- Location
Campus: The Priory City of Lincoln Academy / Assessment Date:2/12/15
Department/Faculty: PE / Re-assessment Date:
Building/Area: Sports Hall / Risk assessment team members: Ross Turner, Chris Selby, Andrew Whitcombe, Marcus Smith, Will Leadenham
Accountable Manager: Ross Turner
2. Details of further action necessary to control risk (with dates)
Task / Action / Who is Responsible / DateControls in Place / Ensure all risks are controlled before during and after the event / All Team Members / TBC
Participant Wellbeing / Ensure all participants move to the next station safely / All Team Members and Coaches/School Staff / TBC
3. Summary of risks (with controls in place)
Assessment of risk / Low / X / Medium / High / Very High4. Evaluation
This assessment is an accurate statement of the known hazards, risks and precautions. I certify that the control measures will prevent or, if this is not possible, control the risk subject to the level shown in section 3 (above) and that staff will be adequately trained and supervised, and the identified control measures implemented. The contents of this assessment will be communicated to staff and all relevant persons.
Signature of Assessor: / Date:Signature of Accountable Manager (if not Assessor): / Date:
Risk Assessment Detail Sheet
General hazards
Task / Hazard / Who might be harmed / Before Controls (Initial risk) / Control Measures(Existing) / Control Measures
(Proposed) / After Controls (Revised risk) / Overall Risk
PI / SI / 3+ / P / S / P x S
Multi-skills Event / Fire / Staff and Participants / 4 / 4 / Four fire exits in the sports hall. / In the event of a fire, the children and participants should leave the building and make their way to the closest fire assembly point. / 2 / 2
Toilet access / Pupils and staff / 2 / 1 / There is toilet access directly outside the sports hall. / Signpost all toilets to make the children and staff know where to go. / 1 / 1
Tripping over benches surrounding the hall. / Pupils / 2 / 2 / The benches are placed around the outside of the sports hall against the wall. / The benches will be used as seating for supervisors and placed in a specific zone away from any events. / 1 / 1
Being caught in the netting against the wall / Pupils / 2 / 3 / The netting is tied against the wall / All activities will be set up a safe distance from the netting. / 1 / 1
Changing areas
Physical injury during event
Any problems, injuries and questions.
Tripping on surface
Not enough space between events causing collisions. / Pupils
Participants and Staff
Participants / 1
2 / 1
1 / There are female and male changing areas directly outside the sports hall.
There are areas where the children can access water to fill up any water bottles
First aiders are already in place at the school if needed.
The floor is cleaned daily and should be checked before any event / All children will be asked to come to the event already changed.
Children should bring drinks with them to the event
First aiders present at the event.
A registration area/desk will be manned throughout the event if any queries are made.
Correct footwear should be worn by all participants if not they will be unable to participate.
The activities will all be spaced sufficiently away from each other and coaches should ensure children are staying in their areas as much as possible to avoid collision. / 1
1 / 1
Highest Score on any line /