November 1, 2015

The Wilderness of Loss: Remembrance Sunday

Rev. Tim Temerson and Pam Garn Nunn

All of us experience loss. Sometimes our pain of our grief can lead us to feel as if we are lost and wandering in a wilderness. Today as we honor and remember our beloveds who have died, we will welcome the healing power of love and memory to help us find our way through the wilderness. The service will include a ritual of remembrance and you are invited to bring a photograph or special object to honor friends and loved ones (human or animal) who have died.

November 8, 2015

The Long Walk

Rev. Kristen Rohm and Elizabeth Reilly

Unitarian Universalists often say we are a covenantal faith rather than a creedal one. This morning we explore what this means, drawing on the history ofcovenantas well as our liberal tradition of committing to journey together.

November 15, 2015

Why Black Lives Must Matter

Rev. Tim Temerson and Barret Bills

Since the death of an unarmed African American teen at the hands of a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in August of 2014, the #Black Lives Matter movement has been at the forefront of challenging racism among law enforcement and in the criminal justice system. Today’s service will focus on the prevalence and persistence of racism throughout our society, address the controversy surrounding the name “Black Lives Matter,” and ask how Unitarian Universalism and our congregation can and must respond.

November 22, 2015

Giving Thanks, Sharing Love: An Intergenerational Thanksgiving Celebration

Rev. Tim Temerson and Rich Roberts, DRE

Expressing gratitude is a way of acknowledging the love we receive and for sharing the love we feel in our hearts. During this intergenerational celebration, we will reflect on the meaning of gratitude and on the importance of sharing our blessings with others. The service will include the Sharing the Harvest Thanksgiving ritual and will feature the musical talents of the UU Band. We will also take a special collection to benefit the UUCA Community Meal.

November 29, 2015

Hope for the Journey

Wendy Bartlett and Elizabeth Reilly

As UU’s, we are in covenant to accompany one another on our spiritual journeys. Sometimes, particularly during periods of hardship, the hope to continue that spiritual journey can be hard to find. Today we’ll hear incredible and inspiring stories of hope and spiritual homecoming featured in the exhibit “Violins of Hope

”( and enjoy special music by violinist Nathan Barford and pianist Brian Laasko.