FEBRUARY 14, 2018

After beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance, Chairman Unangst asked all present to observe a moment of silence for the victims of the BrowardCounty school shooting.

MS4 - NPDES Permit/DEP Requirements: Jason Smith, Hanover Engineering, gave a presentation on MS4, "Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems," or storm water management. He spoke about the short and long term effects of storm water run off -- e.g., flooding, erosion, siltation, pollution from residential pesticides and fertilizers -- and how they can be mitigated. He also described the permitting process as it applies to EastAllenTownship. Public education is part of the prescribed mitigation; at Ms. Seiple's request, Mr. Smith's office will provide materials which can be included in the EAT Newsletter.

Fire Department Officers: Postponed.

Ambulance Corps Officers: Were introduced. It was mentioned they're in the process of obtaining quotes for the driveway. They have a $7,000 grant, which they hope will cover the cost not only of the driveway but also of lighting. Volunteer hours are now greater than employee hours, and the crew chief training program has been streamlined. The crew chief offered to provide a CPR class to the Board at no cost to the township. Mr. Unangst will identify dates when board members would be available.

Engineering - Request for PennDOT Speed Study of State Roads: Allen Township has inquired about making a joint request to PennDOT to evaluate speed limits on Weaversville Road; Ms.Seiple suggested Route 329 be included in the study. Speed limit studies are conducted routinely, usually upon request. The Board thought the study was a good idea; since traffic and speed limits don't respect municipal boundaries, the Board also discussed working with AllenTownship, HanoverTownship, the Borough of Bath and NASD to jointly request other studies: Route 329, Hanoverville Road, Airport Road, Route 512. There's no charge for the study but if speed limits change as a result of it, the township is responsible for the cost associated with changing speed-limit signs. It was decided that EAT will work with AllenTownshipas requested by them. Mr. Unangst will look into the advisability of expanding the test to other roads, as noted above.

Solicitor Report: A motion to adopt Ordinance #2018-01 amending township manager ordinance #2005-06 was unanimously approved.

Manager Report:

2018 Road Projects, Monocacy Drive: The Monocacy Drive project began several years ago and Phase 2 is in the offing. The road is in bad shape and Mr. Milot isn't certain there's enough support for the roadway. Patching will allow the problems to recur. Full depth roadway reconstruction will fix it, but it will be expensive. Mr. Milot recommended "doing it right" (full depth reconstruction), which also will result in improved drainage. Mr. Milot suggested the board consider dividing Phase 2 into two parts: half this year, and half next year. The project would be put out for bid, and work will have to begin on the east side. Mr. Unangst observed that we'd be allocating all of the funds in two budget years to fix 1,000 feet of roadway. The board already has authorized the expenditure; now it's a matter of deciding whether to do the work in one year or two. They decided on the two year period. The bid process will be started so work can begin in the summer. If any of the board members would like to visit the site, Gary Mathesz will conduct a tour upon request.

Hanover Oaks: Ms. Seiple has received an email asking if the township would consider installing street lights on the back corner of Gwenmahr Road, near the empty lot intended for water easement. It's very dark, lending itself to suspicious activity. The consensus was that the township doesn't own the road; even if it did, it wouldn't make sense to install street lights now since, when homes are built, the lights probably would have to be taken down or moved. It was suggested that the person who wrote the email refer the matter to the Hanover Oaks Homeowner Association.

DCNR Grant: The 2018 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources grant program opened January 22 and will close April 11. Matching funds are required, so nothing is in the works now but it's something to consider for the future, perhaps to complete JacksonvillePark.

Imperial Reality: Several appearances by a representative of Imperial Reality -- including one which was to have occurred at this meeting -- have been postponed. Ms. Seiple advised Imperial wants to ask about extending the municipal sewer to the southwest corner of Route 329 and Airport Road. Board members said that Imperial is welcome to appear before them, but Vertek would have to be part of any sewer extension.

PA One Call: April is Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month. The board approved, as requested, proclaiming the month of April "811 Safe Digging Month."

Review of Fee Schedule: Provided as requested. There was discussion of the procedure for monitoring the issuance of Moving Permits.

Public Comments made by Eric Miller:

Eric distributed and described the letter CARD has written to the Department of General Services; Mr. Unangst acknowledged having received it. Eric asked if there was any update on the Jaindl appeal; there isn't.

Eric asked about the realignment of Seemsville Road being proposed by Mr. Jaindl; the Board had no comment because the matter has not come before them. For the same reason, they had no comment about the NASD land Mr. Jaindl wants to use.

Eric advised that AllenTownship is posting audio recordings of Planning Commission and Board Meetings on their website the day after the meetings occur. He asked if EAT has any plans to do so; the Board responded it may not be legal for them to do so, and they'll review the matter. Ms. Seiple said the sound system would have to be updated in order to create audio recordings of suitable quality. The Board asked that we check with nearby municipalities which are posting audio recordings to determine how often they're being reviewed; if warranted, the Board will look into what would be required to post audio recordings on the EAT website.

Eric asked if a decision had been made regarding posting supporting documents along with meeting agendas; no copies would be required because anyone wanting a document would download and print it. Ms. Seiple expressed concern about the cost associated with website posting. Mr. Unangst said there are issues of confidentiality;for example, making public bids available could compromise the process. It was pointed out that the Board already is receiving supporting documentation in electronic form. Mr. Unangst said he has no problem making information available to the public, as long as confidentiality can be protected and EAT can afford the cost and time which would be required. Mr. Heiny said cost might be prohibitive, since audio recordings could lead to video postings, both of which consume a good deal of electronic storage; Eric responded that EAT could limit the archive to a period of three months. Mr.Unangst initially asked Mr. Heiney to look into the matter, but it was decided that Ms. Seiple will discuss it with Bob, the independent contractor who's been very helpful to the township on IT matters. Perhaps Bob could give a presentation to the Board.

Eric asked if EAT has considered working with other townships on "Muli-Municipal Comprehensive Planning." The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission is encouraging MMCP and, since growth is exploding in the township, it might be to EAT's advantage to take development in other townships into consideration; e.g., complying with the Fair Share Doctrine.

