5th Sunday of Lent Parish of Ardfert 13 March 2016


Fr Tadhg: 087 9808834; e-mail:

RECENT DEATHS: Jane Drury, Banna whose funeral Mass was held on Monday. Des Manfield, late of Walnut Grove.

ANNIVERSARIES: Timmy Fitzmaurice & dec’d members of the Fitzmaurice family, Carrahane; Michael & Margaret Houlihan, Ardfert village; Michael O’Sullivan, Liscahane.

MONTH’S MIND: John Francis O’Mahony, St Brendan’s Terrace.

Masses for week commencing Sunday 13 March

Sat 8.00 pm Timmy Fitzmaurice (anniv) & dec’d members of the

Fitzmaurice family, Carrahane

Sun 11.00 am Michael & Margaret Houlihan, Ardfert village (annivs)

Mon 9.30 am Intentions

Tues 9.30 am Intentions

Tues 10 am – 6 pm Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration

Weds 8.00 pm John Francis O’Mahony, St Brendan’s Tce (M Mind)

Thurs 11.00 am St Patrick’s Day

Fri 8.00 pm Michael O’Sullivan, Liscahane (anniv)

Sat 8.00 pm Tadhg & Angela Kennedy, Tralee Road (annivs)

Sun 11.00 am John Lawlor, Dineens (anniv)


Weds vigil: Geraldine Delaney & J O’Loughlin Mary Clifford

Thurs 11.00: Eamon Long & Catherine Mary Egan Mary Collins

Saturday vigil: Brendan Kelliher & Kathleen Murray Pat Kennedy

Sunday 11.00: John Joe Roche & Maureen O’Sullivan Martin Ennis


v  Last Sunday’s offertory collection: €1175; Capital Envelope Collection: €227. Go Raibh Maith Agaibh.

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL. The next meeting will be held in Cúil Mhuire Pastoral Centre on Monday 14 March at 8 pm.

Easter Mass Bouquet cards and a selection of other Mass cards are available from the parish office.

For the Year of Mercy: ‘Come and See’ continues on Tuesday 15 March 8-8.45 pm in Cuil Mhuire Pastoral Centre. Enquiries to 087 1344699. All are welcome. (Please note change of day this week)

Ardfert Retreat Centre. Year of Mercy – A Course on Faith with Fr Sean Sheehy. The next session will be held on Weds 30 March at 7 pm.

Our prayers are asked for those who are sick – may they experience the saving and healing power of Christ.


ANNIVERSARIES: John Harris, Banemore; Josie Regan, Baltovin; Nora & Michael Dalton, Lerrig; Hannah Nolan, Kilcooley.

Masses for week commencing Sunday 13 March

Sat 7.00 pm John Harris, Banemore (anniv)

Sun 10.00 am Josie Regan, Baltovin (anniv)

Mon 10 am – 5 pm Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration

Weds 7.00 pm Nora & Michael Dalton, Lerrig (annivs)

Thurs 10.00 am Hannah Nolan, Kilcooley (anniv) – St Patrick’s Day

Sat 7.00 pm Christina & Jeremiah O’Connor, Banna (annivs)

Sun 10.00 am Fr Xavier Lovett, Seattle & Kilmoyley (1st anniv)


Weds vigil: Pat Horgan & Mary Monahan Mary O’Carroll

Thurs 10.00: Joan O’Carroll & Bridie Griffin Padraig Regan

Saturday vigil: Jim Costelloe & Ashley O’Connor Mary Brassil

Sunday 10.00: Sean McGrath & Sara McCarthy Aine Crowe &

Mary Ross Daly


Communion Calls to the sick and housebound will take place on Easter Sunday morning 27 March. If you wish to receive Communion and are not on the First Friday list please contact Fr Tadhg or the parish office.

v  TROCAIRE. Last year €3175 was raised for Trocaire in this parish. Your continued support is much appreciated. Trocaire boxes are in both churches – please take one.

ARDFERT PARISH OFFICE Opening times: Tuesdays: 9.30 – 2.00; Thursdays: 9.30 – 1.30; Fridays: 9.30 – 1.30. Telephone No: 7134131.

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) has published a consultation paper in relation to the development of a curriculum in Education about Religions, Beliefs & Ethics (ERBE) in all primary schools. The NCCA are proposing a number of approaches to the curriculum development. It is difficult to see how some of these approaches will work in a Catholic school context and there are concerns that existing religious education will be impacted. The NCCA are seeking submissions in relation to ERBE. There are two ways of submitting views to the NCCA; one is by completing the questionnaire on the NCCA website (www.ncca.ie) and the other is by making written submissions. The questionnaire is limited in scope and, therefore, written submissions are encouraged. The closing date for submissions is 31 March 2016.