St. Joseph & Annunciation

Cluster Parishes

Living a Faith, Building a Future

Penance – before weekend Masses & First Friday

Rev. Anthony P. Pick

(CR) Rectory Phone & fax: 999-2823

(CR) Parish Center phone: 999-2472

(D) Rectory & Church phone: 683-5744


Deacon Louis Meiners

Phone: 683-5795(H) 712-254-0085 (cell)


January 20, 2008

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mon 10:30AM (D) Adoration/Reconciliation

11:00AM (D) Healing Mass

Ronald Heman, Sister Rose Schreck

Tues 6:00PM (D) Louis Hoffman, Cletus Halbur

8:15AM (StL) Carroll, K 6-8 Grades

Wed 7:30PM (CR) Sheri Meiners, Nell Meiners

Thur 6:00PM (D) Joe Sporrer, Jerry Sporrer

Fri 7:30AM (CR) Eleanor Wiskus, Emma Messersmith

Sat 5:30PM (CR) Sally Grossman, Hattie Meyer

7:30PM (D) Bernard Pletchette,

Special Intention by Joe & Esther Schmitz, Cluster Parishioners

Sun 8:00AM (D) Catholic Schools Week, Youth Choir

Cliff Danner, Delbert VonBon

10:00AM (CR) Richard Rafferty, Elizabeth Lewis,

Cluster Parishioners


Fiscal Year: 01 July 2007 – 30 June 2008

St. Joseph:

For week of 1/13/08

Adult $853.00; Loose $143.00; Youth $13.50


Adult $4,100.00; Children $25.00;

Agnella Meiners Estate $500.00


For week of 1/13/08

Adult $1,408.50; Loose $760.00; Youth $7.76

FUNERAL MASSES, whenever funeral masses are scheduled in Coon Rapids, you can count on the earlier morning mass to be cancelled.

BAPTISM, parents anticipating a BAPTISM please contact Deacon Louis Meiners, 683-5795(home), 712-254-0085(cell), ahead of time before the birth of your baby. Additional classes are required for a second for more babies.

WEDDINGS: Contact Pastor at least 6 months in advance.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION, the process of becoming a Catholic or completing the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation for adults or children is celebrated in the parish. If interested, please call the Parish Office.

REDEMPTION CONTAINERS, many thanks to everyone for bringing these for our youth group. The kids thank you too.

HAVE YOU remembered God in your last will & testament through your parish church? Many thanks to parishioners who have been giving generous gifts of over a thousand dollars and more.

BROKEN ROSARIES, if you have any to be fixed, you may place them in the back of both Churches, and Luella Esdohr will repair them free of cost.

PRAYER REQUESTS, write them on note paper in back of church, and place them in a little basket. They’re places on the altar for all those attending mass to pray for those special intentions. Any time you wish a name to be mentioned out loud, you must tell that to Father.

ST. JOSEPH PARISH is again raffling a grand prize of $1,000, two $500, eight $250, and 10 $100. Raffle tickets may be purchased from any one of the St. Joseph Parishioners for $20 a piece. This year’s profits will be used to install new windows in the St. Joseph Parish Hall downstairs in the church basement. And so, win some money, and help the Church at the same time.

A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND is being held in Des Moines from Feb. 8-10. The cost is $35, which will cover hotel and meals. Donations are accepted as well. The weekend begins on Friday at 8pm and usually ends with Mass around 4pm on Sunday. For more information call the Parish Office, or contact John and Deb Seeman at 641-755-3667 or .

ANOTHER MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND is being held from Feb 8-10 at the Holiday Inn in Cedar Falls. Call Roger or Marsha at 563-927-4352 for more information.


February 9-10, 2008 – Okoboji ($150/couple)

March 8-9, 2008 - Okoboji ($150/couple)

June 21-22, 2008 – Sioux City ($150/couple)

PRE-CANA – A one-day format for ONLY those couples who cannot participate in either of the first 2 preferred programs. Registration fee is $90/couple which includes lunch and materials for two people. April 19,2008 – Sioux City.

SENIORS-BISHOP’S SCHOLARSHIP at Briar Cliff University-Applications can be accessed thru the Diocesan website at or . Application deadline is February 1, 2008.

BRIAR CLIFF SUNDAY is next weekend, January 26 and 27. Donations that weekend will support the scholarship programs for BCU students. Briar Cliff University is the only Catholic University in Northwest Iowa. There will be a 2nd collection after Communion in both parishes for this. For credit you may use an envelope with your name on it.

NATIONAL VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK was last week Jan. 13th-Jan. 18th. Keep praying for an increase of vocations to the priesthood, deaconate, and religious life. Pray daily as a family for more vocations.

EUCHARISTIC PILGRIMAGE, under the leadership of Fr. LeRoy Seuntjens the Sioux City Diocese is sponsoring a special 8-day Eucharistic pilgrimage to the 49th International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City, Canada, from June 13-24, 2008. There is a $50 discount for registrations received by Feb. 1st. Final deadline is March 5th. For more info or to register, call Fr. Seuntjens at 712-258-9078.

THE KUEMPER AFTER PROM COMMITTEE will be sponsoring a “Can Collection Fundraiser” until April. On Saturday, February 9, from 9am-1pm we will collect cans.If you would like to have your cans picked up, call Shellie Meiners at 669-3602.

CHRISTOPHER WEST, one of the most sought after Catholic speakers, is coming to Des Moines, IA. Hear Christopher’s life-changing presentation on love and human sexuality on February 22 and 23, 2008, as he presents Pope John Pall II’s Theology of the Body with humor, joy, and common sense. The fee is $25 and includes eight talks, snacks, Saturday lunch, and a resource study guide. Space is limited so register soon by calling 515-255-1175 or online at Free tickets are available through the Sioux City Diocese office. For more information from the Diocese office, contact Sandi at 712-233-7530 or .

SACRED HEART PARISH, Manning, is hosting a Staley’s Chicken Supper on Sunday, January 20 from 5-8pm.

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL is hosting a pancake breakfast with homemade sausage and eggs on Sunday, Jan 27th from 8:30am-12:30pm.

THE CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN FRIARS will be holding a weekend in the Milwaukee area for men ages 17-49 who are interested in learning about religious life and seeing how Capuchins live as Franciscans in our world and in the Church today. The weekend is February 15-17. If you would like to attend or for more information, call 920-915-4400 or email the Vocation Office at: .


Prayer Chain: Please contact Lois Hoffman 999-5584 or Luella Esdohr 684-5269.

Sat Jan 26/5:30pm: R-Jon & Lori Esdohr

S-Beth Gelhaus, Heidi Esdohr

L-Jerry Kult

EM-Rosemary Paulsen, Kevin & Rhonda Reis

G-Terry Dentlinger Family

U-Denny Wurr, Dick Oswald

Sun Jan 27/10am: R-Arlene Wanninger

S-Sam Broich, Hollie Schroeder

L-Martha Stout

EM-Ruth McKenzie, Arlene Wanninger, Doug Vaux

G-Mike Stout Family

U-Jeff Hachmeister, Ed Golay

ANNUNCIATION GIFT TO GOD pledge cards. Pledges $83,300; Payments $28,155.59; 2nd collection $19,205.14. REMEMBER, (as St. Paul says), GOD WILL NOT BE OUTDONE IN GENEROSTIY.

2007 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are in the back of church. If there are any questions or errors, please contact Kelly at 999-4297. Thanks.

THY WILL BE DONE – IS YOURS? What will become of your property at death? If it is not needed by heirs, consider leaving it to your church.

CCD RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, parents still needed to sit in class rooms to hand out papers and help discipline. Extra help needed for settling down some kids. Call Parish Office to volunteer. More also needed at the Wed. 7:30pm mass.


Prayer Chain: Please contact Ruth Schreck 683-5885.

Sat Jan 26/7:30pm:

S-Justin Tunning, Abby Tunning

L-Alice Behrens

EM-Mary Klocke, Dale Klocke, Kevin Schultes

G-Alfred Peter Family

U-Daryl Fischer, George Grossman, Jr.

Sun Jan 27/8am/Student Choir: $Counters-Wilfred Meiners, Carol Schultes, Joe Schultes



EM-Floyd Klocke, Joe Ankenbauer, Steve Mikkelsen



2007 END-OF-YEAR STATEMENTS are in the back of church for you to pick up. If you have any questions, please contact Linda at 683-5851 or Molly at 683-5648. The 2007 report will be printed in early February.

KUEMPER CATHOLIC SCHOOL will be hosting a Kindergarten Information Meeting on Wednesday, January 30th and Thursday, February 7th from 6:30-7:30pm in the Holy Spirit gym. There will be activities scheduled for children who will be in kindergarten or optional kindergarten this fall and information for the parents to take home. No commitment is needed at this time – just come to get acquainted with other families and get your questions answered by staff members of Kuemper Schools.

KUEMPER CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: St. Joseph will begin the celebration of catholic schools week on Sun. Jan. 27th with a special mass for all of the Kuemper students. The student choir will be singing and we invite all students to participate in the mass. Contact Kathy Klocke at 669-3478.

ST. JOSEPH’S FISH FRIES: The annual fish fries will be held Feb. 8th and 22nd from 5-8pm. Please take the time to sign up to work in the back of church.

KUEMPER CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY is having their annual fundraising project with items from Red Wheel. Products include cookie dough, pizza bread,French braids, caramel & cinnamon rolls, mini pizzas & 12” pizzas, bread & brownie batter, burritos, egg rolls & mini tacos, 10” pies, gourmet pies, cheese cakes, gourmet coffees, frozen soups. Orders must be in by Jan. 14th and orders will be delivered Jan 31st in time for the Big Game. Contact Melissa Schultes at 683-5514.

KUEMPER SCHOOL LEADERSHIP & TEACHERS are very grateful to the St. Joseph parishioners for very faithfully paying up each month their monthly assessments, a good example & investment for our Catholic students.


A father is in church with his five year old daughter. They sat in the very front row so they could properly witness the service. During this particular service, the minister was performing the baptism of a baby. The little girl was taken by this, observing that he was saying something and pouring water over the infant’s head. With a quizzical look, she turned to her father and asked: “Daddy, why is he brainwashing that baby??”