Physics Laboratory
Beauregard 228
Spring, 2012
Instructor:Dr. Chad Young
Office: Beauregard 139
Office hours: 7:00-7:30 MTRF, 8:25-10:35 am MF; 1:30-3:30 MR
Phone: 985-448-4879 (work)
Catalog Description: Phys 104. Basic Physics Laboratory. 1-0-3. Laboratory experiments in electricity, magnetism, and light.Prerequisite: Credit or registration in PHYS 102.
Required Text:“Selected Experiments in Physics” by NSU Physics Staff. This text is available for purchase at the Nicholls Bookstore.
Student Outcome Objectives:
- The student will explore and encounter physical examples of the topics mastered in Basic Physics, PHYS 102.
- The student will become proficient in laboratory procedures, which include attention to safety, observations, and documentation.
Course Content:
Tues. / Wed. / Thurs.Lab 1-Electric fields / 24-Jan / 18-Jan / 19-Jan
Lab 2-Electric Field Hockey / 31-Jan / 8-Feb / 26-Jan
Lab 3-Ohm's Law / 7-Feb / 25-Jan / 2-Feb
Lab 4-Resistors in Series & Parallel / 14-Feb / 1-Feb / 9-Feb
Lab 5-Ammeters & Voltmeters / 28-Feb / 15-Feb / 16-Feb
Lab6-WheatstoneBridge / 6-Mar / 29-Feb / 23-Feb
Midterm / 13-Mar / 7-Mar / 1-Mar
Lab 7- Tangent Galvanometer / 20-Mar / 14-Mar / 8-Mar
Lab 8-Reflection & Refraction / 27-Mar / 21-Mar / 15-Mar
Lab 9-Lens / 3-Apr / 28-Mar / 22-Mar
Lab 10-Optical Instruments / 17-Apr / 4-Apr / 29-Mar
Lab 11-Spectrometer / 24-Apr / 19-Apr / 5-Apr
Final / 1-May / 25-Apr / 19-Apr
Tuesday: 1T (7:30am), 4T (12pm), Wednesday: 6W (12:55pm), Thursday: 1R (7:30am)
Assessment & Grading:
The student can earn up to 475 points. The letter grades are assigned in usual fashion: A (≥90%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%), and F (<60%). The points are assigned in these areas:
- Data and Analysis (275 pts): The student will earn up to 25 points, during each lab, for the data and analysis. These will include tables of data, calculations, and, when applicable, graphs or drawings.
- Midterm Exam (50 pts): The midterm will be cumulative and will only have a written component.
- Final Exam (95 pts): The final will be cumulative and consist of written and practical components. The final will cover material from all 11 laboratory experiments.
- Weekly quizzes (55 pts): At the end of each lab, you will take a 5-question, multiple choice quiz worth 5 points.
Make-up Policy: Unexcused absences from the lab will not be allowed for make-up. If the absence is excused, please see your professor as soon as possible, preferably before the absence.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is essential and mandatory. Because group participation is important to the class, tardiness will carry consequences. If a student is tardy more than five minutes to class, 3 points will be deducted from that student’s lab grade for that day. If a student is tardy more than 20 minutes to class, the student will not be allowed to participate in the lab experiment and will be considered absent.
Drop Date: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, is the final date to receive an automatic “W” when dropping a course or resigning from NichollsStateUniversity.