Deception Pass Foundation

Meeting Minutes

October 30, 2013 Board Meeting

I. Call to order

·  Board President Liz Merriman called to order the regular meeting of the Deception Pass Foundation at 6:40 PM on Wednesday 30 October 2013 in the Deception Pass Park Administration Office.

II.  Roll call

·  The following members were present: Liz Merriman, Barry Wenaas, Barbara Shaw, George Churchill, Matt Klope, Brian Shelly and Jack Hartt. Steve Young and Estelle Johnson were absent. Also present was Ken Hunt.

III.  Approval of agenda and minutes from last meeting

·  After a presentation from Robert Young with Tradewinds Insurance, the agenda was amended due to time constraints. George moved to accept the agenda as amended, seconded by Brian. There were no objections.

·  The minutes from the September 25th meeting were presented. George moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Brian. There were no objections.

IV.  Officers Reports

a)  President’s report:

·  Steve Y. has agreed to step down as Secretary due to family health concerns.

·  At September’s meeting, George Churchill stated his intent to step down as Treasurer at the end of October. This was his last meeting in that capacity.

·  For now, the bookkeeper remains Cheryl at Churchill Associates.

·  The Foundation’s annual meeting will be in conjunction with the Park’s Nov 20 at the Cornet Bay Retreat Center’s Community Hall. The Foundation Board meeting will start at 5:30 pm. The Park’s presentation will begin at 7:00pm. Refreshments should be provided by the Foundation. Also, the problem of no lighting from the parking lot to the building will be resolved in time…???

·  The agenda for the annual meeting will include nomination(s) for board members and the office of Secretary, approving the amended By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, and the Business Plan and budget for 2014.

·  The Board Retreat to determine the above will be Saturday, Nov 2nd, 9-4pm, at the Park office. Bring a sack lunch; Barb will bring bagels/orange juice.

b)  Treasurer’s report:

·  George presented a financial statement with a balance as of October 30 of $36,874.54.

·  Discussion regarding the check to Whidbey News-Times included recollections of the representative saying that they needed just one more advertiser to cover their costs and asked George, who agreed. Barry to review past notes/minutes.

·  Barry moved to approve the statement, Brian seconded. There were no objections.

·  George Churchill’s name will be removed from the debit card and replaced with Liz Merriman’s until such time a Treasurer can be sworn in. Barry moved to approve the transition, seconded by Brian. There were no objections.

V.  Committee Reports

a)  Project Committee update:

·  Jessy Osterloh, our new AmeriCorps position, presented a list of projects past, present and future. Unfortunately they were tabled due to time constraints.

b)  Fundraising Committee update:

·  Barb and Estelle are developing a business plan for the Whidbey Market next door. If all falls into place, the State will buy the parking lot first, then eventually the building. The Foundation will occupy a small space at first and grow into it.

c)  Membership Committee Update

·  The Membership Committee will fall under the umbrella of Fundraising for the time being.

VI.  Unfinished business

·  Storage: Talk to Jessy about providing locks for room with outside access.

·  Rosario Beach Naturalist for 2014 was discussed. Liz will develop the Job description and interviewing process. Time to start advertising to be determined.

VII.  New Business


  1. Adjournment

·  Liz Merriman adjourned the meeting at 7:11 PM

·  Meeting minutes submitted by Liz Merriman, President.