Secretary’s Minutes
GMS PTO – September 8, 2016
Introduction of everyone present was made.
Secretary’s Report: Was accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: $3,924.14 is the balance in the account. Janelle Lee was appointed new Treasurer. The 5th grade pizza party was paid out.
Budget 2016-2017 School Year: We went over the budget for the upcoming school year. We will do the sports and we will check on any band trips for the coming year. Red Ribbon will be at the end of October.
Erica mentioned that next year the PTO will need a Chair Person/President and a Secretary.
Dates for upcoming events:
· 5th & 6th grade Fun Night 10/14 5-7pm
· 7th & 8th grade Dance 11/4 6-8pm
· 7th & 8th grade Dance 1/20 6-8pm
· 5th & 6th grade fun Night 2/24 5-7pm
DJ has been booked for all the dances and fun nights. Kim Nielson will get Frito/Lay for all the dances.
Fundraising: Yankee Candle will be doing from October 31st to November 11th. Tina will get the list of all the homeroom teachers.
Box Tops Update: Need to see if Donna Fenter will continue to do the box tops for this year. If not we will need to find someone to take over.
Fall Book Fair: Will go along with parent/teacher conferences in November, the 16th and 17th, Michele will talk with Emma McCandless to see if she will take this on.
Request for Funding/memo to BOE: Brain Pops and Red Ribbon
Principal’s Report: We are off to a good start. Parent will be receiving emails or phone calls from their homeroom teachers to introduce themselves and to establish a contact. All students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th grade need to have goals set for them. Benchmarks are coming up. Pin wheels for peace are also coming up. We will do the Veteran Day rally again this year, the 8th graders this year as a whole will be working on the Expo Project – it is a research project, a project of their choice, we will have small groups that meet every Thursday. All students received their books today; the research is to be 3-5 pages, each student will have to have a contact person pertaining to their research. At the end of May the students will present and then will have an evening presentation.
Next PTO Meeting is Thursday, October 13th at 3:45pm.