Blended/Hybrid InternationalCourse on MITI 4.2.1

(Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity) Coding Training

Dates: July 6, July 20, July 27, Aug 3, Aug 10 and Aug 17, 2017

Trainer: Jacqueline Elder, PsyD, CADC

Cost: $275.00

Program:Hybrid/blended course that will meet on Google Hangout once per week for 90 minutes. In between Hangout sessions, the learner is expected to complete the weekly goals, including reading and coding. There will be second Google call if we have learners that are international and need different Google Hangout times. All Google Hangout sessions are recorded and posted on course so that listening to that week’s Hangout call can make up any missed sessions.

This Hybrid/Blended/International COURSE focuses on the review of the MITI 4.2.1 Manual; beginning with the Global Ratings and on to the work of learning how to parse, recognize utterances and the Behavior Counts. Short practice audio sessions with un-coded transcripts are initially used, and by the 3rd week, we will be learning full pass coding in 5 minute increments of the 20 minutes full pass audio. Full pass means there is no transcripts use, and the learner is developing their “eagle ear” without a transcript will begin.

Weekly workload will include reading the Manual, and practicing the MITI 4.2.1 with the practice audio sessions. Learners will be expected to listen to and code 3-6 practice audios every week.

When the Hangout call meetings occur, we review the 3-6 sessions done during the week. An Excel worksheet is provided for learners to put their coding results to be compared with other coding results. Each live session, we listen to and code an audio session that is exactly 20 minutes in length. This is done in real time on the Hangout call.

Learners are encouraged to make practice sessions or real clinical audio sessions (with signed Consent which can be provided) and we can code the 20-minute session in real time on Hangout. Heads up: it takes a great deal of courage to allow your session to be listened to and coded and I highly encourage it! The more we are willing to allow others to hear and code our week, the better coders and practitioners we become.

Jacque Elder, PsyD, CADC is an educator in higher education, trainer and licensed therapist. She has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Addictions Studies, a certificate in Couple/Family Therapy and Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology. She has been a MINT trainer (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers) since 2000, and has worked with Clinical Training Institute since 1999. She was trained in the MITI 4.2.1 by all three authors of the Manual, and has co-trained with Dr. Bill Miller and Dr. Terri Moyers in the past. She has done MITI Coding training for many mental health agencies, healthcare organizations and probation departments. She also does coding for research projects for groups such as Mayo, NYU and many others. She uses the coding in graduate and undergraduate training of Motivational Interviewing.

She offers MITI 4.2.1 Coding Trainings online and face-to-face. She is currently working as an Interventionist in an Harm Reduction research project.

She is trained and does CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy) as well as DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy). She has taught for many other universities in Chicago. Her MI training has taken her all over the United States, Europe and Africa.

Google Hangout dates are 7/6, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10 and 8/17, 17. The call will be from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm CST.

If other international learners require another Google Hangout time, it will occur in the same week noted above but most likely on a different day.

Please contact Jacque Elder at for information and registration. Pay Pal is available at