Meeting Minutes 8/18/09

WELCOME: Booster President, Randy Lakeman called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

He gave a brief recap of July band activities and complimented their success. He thanked Dennis and Stefanie Book for handling concessions at the parent preview. New parents were welcomed and introduced.

REVIEW of Minutes: Motion was made and passed to approve minutes from July, 2009.

SECRETARY: Donna Stewart gave a brief overview of the Scrip program and passed around a sign up sheet for Coliseum Classic volunteers

VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Book thanked Joe Wippler for all his work on the truck and trailer. The truck passed inspection. He needs a few more competition chaperones. Please sign up with Dennis if you can help.

TREASURER REPORT: Andy Corder gave a review of the three band accounts. There was an update on Verizon income, expenses and shortages. Gina O’Donnell and Randy Lakeman commented on the Verizon processes and issues. Our earnings may be half of what they were last season. We will review the viability of this program for next year’s season. Anyone is free to present a fundraising opportunity, please do some research on the program to share and possibly be willing to help organize. Festival of Little Hills was brought up, Kelly Wippler looked into this and slots were filled this year. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

DIRECTOR: Mr. Griffin commented on a good start to the school year. Back into the swing of things with marching practice. He talked about some Bowl Games of America A-La-Carte items with regard to the Gator Bowl trip. If interested see him for a flyer with details. These arrangements are made directly with Bowl Games of America. Mark your calendars with the upcoming events. All items posted on the band website. He will need parent help with props and pit equipment at football game nights and competition events. Upcoming events were noted. Please sign up with Dennis Book if you can help with pit equipment or props.

FUNDRAISING: Kelly Wippler gave a fundraising report

Penny Wars at camp raised $189.74 The sophomore class won.

Eleven students participated in Scentsy Candle Sales. Thank you to Brian Britton for donating his proceeds to the student accounts.

Parent preview concessions earned about $150

Entertainment Books will run the same as candy sales, pay in advance, $30 per book. Earnings are $15 per book, $10 to general fund, $5 to student account for each book sold. Kelly has the books tonight if you need them.

TJ’s pizza sales begin on Monday, 8/31 through Sept 10th. This is a student account fundraiser.

31 Product Sales begin in Sept or Oct.

A sponsorship was received from JB Sports.

Student Trivia will be this Friday night, 8/21. Tickets are $5 each. Doors open at 6pm questions start at 6;30pm. Help is needed selling tickets during student lunches this Thursday and Friday.

Rachelle Lakeman is organizing another Applebee’s Dining Out Night and a Saturday Breakfast.

Jennifer Gerau has volunteered to organize the Cardinal events concessions. Details were discussed. Scott Trade offers a similar concession opportunity, details of this program also discussed. Anyone interested in heading this up please let Randy Lakeman know. Both venues allow us to pick the dates we want to work.

BAND WEAR: Denise Hall passed out order forms for Spartan Regiment Band Wear items. She and Terri Kurdi are organizing this.

COLISEUM CLASSIC; Anne Behrens reported we have 12 bands registered to participate right now. Two years ago we had 24. First planning meeting is tomorrow night. First time ever that FHN and FHHS will be attending.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Reviewed the calendar items coming up. Friday, 9/11 will be decorate the chairs and 8th grade night. Sept 1st is the final date to sign up for the Gator Bowl.

Pat White is organizing the show patches for this school year, he shared patch details and costs.

RANDY BORGSTEDE – just received a check ink jet, laser jet and cell phone recycling.

DONNA SUSEK will contact Smoothie King for this school year

MELISSA DEAN has show shirts for those who ordered. She has a few for sale and can order additional or the larger sizes.


Ms Jordan for organizing uniforms

Mr Hinzman prop donations

Mr Aldrich thank you for the banners

Thanks to all who attended tonight.

Motion was made to adjourn at 8:15pm – motion passed.

Respectfully submitted – Donna Stewart, Booster Secretary