Participationterms in the New Trends in Project Management Conference 2017

  1. The Organizer and responsibleentity for the event is PMI Gdańsk Branch, whichis a branch of the PMI Poland Chapter with itsheadquarters in Warsaw (02-672), 47/10 Domaniewska Street, NIP: 525-227-89-73.
  2. The website of the event allows for the viewing of informationabout the conference, as well as performing the registration for the conference. In addition, itwillallow for the signingup to individualworkshopsheldduring the conferencebetwen 24th and 25th of April 2017.
  3. Participation in the conferenceispayable and the cost of participationincludesparticipation in lectures, discussionpanels and workshopsorganizedduring the two-day event (24-25 April 2017), conference and post-conference materials, as well as coffeebreaks, lunch and participation in the networkingmeetingbetween the first and secondday of the conference (24th April 2017). The pricedoes not includetravelcosts, accommodationor parking fees. The Organizers do not mediate in the finding of accommodation. The Organizerreserves the right to introduceadditional, payableworkshopsbefore, during and after the conference.
  4. The organizerreserves the right to cancelnetworkingmeetings/works hops in case of insufficientnumber of participants. The participantswill be notified in case of suchchanges.
  5. Individualregistration for the event is to be performed via application on the online registration system discounts:
  6. Congress and PMI Membersreceive a 225.00PLN discount on the standard price for individualregistrations.
  7. Active PMI chaptervolunteer (not paying PMI membershipfees) receive a 100.00PLN discount on the standard price for individualregistrations.
  8. Programe Board Membersreceive 50% discount on the standard price for individualregistrations.
  9. The feeis dependent upon the registrationdate of the participant and anydiscountsgranted to the individualparticipant. The feeincreases with the passing of time. Thegrosscostof the conference:
  10. 1,476.00 PLN per person (a discount of 369 PLN) for participantsregistered by 15th February 2017 inclusive (hereinreferred to as the “Early Bird” promotion) with paymentreceivedwithin 14 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of registration. The “Early Bird” promotioncannot be combinedwith otherdiscountsorpromotions.
  11. 1,660.50 PLN per person (a discount of 184.50 PLN) for participantsregistered by 15th March 2017 with paymentreceivedwithin 14 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of registration.
  12. 1,845.00 PLN per person (standard fee) for participantsregisteredby21stApril 2017 with paymentreceivedwithin 14 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of registration.
  13. PMI Members: 1107 PLN per person for pasticipantsregistered by 15th February 2017, 1242.30 PLN per person by 15th March 2017 and 1383,75 PLN per person by 21st April 2017.
  14. For anapplication of 5 ormoreparticipants from the same company: 1254,60 PLN per person for pasticipantsregistered by 15th February 2017, 1414,50 PLN per person by 15th March 2017 and 1568,25 PLN per person by 21st April 2017.
  15. The Organizerreserves the right to carry out competitions and promotionalcampaigns, in which the prizeswill be individualdiscounts for participation in the conference.
  16. Unpaidregistrationdoes not constitute a contract of participation. The participantentersintoanagreement to participate in the conference upon completing online registration and makingpayment via bank transfer. The participantisasked to make a payment by bank transfer in accordance with the followingdetails: ”NTPM CONFERENCE 25-26.04.2016 Gdańsk” Accountholderdetails: PMI Poland Chapter, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, 02-672 Warszawa, Bank accountnumber: 11 1030 0019 0109 8534 0000 7264.
  17. Registration system automaticallyissues pro-forma invoices as well as finalinvoicesafterreceivingpayments.
  18. In case of cancellation of attendance from the conference the Organizermust be notified via e -mail at: with the subject: “resignation”, the messagecontaining the details of the registered person. Moreover, ifyoudecide to withdrawdue to conditions not mentioned in paragraph 11 of thisRegulation: a. when the participantdecides not to participate in the conference not laterthan 14 daysbefore the firstday of the conference, Organizergivesback to the participant 90% of the fee, minus anypossibledifferenceresulting from changes in discountafforded to the group, resulting from the resignation. b. the participantdecides not to participate in the conference not laterthan 4 daysbefore the firstday of conference, Organizergivesback to the participant 40% of the fee, minus anypossibledifferenceresulting from changes in discountafforded to the group, resulting from the resignation. c. if the participantdecides not to participate in the conferencelaterthan 4 daysbefore the firstday of conference, the Organizerkeeps the wholedeposit, due to organizationalcostsincurred.
  19. A participantmaywithdraw from the contract, withoutgivingreasons, within 10 days from the date of the agreement. The participantcannotwithdraw from the contractiftheyhavealreadystartedusing the services ordered. In such a circumstance, the amountpaidwill be refunded via the same paymentmethodusedduring the initialpayment.
  20. Ifyouwish to raise a complaint for improperlyperformed service, pleasecontactusat: . The Organizerreserves the right to consider the complaintwithin 14 business dayssincedaywhenreceivingnotification.
  21. The finalinterpretation of the termsbelongs to the organizer.
  22. The Organizerreserves the right to change the terms with information for the participants.