The Town Council of Snowville Town held its regular monthly meeting at the Snowville Town Hall on WednesdayNovember 9, 2016.

Council Present Others Present

Tim Heyder, MayorEric Dursteler, Engineer

Michael Morgan, Council Dave Ahlstrom Alan Terry, Water Operator Jackie Carter

Jennifer Webb, CouncilJohn Tullis

Tammie Morgan, Clerk/Recorder Lonnie Jameson

Stacey Hill, Treasurer Richard Webecke

Alan Terry


Mayor Tim Heyder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He welcomed the council and all others present. Marv Fikstadled us in the pledge of allegiance and Tim Heyderoffered the opening prayer.

Next month’s volunteer assignments:

Mayor Tim Heyder called for a motion to accept the agenda.

Marv Fikstadmade a motion to accept the agenda as it is written. Mike Morgan2nd. All council members present voted yes.

The minutes were approved from last town council meeting.

Randy Branch made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Mike Morgan 2nd. All council members present voted yes.

Deputy Jordan

Not in attendance

Dave Ahlstrom 2015-2016 Agreed Upon Procedures

Dave presented the agreed upon procedures. The report will be attached at the end of the minutes and upon request in the office. Dave stated that he appreciated working with the town and the council and clerk.

Youth Council

Tim Heyder stated that we need to put some controls on how the youth council handles the money.

Shae Stephens stated that they had a fundraiser at the witch’s night out. And they made about $400.00 at the Rose of Snowville Halloween party. They will get the money turned in as soon as they meet again.

Dog License Ordinance

Mayor Heyder asked the council for their suggestions on the dog kennel ordinance. Randy was not in attendance last meeting so he had a few questions for the council. The council came to agreeance on adding a provision and going off of the guidelines that the resident put together that is requesting the license. Tim and Tammie will get together and put a provision together to add to the ordinance. They will have it for next town council.

Mayor Heyder stated Randy was wanting to get a new kennel that the town can put it on our property so it is not on private property. Randy stated that he could help Lonnie with his dog catcher job since Lonnie is having some health problems.

Department heads write job descriptions

Mayor Heyder stated that we need to have each department write a job description for each job under their department on file. The auditor has requested that we do this. Mayor Heyder asked that we need to put an hourly wage on each job description.

Streets & Roads

Marv stated that garbage cans need to be removed off the road now that the weather is getting bad. Tammie will send reminders in the mail.

Dog Catcher

Mayor Heyder asked what does Lonnie do when he catches a dog. He stated he can hold the dog for 3 days and then he can give it to a rescue. Mayor Heyder will talk to the lawyer about what we are liable for when we pick up a dog.

Eric Dursteler – curb and gutter project

Marv asked Eric about the stop signs. Eric stated to have Tammie order them.

Eric showed the council a copy of the construction site with added improvements. There were several questions from some of the citizens. Eric handed the council a copy of the draft of the change orders for the project. It is approximately 1228.00. Tammie asked about the culvert that was an addition also. It will be around $500 for the culvert. Eric asked Jennifer to go online and look for some antique posts to put in front of park.

Mayor Heyder asked about the water testing. Eric stated that he and Tammie had a conference call from Florida and he fills like the ozone is the best way to go because it totally oxidizes the water.

Mayor asked about the Sinclair. Eric stated that not much has happened over there. Eric suggested they call Mark Reese and have him contact them also. Eric will make that happen.

Alan stated that he is working on the source protection plan and it is almost complete. He will get Tammie a copy when it is complete.

Mayor Heyder reminded the council and citizens that they will be removing trees and digging a hole on the South side of the Ranch House Diner. This is because the EPA is coming in to clean up the fuel that was in the ground.

continue to pursue the situation. Mayor is going to require a $10000.00 bond that will be kept at the Snowville town to be used toward the Outsiders in and the rooms that they lost revenue and the town $200 for the town having to deal with the situation. Mike stated he promised to do it he needs to do it.


Andrew Webecke stated that they have had a few fires.

Mayor Heyder stated that he had a meeting with Janice and Chief Heyder to discuss that she needs to have everything initialed for her hours that she turns in. This is because she is fighting fires also so it protects everyone involved in the process.

Mayor Heyder stated that he needs to sign the senate bill 122 to help the fire fighters in our town because it allows our fire fighters to go on state and county fires. The council agreed that they should sign it.

Old and Other New Business

Christmas – The party will be at the church on the 3rd of December. The theme is “Who Ville” and we will have a Grinch instead of a Santa. The time will be at 6:00 p.m. There will be a lighting ceremony that night as well. Jennifer stated that she will need help putting up the lights around town. She will then let the council know when she needs help.

Citizen Concerns

Johnny Tullis – stated that we are all hypocrites because there are people in the town who have been deemed homeless because they have been kicked out of their homes and we have done nothing to help them. Jackie Carter has them employed at Mollie’s. They have tried several places but nothing is working out for housing for them. He has come to the city to help them possibly put a single wide trailer on the property he owns just with in the city limits. He stated he understood that the towns policy states no single wide trailers but he asked for a temporary variance. After much discussion, it was agreed that Tammie would talk to the lawyer and see if it is legal for them to give a variance. Mayor Heyder’s concern was that if you open it up to one then you have to open it up to all so there is no discriminating. Tammie will find out more information and will let Mayor Heyder know so he can follow up with Johnny Tullis.

Acceptance of Expenses

Randy Branchmade a motion to pay the expenses. Mike Morgan2nd. All council members present voted yes.


Marv Fikstad made a motion to adjourn. Mike Morgan2nd. All council members present voted yes.

The meeting adjourned at 9:04p.m.

______Tammie Morgan, Clerk/Recorder

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