DVD Under the Bridge
I am a vibrational being
I believe I have leeway so I can figure things out.
I believe I create my own reality the way I want it to be.
Most of the creation I have already done.
Forgetting is an inactive vibration
When I watch TV it will cause me to forget the Well-Being that is abundant.
There are so many things that cause me not to remember.
What is it that I want to remember?
I want to remember that I live in a vibrational universe.
I want to remember that I am vibrational.
I want to remember that I am worthy.
My brain is a transmitting and receiving mechanism.
When I am on a frequency that is what I am remembering.
It is a lovely thing when I get out ahead of it vibrationally.
I get to choose the thoughts I think.
There are so many things that I would like to amplify.
And these are the things I would like to talk about….
I am going to treat everyday like a buffett.
I am going to divide my world into 4 categories: my body, my work, my relationships, my house/dwelling
Define each category – what do I want to see relative to this? What is the best thing about my house? These are the positive aspects of my house. So many people to appreciate. So many things to activate.
What do I want to keep active in my vibration?
There is never a vibrational mismatch. LOA is definite, kind and consistent.
I can invite more of what I want deliberately.
I want to believe that there is fun in deliberate creation.
Things don’t always need to be bouncing of the walls enthusiasm, because there can be power in satisfaction.
I like molding the clay of my mind deliberately.
I think I need to rest more and try less.
I don’t need to “try” into better thoughts, but “relax” into better thoughts.
I can get more done by allowing myself more leeway.
Abraham encourages us to decide to be lazy for a little while.
I am going to give myself permission to be lazy, because then I am giving myself permission to allow my grid to fill in, with everything that I have already chosen and put into my Vortex.
The word lazy has a flawed premise of the more I “do” the more I am “worth”.
The better I feel the more I allow. I could not be more deserving.
I have included into my Vortex the Well-Being of others, far more than my personal self.
If I want to be of advantage to others, I need to first learn to be of advantage to myself.
I want to carve out more time to be nicer to myself. More time where I am satisfying my own personal intention for things.
I want to amplify the ease.
Abraham suggests I do these things everyday:
- I meditate for 15 mins everyday – quiet my mind with the simple intention of allowing my cork to float
- I go outside no matter what the weather and I move around in it with appreciation, “you are my favorite”, look up and all around
- I buy a notebook and call it “my book of positive aspects”, fill 3-5 pages up with positive aspects, 5 different subjects, training my vibration into that upward place
- I look upward and outward (outside or standing at a window) and I acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at me! (Use a name if I would like) “I acknowledge that I am the object of your positive attention and I am appreciating your continual gaze on behalf of my well-being and today no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, and no matter what I am doing and no matter who I am doing it with, I will be in conscious awareness that you too are there with me, appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, acknowledging me, supporting me, assisting me, inspiring me, helping me, guiding me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, guiding me, helping me, uplifting me, showing me…” get into an endless loop of that acknowledgement and watch what begins to happen in my life as soon as this day. My vortex is filled to the brim with specific requests that I have put there and that I am deserving of the realization of and it is time for those realizations to be flooding into your experience at a rate that will astonish those who surround me. It is time for me to remember what I have put there and to bring it forward active into my today experience. Abraham has been talking to me all day from the appreciation of who I am. But even as they express it from their powerful point of knowing, they know that I don’t yet know who I am. I don’t for the most part understand the important role I play in the expansion of all that is. Abraham stands as the beneficiaries of all of the vortecies that I have accomplished and Abe revels in them. But it is their powerful desire that I now, here in my physical body, allow myself to be the recipients of the physical manifestation of those things that I have put there. Because that was the plan. I didn’t say, i’ll go forth and fill up a Vortex full of things that I care about and deny myself of the realization of them. Instead I said, I will go forth and experience the fullness of that. As they visit with me hear today it is their acknowledgement, because of my willingness to listen it is Abraham’s expectation that my vibration has shifted to a new place and it is their expectation that my expectation has also shifted to a new place. My life is forever changed and they don’t say that to everyone. Watch for the evidence of it. There is great love here for you and as always we remain in the Vortex.