Using Acuity Reports with Parents
Individual student reports can be used as progress reports or to identify areas for parents that need remediation or acceleration. If there is computer access at home, assigning instructional activities in selected areas that parents can work through with their child would be a good next step to follow up on these reports. These instructional resources can also be printed off and completed at school or home.
Giving students feedback and the ability to track their progress can be very motivating to them. In fact, the research shows that involving student in the teaching – learning – assessment cycle pays off with powerful gains in achievement. As an added bonus, students don’t need paper reports – they can login and see the reports right in Acuity on their student screen.
Two reports are highlighted in this guide.
First, the Individual Assessment Report shows how a student did on an individual assessment. TCAP/CSAP predicted performance, overall percent correct and scores on each strand and concept show areas of strength and needed improvement.
Second, the Student Progress Report shows how a student has done on each of the last four predictive, diagnostic or custom tests taken. Results are reported graphically for scale scores (which should increase over time) and percent correct which may not increase because of increasing difficulty of items. Results are also shown for each strand for each test, so you can look at specific skills and how that has changed.
In addition to parents and students, these reports may be useful to problem-solving teams, an ESS IEP team, a counselor or for other uses in the school when one is discussing a child’s academic performance.
When To Use It / Use this report to look at a student’s results overall in detail, and to see where she/he ranks compared to other students in your school or the district. This could be useful to discuss with parents the student’s mastery of the state standards and where there are strengths (higher % points obtained) and areas for improvement (lower % points obtained).What Question it answers / What is the average percent correct?
How does the student rank compared to other students (percentile ranks)?
How is a student likely to score on the TCAP/CSAP test?
Did a student stop answering items (number of items omitted)?
Where did a student score higher by strand and concept (higher percent of points obtained
and where did the student score less well?
Individual Student Assessment Report
What Question it answers / How did a student perform on each assessment over time?
How did a student perform on each grade level strand across assessments?
What was the student’s overall scale score over time?
Student Longitudinal Report
ð Step 1 Go to the Reports tab on the left navigational tool bar
ð Step 2 Select the report you would like to print
ð Step 3 Scroll down to see the Batch Reports option and select
ð Step 4 Enter the criteria for the test results you would like to print
ð Step 5 Select the date you would like the reports to be generated
ð Step 6 Add a unique extract name using characters, numbers, underscores and dashes. Do not include any spaces.
ð Step 7 Click on Create Batch at the bottom of the page
Once the reports have been generated, you will find the completed job under the Management tab on the left navigational tool bar.
ð Step 8 Select the Batch Reports tab
ð Step 9 You should see your report batch listed. Once the Status column lists the job as being Complete you can print and/or save it.
Batch Reports will remain under the Batch Reports tab for 14 days. So, please make sure you save the reports to your computer and/or print them out prior to the expiration.
Accessing Acuity from Home
You have the ability to allow students to access their individual results from home. If you inform parents about this and send home the student’s login name and password, parents can have access also. The will be able to see the students individual assessment and progress report.
Attached is a sample notice for parents.
Track Your Student’s Progress From Home!
To access the site follow these steps:
ð Go to
ð Enter your child’s name and password
o Login Name:
o Password:
1 Thompson School District, September 2011