2. A SafeCity / Reducing Crime

Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
2.1. / / Introduce CCTV on Bolton Road and Willows area / Identify funding / GMP, Community Services / CCTV installed; LPSA2
Progress Locations for the CCTV cameras have been identified on Bolton Roadand costings established but as yet funding has not been secured. An application for funds from the CDRP is to be considered as they have recently received further funding.
2.2. / / Reduce anti-social behaviour / Provide services, which engage with “at risk” young people / Youth Service; Child Action Northwest; SCL, Message Trust; community providers / various / Increased levels of engagement;
Progress Varous providers continue to provide services. Community Committee continue to treat this work as a priority for devolved budget funds.
SCL have re-introduced the highly successful Friday Night Football League enabling Detached Youth Worker the opportunity to engage with a group of young males from the Weaste area. The ‘Open Access’ holiday programmes have been delivered and monitoring reports tendered. SCL staff continue to deliver Dance to the young people of the community.
2.3. / / Reduce anti-social behaviour / Use Criminal Justice System and Action Planning / Local Partnership Delivery Group (B) [CommunityServices; GMP; etc] / Mainstream / Reduced ASB; BVPI
Progress Antisocial behaviour has reduced in both wards since the 01/04/08 to the 31/01/09 compared to the same period in the last year. Claremont is showing a 10% reduction and Weaste 2%. Officers continue to work Operation Brocade which has now been extended to a Saturday evening. PCSO's continue to patrol in high visibility on pedal cycles.

2.4. / / Reduce impact of illegal use of motorbikes, etc / Policing / GMP / Crime Disorder Partnership / Reduced number of incidents
Progress: The use of off-road bikes has dropped significantly over the winter period especially as this winter has been particularly cold. This was anticipated
2.5 / / Increase the number of alleygating schemes / Work with residents groups, etc / HousingConnections Partnership;Community Services / Mainstream / More alleygating schemes
ProgressTwo schemes at the Height, funded by Central Salford URC, have been completed.
2.6 / / Respond to developing crime patterns / Work of Local Partnership Delivery Group (A) / GMP; Community Services; etc / Mainstream / Key crime reduced; LPSA2
Progress: During the recent period the police have responded to an increased number of street robberies against students from SalfordCollege Pendleton Campus. These occurred throughout December January and into February. In response the police have launched Operation Sousse to address this issue. There has so far been 5 arrests with offenders currently on bail for ID procedures. The neighbourhood team have provided a high profile high visibility reassurance element to the operation, being based at the college and giving crime prevention advice. They have then escorted the students to their buses. This has significantly reduced the number of these offences.

3. A Learning & CreativeCity / Encouraging Learning Leisure & Creativity

Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
3.1 / / Bring Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields into full use / Explore options with Greater Manchester Federation of Clubs for Young People / Housing & Planning; Children’s Services / Playing fields in use
Progress this should be addressed as part of the programme of work coming out of the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Plan
3.2 / / Develop use of de la Salle playing fields / Support de la Salle Sports & Social Club / Community Services, SCL / Changing rooms improved; ground improvements
Progress The UK largest sports charity the Football Foundation has just announced the success of a bid for £685,140 in grant funding for a project to create pitches and changing facilities
5 x De La Salle FC Coaches have received 50% funding via SPAA Coach Education funding.
3.3 /
/ Resolve the future use of Stott Lane playing fields / Resolve the future / Children’s Services / Future resolved
Progressthis should be addressed as part of the programme of work coming out of the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Plan
3.4 /
/ Increase participation in sport / Support Langworthy Reds Rugby Club / Community Services, SCL / Club facilities improved
Progress Club Health Check and audit undertaken. 11 CRB’s completed. Assistance with re-accreditation of Club Mark given via SCL’s Club Development Officer. All relevant information cascaded.
3.5 / / Increase participation in sport / Provide holiday sports programmes / Salford Community Leisure / Community Committee / Programmes provided and evaluated
Progress Completed monitoring reports tendered following each holiday period.February half-term programme was very successful.
3.6 /
/ Increase participation in learning / Develop a Learning & Skills Network / Community Services, Economic Dev, Training Providers / Community Committee / Programmes provided and evaluated
Progress Set up a Learning & Skills Network for Training Providers where local people can access relevant information

4. A City Where Children & Young People Are Valued / Investing In Young People

Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
4.1 / / Increase facilities and activities for children and young people / Target devolved budget expenditure / Community Services / Community Committee / Increased facilities
Progress this continues. Agreed funding for Fairbridge, Child Action Northwest and Salford Community Leisure has been increased.
Youthbank funding secured via Salford Junior Sports Council along with CC funding will enable supplementary activities to be delivered.
4.2 / / Work with young people / Provide a range of building-based, outreach, detached, etc provision / Youth Service; Fairbridge; Message Trust; Child Action NorthWest, SCL / Mainstream; Community Committee; others / Services provided / Bi-annual contract monitoring (Fairbridge)
Progress SCL’s Wednesday Evening Engagement Programme is now being hosted at the Height Youth Centre for the winter months. This approach has seen a number of WEEP attendees becoming members of the Height Youth Club.
4.3 / / Provide services for young children / Manage Buddies Centre, etc / Fun4All / Community Committee and others / Services provided / Bi-annual contract monitoring
ProgressCommunity Committee funding assists Fun4All and associated organisations to provide a range of services

5. An Inclusive City With Stronger Communities / Promoting Inclusion

Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
5.1 /
/ Develop resident contact in New Weaste. / Establish stronger links with residents, schools, etc / Community Services / Meetings held; forums established / Attendance at Community Committee
Progress supporting New Weaste Residents Association, (also supported by Salix Homes & Salford Community Pride) on another community clean-up event, which is planned in the area soon.
Also work with Friends of St Luke’s JuniorSchool to keep the area around school in good order and look at putting on local events.
5.2 / / Monitor contract for community resource centre with Weaste Community Watch. / Maintain links with Meadows Resource Centre / Community Services / Contract maintained / Reports in 9/07 and 3/08
5.3 / / Increase facilities and activities for older people including intergenerational activities / Target devolved budget expenditure / Community Services / Community Committee / Increased activities
Progressongoing – have set up an Older Peoples Forum for Claremont & Weaste in January 2009 which will meet every month (altenate venues Weaste – April/June etc – Claremont – May/July etc. Also working with Intergenerational Worker from Age Concern to support and develop work between age groups.
Healthy Hips & Hearts along with Walk Leader training delivered via SCL’s Active Lifestyle Team members.
5.4 / / Increase networking opportunities for local groups / Organise community lunches, teas, showcase, etc / Community Services / Community Committee / 6 events held
Progress this has been ongoing. The nature of future events is being reviewed to try and ensure that they address specific goals in a cost-effective manner
5.5 / / Strengthen links with black and minority ethnic residents. / Engage with local BME residents / Community Services, PCT / Meetings attended
Progressworked in partnership with the Link Project, Salford PCT and the Height Asian Womens Group to organise an Eid/ Diwali/ Christmas event, encouraging both communities to integrate and to encourage the women to participate in wider community activities such as community teas.
6. An Economically Prosperous City / Creating Prosperity
Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
6.1 / / Sustain retail / employment at Hope village and Bolton Road / Environmental and infrastructure improvements / Groundwork / Central Salford URC; Community Committee / Improvements carried out.
Progressplanters have been installed in front of the shops and have recently been re-stocked following damage. Other options for environmental improvements are being pursued by Urban Vision with Red Rose Forest
6.2 / / Maximise local employment in the SHIFT development of HopeHospital / Build on links already developed between Salford Construction Partnership and Balfour Beatty / Salford Construction Partnership / Employment Pathways Project; training “hub”.
6.3 / / Reduce number of residents claiming Incapacity Benefitand Income Support / Develop engagement activities with existing voluntary and community networks / Economic Development – Employability Team / Existing NRF budgets / TBD
6.4 /
/ Increase access to a low cost savings & loans facility for local people / Develop partnerships within existing school & community networks / Community Services/River Valley Credit Union/ OasisAcademy / Set up Collection Point at School
Progress training for young people and teachers initially to learn how to manage a Credit Union Community Bank at the school.
To support a programme around Financial Manageemnt & Budgeting linked to the curriculum.

7. A City that is Good To Live In / Enhancing Life (The Environment)

Ref No /
New Item?
/ Objective / Action / Delivery Led By / Resources Allocated / Outcomes
Targets / Milestones / Status
7.1 /
/ Improve road safety / Manage devolved Highways Budget / Community Committee / £100,000 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme / Schemes agreed and implemented / Work at Hope Village; Bolton Road; Gilda Brook ; Doveleys Road; Derby Road; PB event
Progress this work is ongoing and detailed reports go to Community Committee via Environmental Task Group
7.2 / . / Reduce the burden of traffic on Eccles Old Road / Lancaster Road / Investigate options / Urban Vision / Investigation started
Progress Central Salford URC / Urban Vision will undertake a detailed corridor plan for EOR as part of their Integrated Transport Strategy
7.3 / Reduce impact of parked vehicles / Investigate options for reducing the impact of parked cars associated with HopeHospital / Urban Vision / Appropriate measures introduced
Progress Phase 3 of the residents’ parking scheme was implemented in January 2009
7.4 / new / Improve LightoaksPark / Continue with implementing the actions from the tree survey carried out in the park. / Environmental Services
Progressthis work is ongoing. Environmental Services are liaising with the Friends of the Park over the tree replacement programme.
7.5 / / Improve LightoaksPark / Upgrade Sports Area / Environmental Services; / Funding identified / procured; upgrade carried out.
Progressno funding has yet been identified to initiate this work.
7.6 /
/ Improve LightoaksPark / Resolve future of former OakwoodSchool site / Housing & Planning
Progress the situation is not yet resolved
7.7 / / Improve BuileHillPark / Resolve future of mansion and progress the Heritage Lottery Bid, etc / Environmental Services / Future of mansion resolved, Bid progressed
Progress planning permission has been granted for a hotel development. The HLF bid is in preparation
7.8 / / Improve and develop playing fields / Develop strategy for Stott Lane and Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields / Housing & Planning; Children’s Services / Strategy developed and implemented / City-wide Playing Field assessment
Progress see 3.2 and 3.3 above
7.9 / / Regenerate the site of the former Meadowgate canteen / Identify options / Housing & Planning / Site regenerated
Progress Community Committee has received a presentation about a proposed housing development on this site and made suggestions for improved car parking arrangements
7.10 / / Physically regenerate the Stapleton Street / Park Lane area / Identify options / Housing & Planning / Option identification process underway
Progress this area has been identified as a priority focus for the newly-established Neighbourhood Partnership Board
7.11 / / Regenerate Weaste squash courts / Liaise with owners / Housing and Planning / Options identified / work undertaken
Progress the Willows area has been identified as a priority focus for the newly-established Neighbourhood Partnership Board. It should be addressed as part of the programme of work coming out of the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Plan
7.12 / / Regenerate key shopping areas / See 6.1 above
Progress see 6.1 above. Community Committee is funding improvements to parking layout on Bolton Roadand Eccles Old Roadusing its devolved highways capital budget
7.13 / / Encourage reduced littering and dog fouling / Ongoing initiatives in the Bolton Road / Height area / Environmental Services / Increased public satisfaction
7.14 /
/ Manage “Green Directory” / Establish structures and processes / Environmental Services; Community Services / Community Committee
Progressthe Green directory has not proved to be a working document of great value but Environmenet Task Group will draw the attention of Environmental Services to any areas of land which require attention.
7.15 /
/ Sustain stable communities / Establish limits on the proportion of HMOs in an area / Housing & Planning / Planning guidance
7.16 / / Establish a planning framework for the area / Take forward the priorities for implementation from the Neighbourhood Plan / Housing & Planning; Chief Executives / Plan completed / Consultation exercises
Progress ongoing