(One Name per Registration Form)

Complete and return to National Office as soon as possible. Deadline is September 8, 2017.



Cell Phone Number______Fax Number______


Position (please check): □Delegate □Alternate □Advisor □National Officer □Guest

Enclosed is my registration fee of $50(check or money order made payable to Sigma Gamma Epsilon) for myConvention Registration Fee. This fee will be REFUNDED upon my full attendance and participation in the 2017 convention and if postmarked by September 8, 2017(Guest registration fees are nonrefundable).


A $400 stipend is being provided for the Official Delegate of each chapter by the National Council upon complete attendance of the 2017 convention and presentation and submittal of Chapter Report. $50 stipends for alternates and $200 stipends for advisors are being provided upon complete attendance of the 2017 convention. Meals and lodging (campus dorms) during the meeting will be provided. Participants are responsible for securing their OWN TRAVEL.

Please select either option # 1 or # 2 below and answer the appropriate questions.

1). I will be flying toChampaign, IL. (CMI) from ______

Arrival Date/Time ______

Airline & Flight Number ______

______I need to be picked up at the Champaign Airport and shuttled to Eastern Illinois University.


______I have made my own travel arrangements to/from the airport.

2). I plan to drive to/from Charleston, IL

If traveling by car, please indicate day and estimated time of arrival ______.

Mailing Address for Parking Permit: Car Make & Model: ______

______Car Year: ______

______Car Color: ______

______Car License State & #: ______


_____ None______Yes, please specify ______


(One Name per Committee Form)

Complete and return to the National Office as soon as possible.

Deadline is September 8, 2017.


Cell Phone Number______Fax Number______


Position (please check): □ Delegate □Alternate □Advisor □National Officer □Guest

All active members attending can serve on committees; however, only an official delegate can serve as chairman of a committee. These committees and their duties are as follows:

Chapter Affairs: Recommends programming, service projects, and fund-raising activities that Chapters can use to become more active, solvent, and of service to their department and members. This committee also recommends changes to the Society’s webpage.

Compass and Finance: Makes recommendations regarding change of dues, initiation fees, publication policies concerning THE COMPASS, and means of obtaining more articles of review for THE COMPASS.

Constitution and Bylaws: Makes necessary changes in the Constitution and Bylaws required by legislation passed by the Convention.

Membership and Scholarship: Recommends any change in qualifications to become a member such as G.P.A., hours of Earth Science courses, etc.

Nominations: Draws up a slate of nominees for the National Officers and presents slate to the Convention. The Committee makes certain each nominee has been contacted personally and has agreed to serve.

Resolutions: Prepares all “thank yous” to the groups and individuals who ran the Convention.

Ritual and Insignia: Recommends any change in content, format, or styles of presentation of the Initiation Ceremony. This Committee also recommends any change in design of our insignia.

Committee assignments will be made before the start of the convention. If your chapter has a special interest, please indicate below. Please indicate first, second, and third choices. All individuals attending the convention participate in committee membership but only the official delegates may vote:

_____Chapter Affairs_____ THE COMPASS and Finance

_____Constitution and Bylaws_____Membership and Scholarship


_____Ritual and Insignia

Please returnCOMPLETED FORM with $50 registration feeBY September 8, 2017 to:

Paula Even (319) 505-3391 (phone)

Dept. of Earth Science - 0335(319) 273-7124 (fax)

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614

See Reverse for Committee Form