Friday, November 4, 2016


The Health Office will be open for emergencies only from 7:38am until 8:30am due to Health Screenings.


Yearbooks: Today is the last day to get your yearbook at the sale price. Make sure you do not miss this opportunity-- the cost goes up $20 after today. Please see Ms. Nicola in room 223.

Boys Basketball: There will be a mandatory meeting on Monday, 11/7 after school in room 112 for anyone who is trying out for the boy’s basketball team.

Girls Basketball: There will be a very important meeting for all girls interested in playing basketball on Monday, November 7th at 2:00 in room 227 (Coach Atkinsons's room ).

Interact Meeting: Our next meeting will be on Monday, 11/7 @ 2pm in room 225. Please see Ms. Downey with any questions.

Class of 2018 Meeting: There will be a meeting for all class officers on Tuesday, November 8th regarding fundraising. Any other Juniors are encouraged to attend if you are interested in upcoming fundraising opportunities. Meeting is at 2pm in room 218.

Volleyball Tournament: The annual volleyball tournament is here. The tournament will be played on Wednesday, November 16th. Your team must sign up with Coach Atkinson before the end of the day on Wednesday, November 9. Teams must have between 4 and 8 players. Cost is $15 per player, and payment is due no later than Monday, the 14th. Spectators are invited and there will be a $2 admission.

Senior Trip: The next payment of $275 is due November 16th if you are using the payment plan. Any questions see Ms. K.

Class of 2019 if you would like to sell knit hats please come to room 225 for an order form. Any questions please see Ms. Downey.


On Tuesday, November 8th the ASVAB will be administered at RHS. If you are interested in joining the armed services you should consider registering for this test. Additionally, students who score a 31 or better will meet the NJ assessment graduation requirement. Students who have not yet met the testing requirement for graduation should seriously consider taking the ASVAB. The test is open to all sophomore, junior and senior students and the test is free. Please sign up in the guidance office by end of day today. Signups are on a first come, first served basis and space is limited.

A reminder to all seniors, please remember to get your transcript request forms (pink form) into guidance two week prior to college application deadlines. Remember you MUST apply to the college before guidance can send transcripts out.

College Visits

University of Hartford will be here today during A & B lunch

Montclair State University will be here on Monday, November 7 duringA & B lunch

Cairn University will be here on Tuesday, November 8 during A & B lunch

The Navy will be here during A&B lunch on Wed. Nov.9