IS 2241 TSAA
Computer Concepts and Applications
Summer 2013: M-W 1:00 to 3:15 pm
This syllabus is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Changes will be announced in class.
Instructor: / Mrs. M. Joann RouseE-mail:
Phone: 334-670-3157
Fax: 334-670-3599
Office Location: Bibb Graves 231B
Office Hours:
M / T / W / T / F
3:15 – 4:00 / 9:00- 11:00 / 2:15 – 4:00 / 9:00-11:00
Instructor Education
Bachelor of Science in Office Systems, Troy University, Troy, Alabama
Master of Science in Business Administration with Concentration in Information Systems, Troy University Troy Campus
I am currently a full time faculty member of Sorrell College of Business in the Information Systems (IS) department at the Troy campus. During my years with Troy University, I have served as both an adjunct and full time lecturer for the IS department. I have served as a Technology Specialist, Technology Consultant, MIS Director and Finance Director for various agencies within the state of Alabama
Course Info / Textbook:
Ø Electronic book incorporated with the MyITLab software.
· ISBN: 978-0-558-91260-4 Edition:2011
· includes – custom text, access code/eText, 180 trial CD
· Found in the Troy Campus Barnes and Noble Bookstore.
Ø We will use MS Office 2010 for homework, training and exams.
Other materials:
Ø Access to TROY e-mail and Blackboard is necessary to complete the course. Please check Blackboard daily.
Ø USB/Jump Drive
Ø When submitting an email to me, please use the following in the subject line:
Your section#, Your Last Name, Your First Name, then the question you have. Use this each time you submit an email to me.
Pre-requisite: None
Meeting times
MW 1:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Meeting location:
Ø Lecture/Lab/Exam: Bibb Graves 237
Ø Course web sites:
Ø Blackboard: for homework assignments, announcements, quizzes and certain exams
Ø Myitlab: for training and most exams
You will receive a username and password for MyITLab in class.
MyITLab is also the location of your e-book.
Entrance Competencies
Proper use of the English language is required. Be sure to use spell check.
This course covers Microsoft Office Excel. Understanding of math at a high school level is required. Math problems covered include order of operator precedence, calculating weighted averages, and basic logic problems.
Communication Skills
Communication with your instructor should be timely and professional at all times.
Assessment and Grading / Grade distribution:
A / 90.0% and up
B / 80.0% - 89%
C / 70.0% - 79%
D / 60.0% - 69%
F / Below 60%
Assessment methods and Grade Distribution:
Exam 1 – Concepts / 15%
Exam 2 – Word / 15%
Exam 3 – Excel / 15%
Exam 4 – PowerPoint / 15%
Exam 5 – Access / 5%
Exam 6 – Final
Comprehensive (Concepts, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) / 25%
Homework/Training/lab assignments/Attendance / 10%
Exams are given after completion of each application.
The instructor reserves the right to change the grade distribution of any exam if severe technical difficulties arise on the day of the exam.
Please remember these weights, so you can keep track of your grade. Please do not email me asking what your grade is in the class.
Test Policy:
If a student has to be absent from a schedule exam due to a university function, it is the student’s responsibility to let the professor know in advance. The student needs to show documentation stating the reason for the absence and make arrangements with the professor to take the scheduled exam before the exam due date.
Make-up exams will only be given for unforeseen excused absences (see Attendance policy). Make-up exams must be completed within one week of the student’s return to class after the excused absence.
You are expected to turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the exam location. Using any electronic device (in any manner) will be considered cheating and will be handled according to the Cheating Policy outlined above. This includes translators.
I DO NOT give extra credit work at the end of semester to help pull up your grade.
Course Catalog / Description:
This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to microcomputer literacy, word processing, spreadsheets, database, business graphics and the Internet.
1. List and describe the hardware and software components of a computer system.
2. Maintain file systems, and run applications.
3. Use a word-processing application to create, modify, save, and preview fully featured, academically formatted documents.
4. Use an electronic-spreadsheet application to create, save, modify, and preview a fully featured, multiple-sheet workbook.
5. Use a presentation software package to create, save, modify, and show a multiple-slide presentation using various templates, designs, formats, objects, headers, footers, and animation and transition schemes.
6. Use a database package to create, save, populate, maintain, and query a database and to produce formatted reports.
To develop the computer skills necessary for satisfactory performance in upper-level business courses, and to encourage further development of skills for effective participation in business organizations. Prerequisite for admission into upper-level business courses.
The Sorrell College of Business will be a recognized and respected leader for quality and flexibility in the delivery of business education that prepares graduates to succeed in the global business environment.
The Sorrell College of Business supports the Troy University mission by preparing our diverse student body to become ethical professionals equipped to compete in the global business environment. To achieve this, our faculty, staff, and administration will:
1) provide quality education in global business through our undergraduate and graduate programs, delivered around the world through face-to-face and online environments, to traditional, non-traditional, military, and international students;
2) contribute to the development and application of knowledge focused on applied business, learning, and pedagogical research;
3) provide service to the University, business and professional organizations, and our communities through individual involvement, business outreach, and our centers for research.
sorrell college of business Mission STATEMENT
Course requirement:
You must use your Troy University e-mail address when communicating with your instructor. No other email will be opened. All students must use correct e-mail format, I will not accept text message.
Classroom Administration / Students are expected to
Ø punctually attend all scheduled classes
Ø complete and submit all assignments on or before the due date
Ø read the textbook and additional materials in advance of class
Ø remove hats and sunglasses during class
Ø leave food, drinks and tobacco outside the classroom
Ø Cellular phones must be turned off prior to entering class and lab. Any student answering a phone during an exam or lab will be assigned a grade of zero for that exam or material being covered that day. Answering a cell phone during class, student will be asked to leave the class. No translators are used during exams. You also must not have your lap top computers on while we are in the lecture hall.
Ø When class begins, I close the door. Please do not open to come in until I tell you too.
Cheating Policy
Academic Dishonesty / If you are caught cheating or committing plagiarism as defined in the ORACLE: Student Handbook, 2009-2010, pp. 44-51, your grade for the exam/assignment will be reduced to zero, your grade for the course could be reduced to an “F”, and you could be “suspended from the university for a specific or an indefinite period.”
Incomplete Work Policy / Any incomplete work at the end of the term will not be accepted, unless the student provides documentation and obtains approval from the instructor prior to grades being submitted to the Registrar. This must be completed before the last day of class.
Homework Policy / All lab assignments are due on the day listed on the electronic MyITLab calendar unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Assignments must be submitted online using the appropriate software: Blackboard or MyITlab. No other method of submission will be accepted unless approved by the instructor.
If you can access your assignment from Blackboard, then the instructor should be able to access it as well. Assignments submitted through the MyITLab software are graded instantly if submitted on time. Late assignments will not be graded by the MyITLab software. There is no need to ask if an assignment is received.
Hands-on assignments take considerable time to grade. Do not ask for your grade. As soon as grading is completed, your grade will be available on Blackboard or MyITLab
Electronic Devices Policy / Per TROY Academic Operating Policy 8-1-07-08 (See
Use of any electronic devise by students in the instructional environment is prohibited unless explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by the instructor of record or by the Office of Disability Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cellular phones, pagers, and other communication devices may be used for emergencies, however, but sending or receiving non-emergency messages is forbidden by the University. Particularly, use of a communication device to violate the Troy University “Standards of Conduct” will result in appropriate disciplinary action (See pp. 44-56 of the Oracle.
Students who are expecting an emergency call should inform the instructor before the start of the instructional period.
Attendance Policy / Attending class regularly contributes to success in this course. This policy is designed to encourage you to attend classes.
1. Students who arrive after attendance is taken will be marked absent.
2. Attendance is mandatory. If a student misses a class, she/he is still responsible for materials and information covered in that class. Please do not email the professor asking what you missed in class.
3. Excused absences: Excused absences have the following characteristics:
a. Instructor was informed prior to the absence.
b. Instructor determines that the absence is excused.
c. Absence is of one of the following types:
i. Participation in a documented official University function that does not permit the student’s class attendance (e.g., athletic events, field trips, etc.)
ii. Severe illness (this does not include scheduled medical appointments, dentist appt, nor driving someone else to doctor), a hospital stay, or a doctor's excuse saying that it is impossible for student to attend class(es)
iii. Death of immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, or child, or spouse) not friends.
iv. Appearance in court (if mandatory)
v. Personal situations that are approved by the instructor in advance of the time the student is to be absent.
d. Written documentation (on letterhead) must be provided at the first class session after the student’s return to classes.
Additional Services / AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Any student whose disabilities fall within Americans with disabilities Act (ADA) must inform the instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements for this course.
Students who have or may be dealing with a disability or learning difficulty should speak with the instructor, contact the Office of Adaptive Needs Program (Trojan Center 215), or call 670-3220/3221. Various accommodations are available through the Adaptive Needs Program. The faculty in the Sorrell College of Business makes every effort to accommodate unique and special needs of students with respect to speech, hearing, vision, seating, or other possible disabling conditions. Please notify the instructor as soon as possible of requested accommodations or ways to help.
Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for Troy University’s Office of Human Resources at
Troy University Mission Statement / Troy University is a public institution comprised of a network of campuses throughout Alabama and worldwide. International in scope, Troy University provides a variety of educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels for a diverse student body in traditional, nontraditional and emerging electronic formats. Academic programs are supported by a variety of student services which promote the welfare of the individual student. Troy University's dedicated faculty and staff promote discovery and exploration of knowledge and its application to life-long success through effective teaching, service, creative partnerships, scholarship and research.