63, rue Amoussimé, Tokoin Cassablanca
Tel: +228 222 17 31/ Fax: +228 2221732
Dear partners,
At the beginning of this year 2010 it is a great pleasure for us to thank you for allowing us to show our projects for the 2010 work camps agenda.
We are very proud of our exchanges and we would like you to know that the dynamism of your volunteers has been wonderful.
The work done by each partner has been remarkable and responsible.
We would like to present to you our program for this year
We hope that your volunteers will help us in our future projects.
All contributions are welcomed.
This year we are planning nine international camps. As usual the spirit of sharing and communion will be there for mutual exchange.
We wish you the compliments of the season.
Executive Director
Les Amis de la Terre-Togo (ADT) is a non-profit, voluntary organization working to promote volunteerism, international exchange and sustainable development to protect the environment in Togo and the world. The organization was founded on 20 June 1990.
The aim of Les Amis de la Terre-Togo is to improve the living conditions of people, by involving young persons in projects of aid and cooperation that promote fraternal solidarity between peoples and nations and a consciousness of the problems confronting humankind – with an invitation to participate in an activity to better our environment.
Our specific objectives are as follow:
· To support and promote the idea of activity to young persons, through new forms of social commitment and participation, for a democratic and open society;
· To encourage the circulation of people and ideas through international exchanges, for the enhancement of knowledge, mutual understanding and peace;
· To contribute to community and local development through the participation of local and foreign volunteers in projects of benefit to all, with an emphasis on rural areas;
· To promote participation to defend and define the quality of life, for the protection of the environment within a goal of sustainable development.
Since 1991, Les Amis de la Terre-Togo has organized two-week or three-week work camps mainly in the July-September phase of the year. It organizes training seminars for youth workers and camp leaders and many activities addressed to volunteers through the year.
1. Work camps
Work camps are a very effective training tool. Les Amis de la Terre-Togo organizes work camps in different parts of TOGO, with the participation of young people from TOGO and from abroad.
The aim of this activity is to promote the idea of voluntary work to support local development and to meet the needs of protection of the environment and sustainable development.
In these projects Les Amis de la Terre-Togo co-operates closely with local authorities and youth groups.
2- Weekend activities
Les Amis de la Terre-Togo organises weekends of voluntary activities, on a regular basis, mainly in the district of the project.
· Each international work camp team is formed of 15 to 20 volunteers and there are two camp leaders;
· Volunteers usually work about 30 hours per week (Monday to Friday);
· The language spoken in our work camps is English and French);
· Every day life: the group organizes home duty teams, so that everybody can participate in the cleaning, tidying up and preparation of meals;
· Leader team: Camp leaders are also volunteers; they are not there to manage everything. They advise volunteers, suggest various activities. They are a link between the stakeholders of the work camp: the organizing association, the local population and the volunteers;
· Age Limit: 18 to 30 years old but exceptions are possible;
· Volunteers cover the cost of free time activities;
· For all Camps volunteers should bring: contribution fees (190 Euro), personal medical kit, mosquito net, suitable working clothes, walking shoes and school gift items.
Accommodation can be in schools, youth centres or in families with basic facilities (showers, toilets).Volunteer reserved accommodation in Lomé since they may temporarily be hosted in an apartment in Lomé for the days immediately before and after the camp.
Les Amis de la Terre-Togo does NOT provide insurance for volunteers during the work camp. International volunteers MUST obtain valid medical insurance for the duration of their stay in Togo.
All non-African visitors need a visa. Volunteers should seek this in a Togolese Embassy or at the Lomé airport on arrival in Togo (Approximate cost 15-20 Euro).
The currency of Togo is the CFA franc. CFA has a current exchange value of 655.957 for one Euro. Travellers’ checks can be exchanged in some banks in Lomé. Only the Visa credit card is accepted.
For questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can use e-mail, telephone or fax. We shall be happy to answer you.
Welcome to:
Street address: 63, rue Amoussimé, Collège du Plateau (Tokoin Casablanca)
Postal code : BP: 20190 Caisse Lomé-Togo
Town : Lomé
Country : Togo (West Africa)
Emergency number: +228 911 30 95 / 947 22 45 / 924 66 67
Office number : + 228 222 17 31-Fax +228 222 17 32
Office hours : Monday to Friday 7: 30 – 17:30
Website : http://www.amiterre.tg
Direct line: Cyril. A. MENSAH : +228 911 30 95
Director: Mensah TODZRO : +228 919 59 96 / 947 22 45
ADT 01 / VOLOVE 1 / 09/07 / 28/07 / Construction d’école / 15
ADT 02 / GLEI / 13/07 / 30/07 / Reboisement / 15
ADT 03 / NOTSE / 16/07 / 04/08 / Maraîchage et irrigation / 15
ADT 04 / MOMEGBAVE / 20/07 / 08/08 / Soutien scolaire et reboisement / 15
ADT 05 / KLOLOGO / 03/08 / 21/08 / Soutien scolaire et reboisement / 15
ADT 06 / ZOOTI / 06/08 / 21/08 / Sensibilisation IST-SIDA et reboisement / 15
ADT 07 / KPELETOUTOU / 10/08 / 28/08 / Reboisement / 15
ADT 08 / VOLOVE 2 / 13/08 / 01/09 / Construction d’école / 15
ADT 09 / BADOU / 18/08 / 08/09 / Reboisement / 15
ADT 01 / VOLOVE 1 / 09/07 / 28/07 / School building / 15
ADT 02 / GLEI / 13/07 / 30/07 / Tree-planting with farmers’ association / 15
ADT 03 / NOTSE / 16/07 / 04/08 / Horticulture and irrigation with farmers’ association / 15
ADT 04 / MOMEGBAVE / 20/07 / 08/08 / Vacation teaching and tree-planting / 15
ADT 05 / KLOLOGO / 03/08 / 21/08 / Vacation teaching and tree-planting / 15
ADT 06 / ZOOTI / 06/08 / 21/08 / HIV sensitivity training and tree-planting / 15
ADT 07 / KPELETOUTOU / 10/08 / 28/08 / Tree-planting / 15
ADT 08 / VOLOVE 2 / 13/08 / 01/09 / School building / 15
ADT 09 / BADOU / 18/08 / 08/09 / Tree-planting / 15
ADT 01 VOLOVE 1 O9/07- 28/07 CONS 15 V
Project: In order to improve the working environment of the children of the primary school of Volové, local authorities of the village have requested the construction of a school. This school is under construction by ADT since 2000 but the work is incomplete. Les Amis de la Terre-Togo will complete the work this year with screen-walling for the sides of classrooms.
Activities: Volunteers will do light masonry and will make screen-wall blocks and build the walls to close the sides of the classrooms.
Location: Volove is 125 km from Lomé.
Accommodation: within the village.
ADT 02 GLEI 13/07- 30/07 ENVI & AGRI 15 V
Project: Les Amis de la Terre-Togo is in partnership with OSSARO an association of farmers based in Gléi. It has a domain of around one hectare for planting. The members of this association, with the support of the team of Les Amis de la Terre-Togo, would like to implement a Teak tree-planting project
Activities: Transportation of young plants, preparation of holes, planting and watering and harvest.
Location: about 150 km from Lomé.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 03 NOTSE 16/07- 04/08 AGRI 15 V
Project: In partnership with OSSARA, les Amis de la Terre-Togo organizes a tree-planting project in Gléi. This work will be done on a parcel of 2 hectares belonging to the association. In parallel, there is harvesting and guidance for the villagers.
Activities: Volunteers transport some young plants, dig holes, do planting and watering. They may harvest some local crops with OSSARA.
Location: Notse is about 130 kilometres from Lomé.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 04 MOME GBAVE 13/07- 30/07 EDU & SOCIAL 15 V
Project: Les Amis de la Terre-Togo has organized vacation classes and tree-planting activities in the village for the past three year to create avenues on the access routes to the village of Momegbave. In parallel to tree-planting, there will be tutoring and guidance for schoolchildren.
Activities: Volunteers will provide academic support (English, maths) to help primary and secondary school children to revise what they learned during the school year. They will also entertain the village by organizing cultural activities. They will plant a few trees to mark their stay in the village.
Location: the village of Mome Gbave is in the Maritime region about 70 kilometres from Lomé.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 05 KLOLOGO 16/07-04/08 CONS 15 V
Project: This tree planting project in schools in Klologo welcomes volunteers who will participate in the establishment of a plantation of trees. Volunteers will also support school pupils and help them in school courses in to revise what they have learned this year.
Activities: Vacation classes, field clearing, digging of holes, tree transport and planting.
Location: the village is about 20 kilometres from Anfouin in the Maritime region.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 06 ZO0TI 03/08 – 21/08 EDU,-ENVI & SOCIAL 15 V
Project: Volunteers will help pupils of the primary school of Assiketi plant trees in the school ground. The will also help pupils in vacation classes. The volunteers of this camp will talk to the population about the behaviour that can be adopted to prevent HIV.
Activities: Sensitivity training on HIV, tree-planting and vacation classes.
Location: Zooti is 70 km from Lomé in the south of the country.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 07 KPELE-TOUTOU 10/08-28/08 ENVI 15 V
Project: In the framework of a TM4 project relative to biodiversity, Les Amis de la Terre-Togo has installed a plant nursery in the district of Kpélé. The goal of this camp is to accompany some communities in tree-planting in their village.
Activities: Volunteers will assist the village in such activities as field clearing, digging of holes, transportation and planting of trees.
Location: Kpélé-Touou is 35 km from Kpalimé.
Accommodation: within families in the village
ADT 08 VOLOVE 2 06/08- 25/08 CONS 15 V
Project: The elementary school of Volove needs more class rooms. The population, assisted by volunteers, will take part in the work
Activities: Fabrication of mortar and screen-walling and building of walls.
.Location: 2 km from Kpalimé.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
ADT 09 BADOU 18/08 - 08/09 ENVI 15 V
Project: In the framework of TM4 project relative to biodiversity, Les Amis de la Terre-Togo has installed a plant nursery in the district of Kpélé. The goal of this camp is to accompanying some communities to help them to reforest their village.
Activities: Volunteers will assist the village in such activities as field clearing, digging of holes, transportation and planting of trees.
Location: Kpélé-Touou is 35 km from Kpalimé.
Accommodation: within families in the village.
63, rue Amoussimè Collège du plateau, Tokoin cassablanca
Tel : + 228 222 17 31
Fax : + (228) 222 17 32
Email :
Site Web: www.amiterre.tg
Nom/Name :......
Prénoms/surname : ......
Date & lieu de naissance/Date & Place of birth :......
Sexe/Gender: ...... Profession :......
Nationalité/Nationality: ......
Adresse physique/ physical address :......
Téléphone /Phonenumber°:……………………………………………………………………………
E-mail Adresse :......
Personne à prévenir/Emergency contact(Name & tél) : ......
Langues parlées/ speaking languages: ......
Choix de chantier/Workcamp choice (Code & name) :......
(Remplir et retourner à l’adresse ci-dessus
Fill and send to above adress)
La participation aux chantiers dans les pays en développement diffère de celle des pays européens d’où la nécessité pour les participants de disposer d’informations nécessaires pour la préparation du voyage.
· Passeport en cours de validité, Visa, Assurance, Vaccins, Anti-paludéens, une petite trousse à pharmacie etc.
· Frais de participation: 190 €;
· Les volontaires sont tenus informer les Amis de la Terre au sujet de leur date et heure d’arrivée au Togo;