects regulated by the Town of Lake Lure; council members agreed this resolution needed further review and reconsider this item at the next regular town council meeting being held on Tuesday, July 11, 2006;

* appointed Rod Anderson to fill Rev. Thomas King’s position on the parks and recreation board with a term expiring on December 31, 2008;

* approved a request for the Lake Lure Ski Club to put a submersible water ski slalom course in the Buffalo Bay (west side of the north channel) area of the lake for a one year trial basis contingent upon certain stipulations outlined by town council; the Lake Lure Ski Club will be responsible for all costs associated for this slalom course; and

* held a closed session meeting in accordance to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) for the purpose of attorney client privilege and legal matters regarding a lawsuit between William Seymour vs. the Town of Lake Lure and the Town of Lake Lure Board of Adjustment.

In other activities:

* heard reports from council liaisons on the activities of various boards and committees;

Note:RegularTown Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., in the council meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter, unless otherwise posted. Town Council meeting agendas are available at town hall, posted on the town hall bulletin board located outside in front of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter, and may be viewed on the town’s website at . You may subscribe to receive a Town Council meeting agenda in the mail or fax by making a request in writing to the town clerk and paying an annual fee of $10.

SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING: Town council held a workshop meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. in the council meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter.

Town Council actions:

* held a discussion regarding the Town of Lake Lure’s sewer capacity;

* approved a sewer application from Pisgah Partners, LLC under contract with Boulder Mountain, LLC for 32 taps in Chimney Rock for the property referred to as “The Boulders at Chimney Rock Subdivision”;

* directed the town manager to draft a resolution for a sewer tap policy; and

* scheduled a workshop meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. in the council meeting room of the Lake Lure Municipal Center to continue a discussion regarding the Town of Lake Lure’s sewer capacity.


by Anita Taylor, Personnel Director

We would like to welcome Sheila Spicer as the newest member of our town hall crew. She is the Code Enforcement Clerk in the Community Development Department. Sheila came to us from the municipal golf course where she worked for almost 7 years. I am sure that they will miss her there, but we are very happy and feel fortunate to have her here.

We would also like to welcome Greg Long our new Pro Shop Manager at the municipal golf course.


by Chief Eric Hester


I am pleased to announce that Monday June 12th, the LakeLureYouthCenter kicked off their first ever summer program. They had 14 kids the first day and 23 kids the second day. I’m glad to see everyone taking advantage of this great service to our community. The hours be Monday- Friday from 12 noon to 6 pm. If you want to take advantage of this special program see Dot and Sid Shelton at the youth center. I want to thank all the organizations once again that have given their time and money to help with the youth center, your continued support of the Center makes all of our jobs a lot easier. If anyone is interested in volunteering their services please feel free to contact Chief Hester or Dot and Sid Shelton.

Calendar Scam

I know a lot of businesses and people in our community have had a lot of questions about our recent unfortunate calendarscam that hit our town. I am pleased to tell you that one of the culprits, Robert Clinton Boyd, is in The Rockingham County Jail in Virginia. I recently spoke to Chief Sullivan of the Timberville Police Department and he advised that they secured warrants for Mr. Boyd and they have him in custody for trying to pull the same type scam. The Lake Lure Police Department has secured 29 felony warrants on Mr. Boyd and an additional 58 felony warrants on two of his co-conspirators. When he becomes eligible for release from Virginia he will be extradited to North Carolina where he will answer to our charges. This is far from a closure on this incident; it will be up to the court system to determine how monies will be paid back to the victims when a conviction takes place. If anyone has any questions regarding these issues please feel free to contact me. I want to thank everyone for getting all their paperwork to us during this investigation. This has helped speed along the process in securing these warrants on these individuals.


As everyone is aware July 4th is approaching very soon. Our summer season has already kicked off in full swing. The next several months we will see an influx of tourism with a lot of people coming to visit and will need to pay special attention to the congested areas while traveling back and forth through town. We want to keep it as safe as possible and make sure that everyone has a happy vacation while visiting LakeLure.

There will be two fireworks displays again this year in LakeLure. The Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber of Commerce will be having theirs again this year at Morse Park and Lake Lure Golf and Beach Resort will have theirs near the Lakeview Restaurant, both displays will be conducted on the evening of Tuesday July 4th.

While fireworks make great noises and are spectacular to watch, they can also be extremely dangerous in the hands of amateurs. Statistics show that fireworks annually cause tens of millions of dollars in property damage and thousands of injuries, as well as some deaths. Even sparklers, which are often thought of as harmless devices, can burn as hot as 1200 degrees.

While on the subject of fireworks it is against the law to possess or use certain types of fireworks or Pyrotechnics in North Carolina without a valid permit. North Carolina General Statues 14-414 gives a list of Pyrotechnics that are legal. In a basic nutshell if the fireworks make a loud bang or leave the ground in any shape or form they are illegal. Any person violating these provisions shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. If anyone has a question about buying fireworks, please contact the Lake Lure Police Department and we will try to answer any questions that you might have. Once again we want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable summer, all we ask is for everyone to do their part to ensure we have a safe and fun filled summer.


by Ron Morgan, Fire Coordinator

When celebrating the Fourth of July or other outdoor events, the Town of Lake Lure Fire Coordinator’s Office urges residents to attend fireworks displays put on by trained professionals who follow state-of-the-art fire codes. It’s the safer way to see fireworks.

Flash Flood Information and Evacuation

Are you ready for an Emergency and are you prepared? Following is some information that may help you prepare for a future emergency.

As we have witnessed, Hickory Nut Gorge, Chimney Rock, LakeLure and the Bill’s Creek area are not only subject to flooding but can encounter flash flooding with no warning. The following information can be helpful during a flood situation.

Monitor the weather closely. Any time there is significant rainfall in the area observe streams and rivers for rising water.

> Watch the local television station or listen to local radio for updates on weather conditions.

> If a flash flood watch is issued for our areas prepare to evacuate at a moment’s notice.

> If you observe the river rising move to a shelter or higher ground and contact 911.

> If you are advised to evacuate by emergency personnel or local television or radio, do so immediately. Listen to what routes are best to take to the shelters.

> Know where the emergency shelters are located! Shelters will have emergency power as well as food and assistance. The emergency shelters for flash flooding in our area are located at: Fairfield Mountains Fire Station #1, Bill’s Creek Fire Department and Chimney Rock Fire Department.

Create an Emergency Plan

  • Meet with household members to discuss the dangers of fire, severe weather, earthquakes and other emergencies. Explain how to respond to each.
  • Find the safe spots in your home for each type of disaster.

Emergency Checklist

  • Discuss what to do about power outages and personal injuries.
  • Draw a floor plan of your home. Mark two escape routes from each room.
  • Show family members how to turn off the water, gas and electricity at main switches when necessary.
  • Post emergency telephone numbers near all telephones.
  • Teach children how and when to call 911.
  • Instruct household members to turn on the radio for emergency information.
  • Pick one out-of-state and one local friend or relative for family members to call if separated during a disaster.
  • Teach children your out-of-state contact’s phone numbers.
  • Pick two emergency meeting places.

1. A place near your home in case of a fire.