Welcome to Georgia Studies

Eighth Grade 2011-2012

Instructor: Marta Cabell

Howard Middle School

Room: 146


Course Description

In this course, students will study Georgia geography, history, government, and economics. U.S. historical events are included, as appropriate, to ensure that students understand Georgia’s role in the history of the United States. We will use a variety of instructional and assessment tools both inside and outside the classroom. This includes lecture, discussion, note-taking, individual and cooperative work, projects and computer usage. Students are expected to participate during discussions and instructional times because large portion of the grade will be derived from each student’s degree of involvement. In this course, students will have amble opportunities to analyze, interpret, and evaluate events that helped shape the United States and the state of Georgia.


Georgia: Its Heritage and Its Promise (Clairmont Press, 2011)

Outline and Curriculum Map

Below is the Howard Middle School pacing guide for the 2011-2012 school year.

August 9 to August 17, 2011

Class Introduction and Unit One: Connecting Themes & Enduring Understandings

in Georgia Studies

August 18 to September 9, 2011

Unit Two: Geography and Prehistoric Period of Georgia

GPS Standards—SS8G1; SS8H1a; SS8E1

September 12 to September 21, 2011

Unit Three: Exploration and Colonization

GPS Standards—SS8G1; SS8H1b and c and H2; SS8E1 and E2

September 22 to October 6, 2011

Unit Four: Georgia Early Statehood and the Constitution

GPS Standards—SS8H3, H4, SS8CG1 and SS8E1 and E2

October 7 to October 21, 2011

Unit Five: Expansion and Indian Removal

GPS Standards—SS8H5 and SS8E1

October 24 to November 18, 2011

Unit Six: Georgia during the Civil War and Reconstruction

GPS Standards—SS8H6 and SS8E1 and E2

November 28 to December 16, 2011

Unit Seven: The New South

GPS Standards—SS8H7, SS8E1, E2 and E3

(December 19 and 20, Mid-Year Exam and Benchmarks)

January 10 to January 13, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement (SS8H11)

January 17 to January 27, 2012

Unit Eight: Georgia in the 20 th Century (FDR, the New Deal, and WWII)

GPS Standards—SS8H8 and H9; SS8E1 and E2

January 30 to February 17, 2012

Unit Nine: Post World War II Georgia and Civil Rights

GPS Standards—SS8H 10, 11 and 12; SS8E1, E2, and E3, and SS8G2

February 23 to March 9, 2012

Unit Ten: State and Local Governments, Revenues, and Personal Finance

GPS Standards—SS8CG1, CG2, CG3, and CG5; SS8E4 and E5

March 12 to March 23, 2012

Unit Eleven: Adult and Juvenile Justice Systems of Georgia

GPS Standards—SS8CG4 and CG6

April 2 to April 27, 2012 CRCT REVIEW and EXAMS

May 1 to May 24 Accelerated Course work on American Government

(9th Grade Social Studies)

Grading Policy (Page 16 in student agenda)

Test/ Projects/Performance Based Tasks 40%

Classwork/Quizzes/Warm-Ups/Current Events 50%

Homework/Daily Points/Notebook Checks 10%

Materials and Supplies

Pens (black/blue)


Color Pencils

Notebook paper

1” or 1 ½” binder for Georgia Studies only

1---1 subject spiral notebook

5 section dividers

Flash Drive (recommended)

Textbook will be brought to class daily.


To ensure academic and social success, high expectations are in place for each student. Students must abide by the behavioral guidelines in the Bibb County Code of Conduct, Howard Middle Student Handbook, PAWS rules, and classroom rules and procedures. Students must bring their textbook, planner, Georgia Studies binder, paper, pen/pencil to class every day. All work is to be turned in on the assigned due date. Students should not copy one another’s homework/class work. This is considered cheating and will result in a zero for both students involved.

** Please be aware that I do enforce the Howard Middle School dress code. (pages 24-25 in student planner)


Tests and other various assessments will be given throughout the year. Students are always given plenty of notice of when these assessments are going to be given, therefore, if the student is absent the day of the assessment, he/she will take the assessment the day he/she returns. Various projects will be assigned each grading period. Some projects will be more involved than others and will require work at home. Once again, if the student is absent the day the project is due, the student must turn in the project the day he/she returns. In case of extended illness, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher and work out an extension to the due date.

Homework/Make-up Work

Dates due for all assignments and/or assessments will be written on the front board and it is the responsibility of the student to write the assignments in their student planners. Homework is usually given Monday through Thursday to re-enforce concepts discussed in class. At times, students will need to work over the weekend on a project. Students should review class notes nightly for 20 minutes or so to avoid “cramming” for a test. Students are expected to turn in all assignments on the date each is due or earlier. When students are absent, they have 3 days to make up “missed work.” If an assignment was given before a student was absent, that assignment is due the day the student returns. It is a student’s responsibility to ask for make up work. Missed tests, quizzes, and projects should be scheduled at a convenient time for teacher and student. Failure to complete make up assignments by the allotted time will result in the make up assignments becoming a grade of zero for the missed assignment.

Classroom Procedures

*Students are expected to follow All rules under Bibb County and Howard Middle School’s Code of Conduct.

*Students are expected to follow All rules set by the teacher that are posted in the classroom.

*Students are expected to wait outside the classroom quietly and in a line; they will enter the room when all students from the previous class exit or the teacher permits it.

*Students are to sit down at their assigned seats as soon as they enter the room. “Warm-up” work or questions on the board/screen are expected to be worked on before class starts. Students should also sharpen pencils, organize their desk and books, and finish class assignments during this time.

*Brushing of hair and putting on make-up is not permitted in the classroom. Items will be taken up by the teacher .

*Name calling and put-downs are not permitted and will be dealt with as per Howard Middle School’s (page 27 in student planner) and Bibb County’s Bullying Policy.

*Any question and/or issue that a student has with the teacher is expected to be dealt with after/before class or after school (NOT during instructional time).

*Class dismissal will be directed by the teacher.

Contact and Conferences

All parents/guardians who have questions or concerns about their student should contact me through e-mail or call the school at 478-779-3500. I will contact you within 24 hours. My planning period is daily from 1:15 to 2:30. To set up a conference, please e-mail me to confirm a date. During my planning time I will also be involved with grade level and department meetings, therefore, it is important that you contact me to arrange a conference. Parents are encouraged to use Parent Connect to check on their student’s progress. Bi-Weekly Progress Reports are sent home on Wednesdays. Students are to return Progress Reports the following day. I strongly encourage you to contact me when you have any concerns. Finally, please check my Howard web page daily. Homework assignments, documents, and Georgia Studies links are found on the web page.

Please Return this sheet to Mrs. Cabell

8th Grade Georgia Studies Syllabus

The above syllabus is subject to change to better meet the needs and abilities of the students.

I affirm that ______(student’s name) and I have read the syllabus for 8th Grade Georgia Studies class. I understand what is expected of my student and I can contact his/her teacher to discuss any concerns I may have. I am committed to working with my child to insure that he/she has a successful year.


(Parent or Guardian Signature) (Date)


(Student Signature) (Date)

**Parents, please read the letter that follows this page.

Dear Parents,

As we begin a new school year, I would like to ask you for your commitment to work with your child and me to insure that your child has a successful school year. With your support, your child will be able to attain the success we hope for. Listed below are some of the tasks you should commit to during this school year.

1.  Ask to see your child’s planner daily to see what kind of assignments he/she is working on in class and out of class. Be aware of any upcoming deadlines for tests, projects, etc.

2.  Be an active part in your child’s learning. Study with your child. When you see that there is an upcoming test, use his/her notes to call out questions and discuss the answers. Read the text with your child and discuss the information.

3.  Do not make excuses for them. Allow them to accept the consequences for their choices and actions. Hold them accountable for being responsible for completing their work, turning assignments in on time, and preparing for classes.

4.  Discuss with your child the importance of good behavior in the classroom. Leaning cannot occur if a child is not actively involved in his/her own learning.

5.  If your child is coming home from school day after day saying he/she has no homework in Georgia Studies, there is a problem. Your child may not have written work every day, but “homework” also consists of reviewing what was discussed in class. Please contact me if this occurs frequently.

6.  Check my web page frequently, and sign up for Parent Portal to keep up with your child’s grades.

7.  Read the parent/school communications that go home every Wednesday. If you are not receiving them, your child is not bringing them home.

8.  Finally, award your child in meaningful ways for being responsible young adults and meeting his/her responsibilities.

In closing, I am looking forward to working with my students and parents to make this a very successful and memorable school year as we work as a team to prepare your child for high school.


Marta Cabell