St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Castlebar, Co. Mayo


Mission Statement

St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Castlebar, Co.Mayo is a voluntary Catholic Secondary School for girls under the trusteeship of CEIST (Catholic Education, an Irish Schools Trust). We strive for excellence in learning and endeavour to help each student to reach her full potential in a positive, caring and happy environment.We work to create equality for all in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We aim to provide a holistic Christian Education in co-operation with staff, students, parents/guardians, Board of Management and the Community.

Mercy Philosophy of Education

Inspired by the vision of Catherine McAuley, Mercy Education is committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student, particularly those who are disadvantaged or marginalised. It is a process informed and influenced by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ and is conducted in an atmosphere of care, respect and joy. Mercy Education is committed to ongoing whole school development in collaboration and partnership with the Board of Management, staff, parents/guardians and the wider community.

School Ethos

The characteristic spirit of St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Castlebar is based on the Mercy Philosophy of Education which espouses the core values of respect, justice, care and joy. The School’s Ethos is holistic and person centred. The school encourages students to use and share their talents to their full potential, to recognise God’s presence in their lives, to celebrate their Christian faith and to show respect to all persons in all areas of life and work. Students are encouraged by school staff to strive for excellence in learning and to participate to the best of their ability in all aspects of school life.


The rationale behind our Code of Behaviour is:

  • To facilitate the delivery of curriculum to students and to ensure that teaching and learning can take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.
  • To define standards of behaviour and help students acquire good habits of self- discipline and behaviour.
  • To ensure the safety of all members of the school community both on the school premises and on school activities.
  • To inform students and their parents/guardians of the procedures used by the school to address issues of discipline in the school.
  • To inform parents/guardians of school procedures that will be followed before a student is suspended or expelled.
  • To inform parents/guardians of their legal responsibilities relating to occasions when their daughter is absent from school.


  • Each student has a right to a caring, safe and orderly school environment where learning can take place in order that she can reach her full potential.
  • Students are required to show respect and to be courteous at all times to all members of the entire school community and visitors to the school
  • Each teacher has the right to work in an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning.
  • Therefore, we expect each student to adhere to our school’s Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures.
  • All partners in our school community have a role to play in maintaining good order and discipline about the school.
  • Adherence to school rules ensures that all who learn and work in our school are treated with dignity.
  • Positive behaviour will be acknowledged and affirmed. Students will receive positive verbal and/or written affirmation from their teachers, through the intercom, school newsletters, at prize giving and by any other suitable means

Promoting Positive Behaviour


  • Students are expected to take responsibility for their own behaviour and actions
  • Positive student behaviour creates a positive environment for teaching and learning
  • Positive behaviour is promoted through:
  • Support structures for all students in school: Class tutor, Year Head, Student Support team
  • The Year Head who works closely with the students in the year group to promote and encourage positive student behaviour.
  • The Mentor Programme for first year students where 5th year students act as mentors to first years and organise activities.
  • School Events such as Friendship Week, Multi-Cultural days, Anti- Bullying and Cyber-bullying workshops and seminars, Mental Health Awareness Week and workshops, study skills workshops.
  • Achievements Day and the celebration of students success and achievement
  • Where appropriate the Year Head may bring the matter of improved behaviour to the attention of the Principal/Deputy Principal/Student Support team.
  • Students positive engagement with school will be affirmed and acknowledgedthrough Newsletters, Digital Screen, in school reception area, School Noticeboards, Newspapers, School Website, School Intercom announcements.

Pastoral Care is an intrinsic part of the day to day life of our school. Every student in our school community is supported by a caring and dedicated staff. In St. Joseph’s Secondary School we recognise the need for intervention and we support students who may be experiencing challenges and difficulties. All members of staff have a role in supporting the care needs of our students. The year head has a particular role in relation to the pastoral care of students and also in administrating any disciplinary interventions where necessary. The student support team of Principal, Deputy Principal, Chaplain, Guidance Counsellor and Learning Support teacher have a particular role in relation to the support of students who may be experiencing difficulties

  • Bullying behaviour will not be tolerated in St. Joseph’s Secondary School
  • Every student in our school has the right to enjoy her learning and leisure free from intimidation.
  • Every staff member has the right to teach and work in an environment free from intimidation.
  • Students are encouraged to support each other by reporting all instances of bullying to someone in the school authority.
  • All reported instances of bullying will be investigated.

Please refer to school’s Anti-bullying policy

Each student is expected:

  • To be prepared for each lesson by bringing the correct materials and/or equipment.
  • To always pay careful attention, to co-operate during class and to give of her best.
  • To understand that classwork, homework, assessments and examinations are an essential part of the learning process.
  • To enter specialist rooms only when directed to do so by a member of staff.
  • To strictly adhere to teacher’s instructions when using practical equipment in class or during school related activities.
  • To co-operate in full with all health and safety regulations as per rules for health and safety in specialist room
  • Students are expected to move around the school building in a quiet and orderly way
  • Students must follow fire drill and other evacuation procedures precisely and to obey all arrangements and regulations which have been implemented in order to comply with the Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1989
  • The participation in or organisation of protests of any kind during school hours or while in school uniform is forbidden

Sanctions will apply where students are found to be in breach of the above

  • Students are expected to take responsibility for her own property and to use her assigned locker for the safe keeping of uniform, books and other school related items.
  • Students are expected to respect the property of others and the school environment
  • Students are expected to keep their lockers in keeping with the green school ethos

Sanctions will apply where students are found to be in breach of the above

  • Students are responsible for their own property. The schools responsibility for student property only extends to the provision of lockers
  • Lockers, which are the property of the school, are assigned to each student at the beginning of the school year for the purpose of keeping their books and personal items safe and secure.
  • A student may not use or access any other locker other than the one that is assigned to her.
  • Each student must keep her locker tidy
  • Students must ensure that their lockers are locked securely at all times
  • Food items must not be kept in the lockers overnight.
  • The school authorities may inspect lockers from time to time and may ask a student to open her locker for inspection at any time.
  • Students are advised to label each item of uniform, books and other school items.

Sanctions will apply where students are found to be in breach of the above

  • The full school uniform should be worn during the school day, to class, on school outings and school related activities. Students in breach of this rule will be subject to sanctions.
  • In the interest of safety, students should wear black or dark navy shoes (not runners) with low heels. No mules, sling back shoes, boots or sandals, are to be worn in school.
  • In the interest of Health & Safety the school authorities reserve the right to advise students as to what items of jewellery and accessories are acceptable, that the wearing of facial jewellery, body piercing accessories, excessive make-up and extreme hair styles/colour are unacceptable
  • Students who are not wearing full uniform must present themselves to the teacher responsible with a note of explanation by 9.10am
  • Students may be issued with a replacement uniform and parents may be contacted
  • Further occurrences may warrant a detention/ meetingwith parents/guardians.
  • All students are required to have her Journal with her for every class.
  • The Journal is to help students organise their work and study and must be used for school purposes only.
  • Details of classwork, prescribed homework and study are to be entered in the Journal every day for each class.
  • Students are required to keep the Journal in good condition. Any Journal that is defaced (i.e. graffiti) may be confiscated and replaced by the student at a cost. Students may not remove pages from the Journal.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to use the appropriate sections of this Journal as a means of communicating with the school (unless the information is of a confidential nature).
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to read the section regarding Attendance and Absenteeism and to clearly sign their signature where indicated.
  • A teacher may request a student’s Journal at any time during the school day to communicate with parents/guardians or to inspect the Journal.
  • The use of mobile phones/personal digital devices may be permitted by school authorities for on specific occasions and for educational purposes
  • The use of a mobile phone/digital device for personal use is not allowed during school hours, on school grounds and on school outings.
  • If it is necessary for a student to bring a mobile phone/ personal digital device to school she must ensure that it is switched off and in safe keeping in her locker during class time.
  • Should a student use a mobile phone/personal digital device without school permission during class, during school activities or in school grounds, it may be confiscatedand stored in safe keeping in the school.
  • The student may collect the phone at3.45 p.m. on the day of confiscation.
  • A teacher who confiscates a student’s mobile phone may issue notification of detention in student’s Journal.
  • Parent/Guardian must sign Notification of Detention Form in student’s Journal.
  • The school office is available should a student have need to contact home during the school day.

Misuse of the Internet as outlined in the school’s Acceptable Use Policymay result in disciplinary action including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges (to the internet) and in extreme cases suspension or expulsion. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities relating to the misuse of the internet to the appropriate authorities.

Please refer to the schools Acceptable Use Policy and the school’s Anti Bullying Policy

  • Smoking is prohibited in all school buildings, in the school grounds, on all approaches to the school and on all school related activities.
  • Students who are found in breach of this rule will be subject to disciplinary measures as per school Sanctions
  • The Public Health (Tobacco) Acts 2002-2004 place a legal obligation on both the school authorities and on students to comply with the legal requirements that prohibit smoking in specified places.
  • The above also applies to e-cigarettes
  • Alcohol, illegal substances and substance use are strictly forbidden on school grounds, in the school building, on the approaches to the school and on school outings and school related activities
  • Student must never attend school under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance.
  • The consumption, possession, sale, purchase, supply/distribution of alcohol and illegal substances are strictly prohibited in the school, its environs and on school related activities.
  • If a student(s) is/are found to be in possession of alcohol or any illegal substances, it will be immediately confiscated by a member of staff.
  • Parents/Guardians and Gardaiwill be informed.
  • Student(s) will be removed from the school into the care of parents/guardians or someone appointed in loco parentis.
  • Student(s) may be denied permission to return to school pending an inquiry.
  • Suspension/expulsion as appropriate will be activated
  • Remediation may be advised i.e. the school authorities may encourage student to take counselling before being permitted to return to school.
  • If inappropriate behaviour of this nature is repeated, expulsion procedures may be them.

Please refer to the school’s Substance Use Policy

  • If a student(s) is/are found in possession of any such item(s) staff member(s)

may confiscate them.

  • Items will be retained in safe keeping until such time as parent/guardian collects
  • The unauthorised use of photographic equipment/recording equipment(including the use of the camera feature of a mobile phone/digital device) is prohibited.

Absence from School

  • The purpose of the Education Welfare Act 2000 is to encourage regular school attendance. Under the Act every child must attend school regularly up to sixteen years of age or complete at least three years education in a post primary school, whichever comes later was established to support school attendance and follow up on children who are not attending regularly.TUSLA- The Child and Family Agency/Educational Welfare Services was established to support school attendance and follow up on children who are not attending school regularly.
  • Schools are obliged to inform the TUSLA- The Child and Family Agency/Educational Welfare Servicesif they have concerns regarding student’s absences and when a student is absent from school for over twenty days (cumulatively).
  • As a parent/guardian you must inform the school if your daughter is absent.
  • The reason for the absence must be stated in writing.
  • All notes must be signed by the parent/guardian.
  • Please use the Absence Section at the back of the school Journal for recording all absences, this will ensure that your record of your daughter’s absence from school and our record will correspond.
  • Absence notes must be presented to Year Heads at 9.00 am on the morning of return to school.
  • The school retains all absence notes from parents/guardians.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence the school must be informed as soon as possible by parent/guardian.


  • When a student needs to leave school for a medical/dental appointment, a note of explanation in the student’s Journal signed by parent/guardian must be presented to the Year Head at 9.00 am on the morning of the appointment.
  • The note must indicate who is signing the student out (parent/guardian/nominated adult)
  • The Year Head will sign the note.
  • The student must show the note to their class teacher before leaving class
  • The student and the parent/guardian/nominated adult must sign out at Reception before leaving the school and if returning on the same day the student must sign back in.
  • All notes regarding student appointments are held by the school.
  • The school advises that all appointments where possible be made outside of school time.

Students are expected:

  • To inform the school of appointments i.e. medical, dental etc.
  • To present a note of explanation for all absences from school.
  • To present Consent Form prior to departure on all school outings and activities.
  • To sign in at Reception on late arrival at school.
  • To sign in at Reception on return from appointments and to sign out when leaving the school unless otherwise directed.


In the event of breaches of school discipline and in instances of unacceptable behaviour the staff and Board of Management of St. Joseph’s Secondary School reserve the right to implement discipline strategies and Sanctions as appropriate.

Sanctions may range from

  1. Reasoning with student.
  2. Advice on how to improve.
  3. Verbal warning.

d. Note to parents/guardians in students’ Journal.

e.Temporary separation from fellow students.

fLoss of privileges.

g.Detention during lunch break.

hPrescribing additional work.

iAssigning a designated seat to a student within the class.

j.Communication with parents/guardians.

k.Booking Form

l.Signing in at appointed time(s).

m.Report Card(s)/punctuality cards.

n.Individual Student Management Programme.

o.Confiscation of mobile phone and other irrelevant items which may interrupt

teaching and learning.

p.Referral to Year Head/Deputy Principal/Principal.

q.Temporary exclusion from class(es).


s.Expulsion from school in the most extreme cases of gross misbehaviour.

Disciplinary Procedures:

Where instances of misbehaviour occur a teacher will keep a record and when necessary will inform parents using the following:

Level 1:

(a)Where a teacher records three misdemeanours incurred by a student, a booking form will be issued by her teacher

(b)The Year Head will post the booking form to the student’s parents/guardians and retain a copy in the students file