Okinawa Lutheran Church

362 Shimabuku, Kitanakagusuku, Okinawa, Japan 901-2301

933-3488 or 932-6560 (Parsonage)

Church Schedule October 2008

Oct 5 0930 Joint Service followed by Potluck

(No Sunday School)

Oct 12 0830 Sunday School

0930 English Service

1100 Japanese Service followed by Sunday School

Oct 19 0830 Sunday School

0930 English Service

1100 Japanese Service followed by Sunday School

Oct 26 0830 Sunday School

0930 English Service

1100 Japanese Service followed by Sunday School

Confirmation Class - Wednesdays

Sr Youth Group - Sundays

Jr Youth Group - First Saturday of the month

Scripture Readings

Date Festival 1st Reading Psalm Epistle Gospel

Oct 5 1st Sun after Pentecost Is. 5:1-7 Psalm 118 Phil 3:4b-14 Matt 21:33-46

Oct 12 2nd Sun after Pentecost Is. 25:6-9 Psalm 23 Phil. 4:4-13 Matt 22:1-14

Oct 19 3rd Sun after Pentecost Is. 45:1-7 Psalm 121 1 Thess. 1:1-10 Matt. 22:15-22

Oct 26 Reformation (Oct 31) Rev. 14:6-7 Psalm 46 Rom. 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 or Matt. 11:12-19

Ways to Serve

Oct Flowers Snacks Reader Acolyte

5 Terukina Family Potluck Kyle Sayers

12 Kara Morris

19 Shimabukuro Family Hodovan Family Leyna Hodovan

26 Hanovich Family Hanovich Family Kyle Sayers

Please sign up for snacks, flowers, acolyte or reader on the sheets on the bulletin board.

Upcoming Events

Oct 11

Junior Youth Group Fun Night

6-8p.m. Sign up on the bulletin board. We will have snacks and play games. Bring a friend! This is for grades 3, 4 & 5.

Oct 13

Double holiday…Sports Day for local communities and Columbus Day.

Oct 18 or 25

Cooking Class trip to Daikon no Hanna Restaurant. Sign up on the bulletin board.

Oct 26

Reformation Sunday

Be sure to wear red to remember the work of the Holy Spirit who guides and purifies the church.

Church Picnic

Nov 2 at 10 a.m.

Outdoor worship and picnic at Comprehensive Athletic Park in the camping area under a shelter near the sea side, and close to the kid’s athletic area.

Nov 22

Church Bazaar

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Bring donated items and baked goods. Proceeds for Tokyo Seminary and Lutheran World Relief.

Dec 24

Christmas Eve


6 p.m. Worship

7 p.m. Potluck

with turkey followed by talent show. What’s your talent?

Caroling will depend on the weather.


14 Pastor Nearhood

20 Tsuneko Shiroma

Toshiko Gaja

Prayer Request

Please continue to pray for the growth of our church.

Bob’s Mom, Margaret Hanovich, as she continues to battle leukemia.

Thank you all for your prayers and concerns while we were in the states.

If you have any prayer requests please contact Pastor Nearhood at the church office.

Thank you

Masako Nearhood and Mrs. Hanoshiro

for providing


music each

week for

our services.

Church Mouse

Thanks to everyone who has brought paper products or cleaning items. Your help is greatly appreciated.

If you have any free time…see Pastor for things that need to be done around OLC.

If you have any ideas or comments for the church newsletter please let me know.

Karen Hanovich