Lenten Carbon Fast 2011

“The environment is God’s gift to everyone and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole”. Pope Benedict, Encyclical Caritas in Veritate.

This calendar ‘Lenten Carbon Fast’ provides simple energy saving actions for each day of Lent. This will reduce pollution and help to preserve God’s great gift of Creation. May this season of Lent serve as awake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily choices impact every one, especially people living in poverty.

Ash Wednesday: As both a symbolic and a practical act, remove one light bulb from your home and live without its light forthe next 40 days. This will decrease your energy use, and act as a reminder of your Lenten Carbon Fast.

Thursday 10

Save Water: Reduce the time that you let the water run while brushing your teeth or washing hands.

Friday 11

Save paper: Think twice before using paper napkins at meal time instead use cloth napkins. Reduce use of paper plates, cups.


Save energy: if you are going to be away from your computer for an hour turn it off.

Sunday 13

Observe an Embrace the Silence Sunday. Turn off everything. No TV, no radio, no ringtones, no cars. It will be good for your soul and an importantstep in your Lenten journey.

Monday 14

Go meat-free today: Choosing meat-free meals is one of the most powerful things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.

Tuesday 15

Take time to admire God’s creation in trees, flowers, sun, rain…..

Wed. 16

Be aware of your waste offoodthis week.Look for opportunities to avoid discarding food by planning well, and eating leftovers.

Thursday 17

Learn something new about climate change

Friday 18

Save more energy: if you are away from your computer turn it off at the main switch too

Saturday 19

Purchase more mindfully today. Seek out manufacturers who use organic and sustainable materials and who respect their workers rights.

Sunday 20

Think today about the role of your church in its local environment. Does your parish have an environmentalgroup?

Monday 21

Save paper today: Print double-sided, or in a smaller font. Wrap your next present in areusable gift bag.

Tuesday 22

Next time you go shopping ask yourself whether you really need to buy it.

Wednesday 23

Re-read Benedict XVI’s Letter for Jan 1st2010 ‘If you want peace, protect creation’

Thursday 24

Buy a battery charger and switch to rechargeable batteries

Friday 25

Meditate on theCanticle of the Creatures .

Saturday 26

Skip the canned and frozen foods

Sunday 27

Learn something today about your bio-region. See how many species of trees, birds, animals or insects you can recognize in the garden

Monday 28

Minimize disposables today.

Tuesday 29

What can we do to help the community to re-cycle waste better?

Wednesday 30

Many of the world’s poor only get one meal a day. Go without breakfast or supper today

Thursday 31

Find out about an organization that is working to defend the rights of everyone to access to clean water.

April: Friday 1

Find a prayer on God’s Creation and meditate on it

Saturday 2

Look to purchase locally grown food today. Buy local fruit and vegetables, or even try growing your own.

Sunday 3

Explain to someone what is meant by ‘carbon footprint’.

Monday 4

Reflect on theconsumption patterns that increase waste and consume more energy

Tuesday 5

Talk about your Carbon Fast today? Encourage others to join in.

Wednesday 6

Turn your central heating down by one degree. For every degree you lower it, you can cut energy use by about 3 percent.

Thursday 7

Consider composting your food waste. Put the nutrients from food waste back into the soil, not into landfill.

Friday 8

Turn off the lights that you are not using.

Saturday 9

Cut the air miles. Don't consume any food that you know has been imported by plane (apart from Fairtrade products).

Sunday 10

Support those worst affected by climate change. The world’s poor will be hit hardest by climate change.

Monday 11

Re-use an item you would have thrown away – such as an envelope or partly used papers

Tuesday 12

Run your washing machine at 30 degrees. This uses 40% less electricity than running at 40 degrees.

Wednesday 13

Live local. Consider choosing shops, work and leisure activities which are closer to home.

Thursday 14

Take a shower that lasts half than usual

Friday 15

Celebrate new life! Support tree planting movements around the world.

Saturday 16

Eliminate or reduce your use of plastic bags

Sunday 17

Keep jugs of water in your fridge to retain the cool air more effectively, and try not to linger with the door open.

Monday 18

Don't buy over packaged products, buy items with as little packaging as possible

Tuesday 19

Take a shorter shower to decrease the amount of water heated

Wednesday 20

Say no to bottled water, buy a refillable washable bottle to use instead.

Maundy Thursday 21

This is my body broken for you”. Ask for forgiveness for the times you have not been aware that you have ‘broken’ the bodies of the most vulnerable on earth.

Good Friday 22

“the brutal consumption of creation begins where God is not….”- Pope Benedict XVI. How do you see God reflected in His Creation.

Holy Saturday 23

Take some time today to reflect on all the activities you have performed during Lent, and how they have brought you into greater harmony with the Earth and all life.

Easter Sunday 24

Today, replace the light bulb you removed on Ash Wednesday with an energy-saving CFL light

bulb. Let this light symbolise the light of the resurrected Christ in your life. May it also act as a reminder of your Lenten commitments and encourage you to live in a more eco-friendly way all year through.

‘At a time of world food shortage, financial turmoil, of disturbing climate change….it is urgent to rediscover new grounds for hope….Christ is looking for men and women who will help to affirm his victory using…..justice and truth, mercy, forgiveness and love’ –Benedict XVI, Urbi et Orbi, Easter 2009