DATE: JANUARY 11, 2016


Mayor Mau called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.

Mayor Mau informed the public about the location of the Open Meeting Act posted on the wall in the back of the Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Mau, Council Members, Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf.

Notice of this meeting was given in advanced thereof by posting in three places (
Astra Bank, Cornerstone Bank, Post Office) on January 5, 2016, a copy of the proof of posting being attached to these minutes. Notice of meeting was simultaneously given to the Mayor and all members of the City Council. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advanced notice to the Mayor and all members of the City Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.

Departmental Reports: Kevin stated that we are having trouble with the South Well. Motor may be going bad.

Alan reported that the transformer the electric department put at the complex is leaking. The company is sending out a new one.

The police chief reported that Cole should be on board full time as of February 5th.

City Administrator, Jeff Hofaker stated that the reason the bill from BSN Sports for the bleachers and benches was showing under the consent agenda was because last month the council voted to go out for bid as it was over the threshold. BSN sports gave us a deal and the cost was under the threshold.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner that the consent agenda be approved for items 2A – 2H. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner that the minutes of the December 14th meeting be approved as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner that the treasurer’s report for the month of December be adopted as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner that the bills incurred for the month of December be approved for payment as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Salaries / $36,181.50
Federal Withholdings / 8,130.12
A & L Electric / Sewer repairs / 652.49
Action Auto Supply / Equipment/vehicle repairs / 333.33
After Hour Grafix / Police door decals / 88.44
Alan Brown / Cell phone Oct – Dec. / 90.00
Ask Supply / Towels/trash bags/ / 164.30
Aspegren Repair Towing / Police tow / 50.00
Baker & Taylor / Library books / 256.64
B.G.’s Corner / Fuel / 77.25
Brown’s Store / Supplies / 91.00
Burton Enterprises / Trash pickup / 5,651.00
Chief Supply / Police uniforms / 93.99
City of Sutton / Utilities / 4,629.74
City of Sutton – Petty Cash / Petty cash refund / 33.54
Clay County News / Printing/publishing / 472.35
CPI / Fuel / 543.32
Danko Equipment / Fire grass truck plumbing/SCBA / 838.84
Deanthaney Pennington / Meter deposit refund / 92.38
Dutton Lainson / Light r/m / 1023.93
Eakes Office Plus / Office supplies / 37.43
eFile Cabinet / 2016 license / 660.00
Gale Group / Library books / 19.46
George’s 66 Service / Fuel / 446.02
George Bros. Propane / White rock / 78.54
Hamilton Information System / Fix calendar sharing / 114.00
Hamilton Telecommunications / Email services / 24.31
Hofmann Guns / Ammo for training academy / 989.00
IIMC / 2016 dues / 180.00
Jackson Services / Shop towels/office rugs / 61.50
Jeff Hofaker / Oct – Dec. Cell / 90.00
Joan Aspegren / Cleaning / 420.00
Jones & Bartlett Learning / Fire training / 6,545.28
LeRoy Griess Digging / Grave opening / 390.00
Mail Finance / Postage meter rental / 155.85
Moore Medical / Ambulance supplies / 284.06
Nebraska Rural Water / Water conference / 750.00
Nebraska Rural Water / Dues / 105.00
Officenet / Office supplies / 403.44
One Call / Locates / 17.50
Penworthy / Library books / 99.96
Protex Central / Comm. Center fire alarm inspections / 205.00
Sargent Drilling / South well repairs / 351.00
Scholastic Book Fair / Library book fair / 918.96
SourceGas / Utilities / 1585.74
Shively & Lannin Law Offices / Legal / 1,095.50
NPPD / Purchased electricity / 79,930.66
South Central PPD / Wheeling Charges / 5,489.72
Superior iNet / Internet services / 123.57
Sutton Chamber / Dues/decorating / 520.00
Sutton Body Shop / Light – vehicle repairs / 579.68
Sutton Lumber / Supplies / 86.22
Sutton Pharmacy / Ambulance supplies / 19.99
Total Funds by Hasler / Postage / 401.04
Verizon Wireless / Cell phones / 339.01
VISA / Ambulance books/tax tables / 673.43
Windstream / Telephones / 866.76
Woodward’s Disposal / Construction debris site / 358.64

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner to approve the bill from JEO in the amount of $3,100.00 for the sewer extension on East Ash St. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner to approve the bill from JEO in the amount of $3,000.00 for the annual road program. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner to approve the Purchase Authorization to Danko Equipment for the purchase of an Aluminum Flatbed in the amount of $5,515.00 for the fire department. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Plettner to approve the payment to BSN Sports in the amount of $25,108.92 for the purchase of the bleachers and player benches at the complex. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Unfinished business will continue which includes Van Kirk Bros. Changeorder #4 and Olsson Associates Invoice #238029 in the amount of $3,549.54.

In new business, landfill bids for the ground were opened on Friday, January 8th with two being received as follows: David Drudik $4,785.00 and Brad Hofmann $3,841.00. Moved by Plettner and seconded by Pedersen to accept the high bid from David Drudik in the amount of $4,785.00. Roll: AYES: Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Council member Plettner introduced Ordinance NO. 362 entitled:

AN ORDINANCE to revise all the ordinances of the City by adopting the Nebraska Basic Code of Ordinances, 2015, to repeal prior ordinances; to require filings; and to provide an effective date.


Council Member Plettner moved that the statutory rule requiring an ordinance to be fully and distinctly read on three different days be suspended. Council Member Pedersen seconded the motion to suspend the rules and upon roll call vote on the motion the following City Council voted YEA: Plettner, Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. The following voted NAY: None. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three-fourths of the members elected to the City Council, and the statutory rule was declared suspended for consideration of said Ordinance.

Thereupon said Ordinance No. 362 was then read by title and thereafter Council Member Plettner moved for final passage of the ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council Member Nuss. The Mayor then stated the question was "Shall Ordinance No. 362 be passed and adopted?" Upon roll call vote on the motion the following City Council voted YEA: Plettner, Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen. The following voted NAY: None. The motion having been adopted by three-fourths of the members elected to the City Council as provided by law, was by the Mayor declared passed and adopted and the Ordinance adopted and the Mayor in the presence of the City Council signed and approved the Ordinance and the Clerk attested the passage and approval of the same and affixed her signature thereto.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf to approve Maury’s Place as a Keno Sales Outlet Operator. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen, Plettner. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Representatives from FEMA and the Department of Natural Resources were present to review a new preliminary flood plain map. Council is not satisfied with the new preliminary map. No action was taken.

As an update on volunteer vehicles that are used during a crisis and may be damaged the Cities insurance will pay the deductible to get it repaired.

Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to approve Brandon Kreutzer to the Fire Roster. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Plettner. NAYS: None. Abstain: Nuss. Motion carried.

Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to go into executive session at 9:25 p.m. to discuss personnel and an LB840 application. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Plettner, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf to go out of executive session at 9:50 p.m. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen, Plettner. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to approve the hiring of Marla Itzen for the Deputy Clerk/Treas. position with the starting wage at $12 per hour with evaluations every three months and if favorable evaluations there will be rate increases after each evaluation. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Plettner, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Plettner to approve the LB840 application as recommended by the Economic Development Board for Jessica Moore dba J & C Moore LLC in the amount of a $12,000.00 loan at 4% for 7 years and a grant of $5,000.00. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Plettner, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

There being no further business, it was moved by Pedersen and seconded by Plettner to adjourn the meeting. Roll: All ayes.

Todd Mau, Mayor

Sherrie Bartell, City Clerk/Treas.