Tulsa Community College, Metro Campus

Fall 20071

Course: Fundamentals of Art 1 Call # 13623 Section: 102

Days: Tues/Thurs Time: 9:30-12:20p.m.

Instructor: Harriet Derrevere


Evening Operations, Metro Liberal Arts

Office: First Floor lobby Dr. Steve Wilson

Phone: 595-7154 Office: Room #502

Phone: 595-7118



COURSE DESCRIPTION: Fundamentals of Art 1 is a study of the

principal elements of two-dimensional design. Those elements

include color, perspective, fundamental drawing concepts and

compositional elements. By using a variety of materials,

students will apply the information to a series of studio assign-

ments. Beginning course required of all art majors. Open to all

interested students.

NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE: Any art classes with the number 1

after the title (for example, Watercolor 1)


No textbook is required to buy; there are many titles in the art section

of the library available to check out with your ID. I have several

in my own collection at school to browse through during class.

REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Please purchase all within 1 ½ weeks.

Buy ONLY Brand Names listed below unless approval is given.

KEEP SALES RECEIPT in order to exchange damaged or

incorrect supplies.

1.  Folder: (Any type to keep hand-outs and notes on assignments)

2.  Art Case: (Any type) To contain small tools and paint

3.  Strathmore or Canson Drawing Tablet: (Large) 18”x 24”, 80lb.

Regular surface, 400 Series (or Recycled versions, same brands)

4.  Drawing Pencils: (2) 3B and “Ebony” (Design,Staedtler, Derwent)

5.  2 Erasers: Gray Kneaded Eraser and White Eraser (Staedtler, Factis)

6.  Permanent Black Drawing Ink: Higgins, FW, Bombay

7.  Pen Staff and Tips: Large staff with tips- Hunt 512 and C3 (Buy

separately or on a Card: “Calligraphy”card (not the fountain pens)

8.  Paints: Yarka Gouache- 12 Color set of Jars (Zieglers)

9.  Brushes: Buy 2 sizes: a ¾ “ (or 1”) Flat and a size 8 Round Water-

color brush. Choose from brands: Robert Simmons Sapphire,

American Painter, Grumbacher Golden Edge, Cotman, Lowe Cornell

7000, or Masters Touch

10.  Palette: Large white palette with lots of mixing spaces (see example)


Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa

Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry

them successfully through their work and their personal lives.

General Education Goals relevant to this course include Critical Thinking and Global Awareness.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Fundamentals goals involve experiment –ing with the various elements of design: color, composition, texture and value, and to hone the skill of using art tools: brushes, pens and pencils. We will also work on developing patience to complete longer assignments.

TEACHING METHOD: Some elements of design will be introduced

in the form of an exercise followed by an assignment demonstrating

its use. For some assignments, slides or photos of previous student’s

work will be shown for examples.

Assignments may be a quick, one day creation, others will require the

“polish” and patience of several days.

The only “homework” given will be to search for certain subject matter

or textural objects to bring to class and examples of art from a chosen culture for the Tribal Design. Assignments will be worked on during class hours.

ADA POLICY: STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations through the disABLED Student Resource Center (918-595-7115) or

Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-595-7428/

TDD-TTY 918-595-7434). If any student is in need of academic accommodations from either office, it is the student’s responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the first week of class. Students may also contact the disABLED Student Services Offices directly at the telephone numbers indicated.


EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Students will earn their final grade

by accumulating points from the following sources:

Pencil Exercises: 8 points, Golden Mean Composition- 4, Rubbing

Design:6, Symmetrical Design: 8, Ink Exercises: 4, Ink Assignment-

5, Brushwork sheet: 4, Color Mix Chart: 6, Tribal Design: 9

Field Trip:5 -7

Approximate number of assignments :9


When points have been totaled for the semester,

90% of Total Points= A, 80%=B, 70%=C, 60%=D, 50%=F


Students must make up field trips on their own but will lose participation points. When students have missed class, they will need to complete their assignment outside of class if the next assignment has begun. It is possible to work in the art department before or after class (or other days) in an area where no current class is meeting. All late assignments must be turned in before final 3 weeks of class.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required in this lab class because all the work is done during class hours. ( Late work will be done mostly outside of class.) Instructions or announcements are generally made at the beginning of class, so information will be missed if the student comes in late.

Excessively coming in late and leaving early will not be tolerated and will result in up to 3 points deducted from final tally.

Students are allowed 3 excused absences before an Excessive Absence slip is mailed from Admissions as a warning. The

Financial Aid Office also receives the report. Excused absences are illnesses which are reported to me by email or messages called into

the Evening Operations Office, hospital stay or death in the family with appropriate document (doctor’s note or obituary notice.

Communication is important! If an emergency arises during the semester, contact me to see if an arrangement can be worked out.

Students must attend class to receive a grade!!

FAILURE TO WITHDRAW POLICY: Failure to withdraw may result in the student’s receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester.

LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES: The Learning Resource Center

(Library) is located on the 2nd Floor and has many volumes in the art section on painting and composition.

CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Please be thoughtful of others. Do not use your cell phone in the art classes; if you must take an emergency call, talk in the hallway. Keep your phone on silent mode.

Please clean up your table before leaving by throwing away any trash or cups, spilled paint, eraser crumbs, etc. There are other classes coming in who will appreciate a clean area.

Be attentive to instructions on assignments. Don’t leave in the middle to refill a water container or go to your locker. If you arrive late and a discussion is going on, be seated and listen before getting out your supplies.


Pencil Exercises Color Exercises

Composition Exercise

Rubbing Design Final Painting

Value Assignment

Ink Exercises

Ink Assignment

Outside Drawing Field Trip

There will be a Juried Student Art Show in April with a separate category for Fundamentals students. Keep this in mind as you work on various assignments- they might make a great entry! (Only

classroom work is accepted for entries)