AYSO Region 232

Traveling TeamApplication

Applicant Information

Last Name / First / M.I. / Date
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP
Phone / E-mail Address
Date of Birth / Division / Gender Boy Girl / Current AYSO Team
Position played
Have you played tournament soccer before? / YES / NO / What division/years?
Have you ever attended soccer camp? / YES / NO / If so, what years?
How many times a week are you willing to practice? / What days?
Do you have a conflict with sports, school or home activities?

parent information

Father’s Name / Email
Home Phone / ( ) / Cell Phone / ( ) / Work Phone / ( )
Mother’s Name / Email
Home Phone / ( ) / Cell Phone / ( ) / Work Phone / ( )
(if different)

Parent Questionaire

Would you allow your child to practice 2-3 times per week? / YES NO
Would you be willing to travel around the Verde Valley for practice? / YES NO
If your child has a non-emergency doctor appointment at a scheduled practice time do you move the appointment or skip practice? / Move Skip
All soccer tournament games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Would you have any prior commitments preventing your child from playing any of the games? / YES NO
Your child has decided to take up another sport or extracurricular activity, but still wants to play soccer. Do you: A) tell your child he/she must fulfill the prior commitment (soccer) first B) Allow the child to do both , cutting into practice times and tournaments, c) Quit soccer / A B C
Would you consider refereeing to support the team? You would not be required to referee games while your child is playing? / YES NO
Rate yourself on parental support for your child’s team? A) I have never attended my child’s games, B) I miss an occasional game c) I wouldn’t miss my child’s games if the world was ending / A B C
Can you meet the financial commitment of approximately $300 (which may be fundraised) plus travel expenses for 4-6 tournaments? / YES NO
Which activities can you help the team with:
Carwashes Bake Sale Raffle Ticket Sales Other Fundraising Driver Telephone Tree Banner
As a parent of a tournament Team player, (I,We) understand that (I,We) will be required to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours at our local AYSO Tournament.
Signature Mother______Signature Father______
