Renewing Applicants

  1. Name of Applicant: ______

First MiddleLast

  1. Current Address: ______

StreetCity State Zip

  1. Mailing Address: ______Street City State Zip

4.E-mail Address (if applicable)______

5.Telephone: ______

Home Cell Work

6.Date of Birth: ______7. Social Security #: ______

  1. Current GPA______Current Class Standing (freshman to senior)______

9. Name of educational institution you will attend this Fall:______

10.Is this different than the institution you are currently attending?YesNo

11. If you checked “yes,” tell us why you would like to transfer schools______



  1. What is your major?______

13.Did you change majors in the last year? Yes No

  1. If you checked yes, tell us what your new major is and how it will affect your graduation plans:




15. Have you attached all award letters (FAFSA, Pell, ETV, FAFFY)? YesNo

  1. What other scholarships, grants or student loans have you applied for or are receiving?


Name of OrganizationAmount


Name of OrganizationAmount


Name of OrganizationAmount

  1. Provide estimated costs for the entire school year:

Tuition: ______

Housing: ______

Food Plan: ______

Books: ______

Student Health Insurance: ______

18. Please give us an overview of your interests and activities:


School clubs and associations ______

Awards received______

Favorite subjects ______

Hobbies or special interests______

Sports interests______

Music preference______

Musical instruments played______

Favorite TV shows______

Favorite three movies______

Favorite book ______

Last three books read ______

19. Essay 1: Please attach an essay (2 page maximum) explaining what has changed in your life over the past year since your previous application.

20. Essay 2: Please attach a second essay (2 page maximum) explaining where you see yourself in five years. What are your plans for this five-year timeframe and have these plans changed since last year? How will the Huth Scholarship help you achieve your goals during this timeframe?

By signing below, I am granting the Otto Huth Scholarship Committee and Wells Fargo Bank, Trustee permission to request additional information from my school records that they may deem pertinent to the renewal process. I agree to accept the selection decisions of those charged with this responsibility. I agree to maintain a current GPA of 2.5 and to provide proof of my grades to Wells Fargo Bank, Trustee for each term/semester as soon as available. Further, if my renewal request is approved, I agree to furnish any additional information requested by the Scholarship Committee or Wells Fargo Bank, Trustee, such as grades, enrollment information, current addresses, phone numbers, etc.

I, ______, do hereby make application for the renewal of the Otto A. Huth Scholarship.


Applicant SignatureDate


( ) /


/ ( ) /


/ Attached is your completed and signed application.
( ) / Yes / ( ) / No / Attached are copies of all award letters (FAFSA, Pell, ETV, FAFFY). If your school does not accept federal funds, attached is a letter of explanation from the school administration.
( ) / Yes / ( ) / No / Attached are the required two essays.
( ) / Yes / ( ) / No / Attached is your current transcript showing your grades as of the last grading period.
( ) / Yes / ( ) / No / You have read and fully understand the Huth Scholarship Fund Statement of Policy.
( ) / Yes / ( ) / No / Attached is the last page of the signed Statement of Policy

I understand that all applications and required attachments must be post marked or delivered no later than April 15th. For both new and renewing applicants, any incomplete applications will not be considered. All applications and required documents must be mailed or delivered to:

Mailing address:

Wells Fargo Bank

Attn: Terri Stillinger

PO Box 95021

Henderson, NV 89009

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Revised 1/9/2012