Grade: Unit:

Information Literacy Skills

Theme: Nature Watch

Theme / Information Literacy Skills / Research
Week 1
Student Book:
Pelican Was Hungry
Read-Aloud Anthology:
The Rooster and the Fox
Trapped By Ice
Decodable Reader:
Nature Watch
Mole Bakes at Home
Vocabulary &Comprehension:
Floating Home
Seagull / Birds
City Birds
On Level:
So Many Penguins
Amazing Birds
Penguins /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
  • Comprehension Skill:
-Make Inferences
  • Fluency
-Word Automaticity
-Echo Read
-Repeated Reading
-High Frequency Words: every, any, saw, soon, opened
  • Literature
-Informational Story
  • Grammar
Was and Were
Capitalize Proper Nouns
  • Reference/Research Skills
-Dictionary – Multiple Meanings 6R
-OPAC skills, subject-birds
-Dictionary – 31N
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Inference Chart 9B
  • Web
  • Group/Behavior chart 27D
  • Web 27N
  • KWL chart 31R
  • Technology
-Meet the Author/Illustrator
-AEAonline – Ebsco – Primary Search - birds /
  • Main Writing:
-Persuasive writing
  • Other:
-Write about a bird of their choice
-Meet Author/Illustrator Jim Arnosky
Week 2
Student Book:
June Robot Cleans Up
Read-Aloud Anthology:
Joseph had a little overcoat
Decodable Reader:
Trash Rules!
Vocabulary &Comprehension:
Old Stuff, New Stuff, Used Stuff!
Social Studies:
A Bottle Takes a Trip / Recycling
Use It Again!
On Level:
Save Paper, Save trees
Recycling Glass
Paper and Trees /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
-Monitor Comprehension
  • Comprehension Skill:
-Draw Conclusions
  • Fluency
-Word Automaticity
-Echo read
-Repeated reading
-High Frequency Words: work, after, old, find, new, done
Text Feature: Floor Plan
  • Literature
-Informational Nonfiction
  • Grammar
Has and Have
Sentence Punctuation
  • Reference/Research Skills
-Informational Text: why, who, where, what, e.g.)
-Recycling Graph -
  • Graphic Organizers
-Conclusions Chart #72 p. 35B
Chart 35D, 63A
Web 55D
List 55N
  • Technology
  • Main Writing
-Picture Prompt
-Persuasive Writing
  • Other
Meet the Author/Illustrator Mary Anderson and Michael Garland
Week 3
Student Book:
Stormy Weather
Read-Aloud Anthology:
The Power of Weather
Icy and Showers
Decodable Reader:
Too Much Rain Today / What’s the Weather
Let’s Predict the Weather
On Level:
What Will the Weather Be?
Let It Snow!
The Weather /
  • Comprehension Strategy
-Monitor Comprehension
  • Comprehension Skill:
-Compare and Contrast
  • Fluency
-Word Automaticity
Echo Read
Repeated Readings
High Frequency Words: warm, sound, cold, know, great
  • Literature
Informational Nonfiction
Nonfiction Article
  • Grammar
Go and Do
Capitalize Proper Nouns
  • Reference/Research Skills
-Telephone Directory 75K
-Organization in Writing
  • Graphic Organizers
-Compare/Contrast 67B
-How Ice Feels/How Ice Looks 75N
-Web 75D
  • Technology
Listening Library /
  • Main Writing
  • Other
Test Strategy: Think and Search 75T
Week 4
Student Book:
Meet Ben Franklin
Read-Aloud Anthology:
Archaeologists dig for clues
What Kind of Scientist are You?
Decodable Reader:
Feel The Heat
A Close Look
Vocabulary &Comprehension:
Be Curious / What Scientists Do
Meet Mae Jamison
On Level:
Sylvia Earle, Scientist at Sea
Mr. Bell and the Telephone
Sylvia Earle, Marine Scientist /
  • Comprehension Strategy
  • Comprehension Skill:
-Make Inferences
  • Fluency
-Word Automaticity
-Choral Reading
-High Frequency Words: friends, kind, by, far, knew, house
Text Feature: Bold Print
  • Literature
-Informational Nonfiction
-Realistic Fiction
  • Grammar
See and Saw
  • Reference/Research Skills
-Dictionary skills 80I
-Scientists research 80J
-Inventions research 80J
-Interpretations skills – Author- 102
-Bold Print 103S
-Photographs 104/105
-Use of Directions – tables, table of contents, indices
-Locations Skills of Biographies of Scientists
Research a famous scientist from another country
  • Graphic Organizers
-Inference Chart 83B, 100/101
-Compare and Contrast
-Chart 103D
Web 109A
  • Technology
-Intervention Anthology
-Songs, Rhymes and Chimes CD
-Main Selections
  • Meet the Author/Illustrator
  • Main Writing
  • Other
Meet the Author: Philip Dray
Week 5
Student Book:
Little Rabbit: A tale from India
Read-Aloud Anthology:
The Gingerbread Man
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Decodable Reader:
Study the Trees
Vocabulary &Comprehension:
Have You Heard This Silly Tale?
Social Studies:
Henny Penny: A Traditional Tale / Favorite Stories
The Ant and the Grasshopper
On Level:
The Lion and the Mouse
The Ant and the Dove
Big Friend, Little Friend /
  • Comprehension Strategy
  • Comprehension Skill
-Analyze Plot
  • Fluency
-Word Automaticity
-Phrase-Cued Text
-Echo Read
Read Patterns
-High Frequency Words: before, happen, began, told, heard, falls
  • Literature
-Folk Tale
-Nursery Tale
  • Grammar
Contractions with Not
Contractions and apostrophes
  • Reference/Research Skills
-Research how animals protect themselves 110J
-Self select a story to read independently 110I
Research other folk tales
-OPAC- subject-Folktales
  • Graphic Organizers
-Beginning, Middle, End Chart 113B
Story/Predicament/Solution Chart 133D
Class Poll 139A
  • Technology
-Internet Article
-Meet the Author/Illustrator @
-AEAonline – EBSCO- Primary- Animals /
  • Main Writing
  • Other
-Puppet Show
-Meet the Author/Illustrator Gerald McDermott
Week 6 / Review and Assess /
  • Test Strategy
-Think and Search
-Make Inferences
-Draw Conclusions
-Beginning, Middle, End
  • Reference / Research Skills
-Text Features
-Floor Plan
Telephone Directory
-Internet Article
  • Technology
-Internet / -Book Report

Unit Theme: Nature Watch

Project: We’re Watching Our World

Student Questions: Why do we need to protect our world?

What can you do to make our world a safer place?

Research Component / Activities / Skills / Materials
Student realizes the need for information after a viewing, reading, listening or other type of sensory experience. / -Listen to theme song. 6H
-Sing theme song. / Listening Library Audio CD: Grasshoppers Three
Students establish a focus by developing an overview of the topic and exploring relationships. / -What do I want to learn from Nature?
-Have appropriate materials available?
-Point out maps and graphs and indexes and how they help to understand the information.
-Help children understand the difference between the sender of the message and the message itself. / -Maps awareness
-index awareness / -Have books, videos, magazine about natural science from the library.
-AEA online resource called Ebsco Primary Search
-United Streaming videos on Natural Science
Students plan and implement a search strategy by identifying information providers, selecting information resources and tools, and seeking relevant information. / -Students write notes on the note cards
-Sort the note cards
-Put the note cards in order / -note taking skill
-organizing notes
Students interpret the information they have gathered to make new meaning. They assess the usefulness of their information and reflect on the information to develop personal meaning. / See Communication below.
Students apply their information to construct and present their new knowledge. / -Make a chart to compare bird’s beaks, feathers, feet
-Do in a skit about a famous scientist
-Create a Why Recycle brochure. / compare/contrast information
-Create a brochure / Compare/contrast chart
Students think about and evaluate both their process and their product during research and at the conclusion of research. / -Have a We’re Watching our World Day where they present what they have learned. / -Have children use the Children’s -Checklist to evaluate their projects. 143K / -Children’s checklist 143K
-Teacher’s Checklist 143K
-Scoring Rubric 143L
Task / Skills / Procedures/Products
Watch several videos and determine which are fictional and which are non fictional / -Determining factual and fictional videos on computer websites / -
Find and display a We b page with videos. / -Students learn to manipulate the video using the play, stop, forward, sound buttons. / -
List and discuss personal questions? Ask students which are asking for personal information. 143I / -Safety on the Internet
-Ask permission before downloading on the Internet