Point Pleasant Beach School District

Mr. William Smith, Superintendent732-899-8840 ext.1002

Dr. Brian Savage, Board Secretary732-899-8840 ext. 1105

Affirmative Action Office732-899-8840 ext. 4000

Mrs. Patricia Cartwright, Supervisor, Special Education732-899-8840 ext. 4000

Mr. Thomas J. O’Hara, Principal732-899-8840 ext. 2111

Mrs. Tara Weber, Elementary Supervisor732-899-8840 ext. 2106

Mrs. Darlene Kuzloski, Guidance Counselor732-899-8840 ext. 2104

Mrs. Kathy Fioretti, School Nurse732-899-8840 ext. 2021

Preface to Student/Parent Handbook

The G. Harold Antrim Elementary School invites you to join us in celebrating the success of our students. To this end, we ask that you carefully read our Student/Parent Handbook.

In this handbook are guidelines with which we urge parents and children to familiarize themselves. Our school will implement these guidelines to ensure that all students understand what is expected of them as contributing members of our Antrim community of learners. We also encourage parents to become our partners in education by continuing to play an active role in their children's success in school and by reinforcing these guidelines throughout the school year.

Our educational community – administrators, teachers, parents, and students – reflects but a small portion of our global community. Nonetheless, this community experience is the foundation upon which our youth will build their future successes. Through our combined efforts, each student will have the opportunity to celebrate numerous individual achievements. Let our students’ celebrations for success here at G. Harold Antrim Elementary School become the first of many which they will carry with them well into and beyond the 21st century!




The Board of Education believes that pupils should commit themselves to learning and to the development of their unique potential. Pupils should know that their attitudes and acts affect both their own and their classmates’ learning and should accept responsibility for helping to create a positive school environment. With the support and assistance of school staff members and parent(s) or legal guardian(s), all pupils can contribute to the effectiveness of the schools and the value of their education.

The Board expects all pupils in this school district, commensurate with their age and ability, to:

  1. Prepare themselves mentally and physically for the process of learning;
  1. Respect the person, property, and intellectual and creative products of others;
  1. Take responsibility for their own behavior;
  1. Use time and other resources responsibly;
  1. Share responsibilities when working with others;
  1. Meet the requirements of each course of study;
  1. Monitor their own progress toward school objectives; and
  1. Communicate with parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and appropriate school staff members.

The Superintendent shall, in consultation with staff members, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and, where appropriate, pupils, develop a statement of specific pupil behaviors that exemplify these expectations and shall publish both this policy and the statement of behaviors to all pupils, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and professional staff members.


In the event of inclement weather or other emergency conditions, it may be necessary to open school later than the normal time.

On "delayed opening" days, classes for students attending G. Harold Antrim Elementary School will begin either 1 hour (9:10 a.m.) or 2 hours (10:10 a.m.) later.

A modified lunch will be served in both schools.



The Point Pleasant Beach School District will use an automated alert system. Each family will receive a message via phone that school has been closed or delayed. The following radio stations will be informed upon the closing of or delayed opening of school:

Radio Stations

WADB AM – 1410

WOR AM – 710

WOBM FM – 92.7

New Jersey FM – 101.5

The Point FM – 94.3

If an announcement is not made, school is in session, and you are expected to be present and on time. Closings or delays will also be posted on the district website:


Students who need to make an emergency phone call during the school day will be sent to the Main Office and assisted.


(I & RS)

Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) is a school based team that acts upon referrals regarding non-classified students who are experiencing academic and/or social difficulties. The I & RS Committee studies the referrals, makes suggestions, and coordinates strategies, interventions, and referral services.

The I&RS Committee is a team comprised of teachers, counselors, CST members, and the principal and/or supervisors. Its purpose is to allow for student success in the regular education program while offering structured support.


The Antrim School has a guidance counselor who will serve the needs of ALL the students.

The Antrim School counselor provides guidance services and counseling in the elementary school. The counselor works with Antrim students to help them develop academically, personally, and socially.

Depending on your needs, your counselor can help YOU:

  • develop a positive attitude towards learning;
  • build a positive image of self;
  • enjoy good relationships with others;
  • solve personal problems with family and friends;
  • discover your talents and abilities;
  • explore present and future goals;
  • develop good feelings about work, family, and society.

Our goal for creating a positive school experience is to develop a theme of kindness and respect within our entire community. We believe that our school can be a safe and nurturing environment for all. The goal of our Guidance Program is to create a caring community at our school where everyone feels safe and has a sense of belonging. To facilitate this effort, students and staff will be working throughout the year on activities that are related to respectful behavior, conflict resolution, and a program called Bully-Proof your School.

In addition to Character Education activities, Antrim will also be implementing activities from the Mind UP curriculum. This program teachers our students how their brain works and incorporates social, emotional, and self-regulatory strategies and skills to help children.

Students and parents are invited to visit the Guidance Office and are encouraged to speak with the counselor or teachers by appointment either during the school day or at other times by mutual agreement.


Any student who believes he or she is a victim of abuse or sexual harassment should report this to his/her parent, guidance counselor, teacher, administrator, or school nurse. Any reports of child abuse must be forwarded by the school to the Division of Youth & Family Service.

Any person or persons who abet or take part in improper sexual advances or harassment towards students of the same or different sex should be reported to school administration as soon as possible after the incident occurs. Students have the rights of total protection from any and all types of advances, subtle or overt. Mrs. Lisa Kitchenman and Mr. Bill Evans (732-899-3737), our Affirmative Action Officers, are available to take complaints or advise students. District policies relating to equity and prohibiting sexual harassment are available for parental review.


The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying. A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve. Harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, are the type of conduct that interferes with a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils in a safe environment. The Board’s Policy on HIB, procedures for handling acts of HIB, the designated form for reporting acts of HIB, and school district personnel responsible for investigating acts of HIB can be found on the District website at


“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any gesture, or written, verbal or physical or any electronic communication (telephone, cellular telephone, computer, or pager) actthat takes place on school property, at any school sponsored function or activity, on a school bus, or that it has an effect on the school learning environment, regardless of the location even off school groundswhere the prohibited conduct takes place, and that is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or physical appearance or characteristic or by any other distinguishing personal or social characteristics that a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the action will have the effect of harming a pupil or the pupil’s property, or placing a pupil in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property.

The definition of harassment, intimidation or bullying, for the purposes of the school district’s policy, also includes actions that have the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such a way so as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with a student’s learning environment or with the orderly operation of the school

This definition also includes conduct constituted by a pupil exercising power and control over another pupil in a single, isolated incident or in a continued pattern of harassing, intimidating or bullying behavior.

Expected Behavior

The Board expects pupils to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils and school staff.

Consequences and Appropriate Remedial Actions

The following factors will be considered in determining the appropriate response to pupils who commit one or more acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying:

  1. The developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved;
  1. The levels of harm;
  1. The surrounding circumstances;
  1. The nature of the behavior(s);
  1. Past incidences or continuing patterns of behavior;
  1. The relationships between the parties involved; and
  1. The context in which the alleged incidents occurred.

Concluding whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this Policy requires a determination by the Principal based on all of the facts and surrounding circumstances reported as a result of the Anti-Bullying Specialist’s investigation.

The persons responsible to be sure the appropriate procedures are followed with regard to incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying are the Anti Bullying Specialist, Mrs. Darlene Kuzloski, and the G. Harold Antrim Elementary School Principal, Mr. O’Hara.

As with all infractions of the code of student conduct, an appropriate consequence will be determined after meaningful consideration of these factors listed above. Consequences and appropriate remedial action for pupils who commit acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions to detentions, suspensions and expulsion, as set forth in the Board adopted Parent/Student Handbook. The consequences and remedial measures may include, but are not limited to, the examples listed below:

Examples of Consequences

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Temporary removal from the classroom;
  3. Deprivation of privileges;
  4. Classroom or administrative detention;
  5. Saturday suspension
  6. Suspension from participating in after-school programs/activities
  7. Out of school suspension
  8. Legal action; and
  9. Expulsion



Maximum scholastic achievement can be marked by a concerted effort to attend school daily. A healthy attendance record enables your child to receive the most benefits from his/her education. Homework and class work can be made up, but daily interaction between teacher/students and students/students cannot be “made up.” Your child will benefit socially and academically by attending school on a regular basis.

Absence from School

If your child is absent for any reason, you must call the Attendance Office at 732-899-3737, ext. 2110, indicating day(s) absent and explaining the absence(s). Then a note should be sent to school on the first day the child returns. If your child is absent because of a communicable disease or infection, please notify the school nurse as soon as possible. If the absence is for an extended period due to illness, a doctor’s statement should be sent to the school.

Attendance in school for four hours of instruction is mandatory for participation in sports, dances, plays, and other such extracurricular activities. If there are unusual extenuating circumstances, the principal may grant an exception. Illness, dentist appointments, and other routine reasons for absence will not be considered for an exception. A student must be in attendance for a minimum of four hours of instruction, as mandated by state law, to be considered present in school for the day. No pupil who is absent from school because of a religious holiday may be deprived of any award of eligibility or opportunity to compete for any award because of such absence. Any absence because of a religious holiday must be recorded as an excused absence, but a note from the parent is still required.

Excessive absences are defined as 20. Any absence from school, regardless of reason, is included in this number. Upon administrative review, students having 20 or more absences may be subject to possible retention, summer schooling requirements, assignment to extra help periods, or other remedy deemed necessary.

To assist parents in monitoring their child’s attendance, they can expect a first written notification on or about the 7th absence and a second on or about the 15th absence. The administration may then request a parental conference to assist the school in remedying their child’s attendance pattern. If a student reaches 20 absences, parents will be asked to attend a meeting with the administration.


Grades K – 8 – Inorder to prepare for instruction, every student should be in their respective classroom by 8:10 a.m. Any student who enters school past the time of 8:10 a.m. will be considered tardy. The student must report to the office to sign in.

Grades 6 – 8 – Being tardy 5 times and every time thereafter without a valid excuse will result in a detention. If a student accumulates 15 or more tardies, this student may be assigned to serve Saturday suspension, which is held at the Point Pleasant Beach High School.

Students late to classes during the day will be considered tardy by the classroom teacher for that specific class. Being tardy 3 times without a valid excuse will result in disciplinary action.

Make-up Work – Grades K – 5

If you wish to receive assignments, you must call the school prior to 10:00 a.m. to ensure the work will be prepared by dismissal at 2:35 p.m. Once a teacher prepares homework assignments for an absent student, the student is expected to complete the assignments and bring them to school when she/he returns. If the student is too ill to do the homework, he/she will still be allowed the normal make up time, however, we urge students to try to keep up by doing the assigned work the day it comes home.

Make-up Work – Grades 6 – 8

Work will be available on teachers’ individual webpage. If you have any questions, contact the teacher by email or call the school at 732-899-3737.

Family Trips

In the event of family trips, parents assume the responsibility for the educational needs of their children during the absence. Teachers are not required to prepare special lessons, or do tutoring when students return from vacation. However, the teachers will advise parents of upcoming assignments and projects as far as they are known.

After the absence the school staff will provide basic information regarding missed assignments. Students will be given five school days after returning from vacation to make up major tests, quizzes, and any additional work. (Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are encouraged to take advantage of the extra help period after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).


Absence from school without the prior knowledge of a parent is considered truancy. Besides the disciplinary action taken for a cut (grades 6, 7 and 8), additional discipline may also be imposed. Parents will be notified of all truants.

Pupil Supervision and After School Dismissal

The Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education has a policy to ensure the safety of the students being dismissed at the end of the school day. In accordance with Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education Policy #8601, we cannot release your child(ren) to anyone whom you have not previously authorized.

The policy further states that “in the event of an emergency such that, when an unforeseen event prevents a parent or legal guardian or designated escort from arriving for a child at dismissal within the time period designated by the principal or program administrator, the pupil will be relocated to the Main Office in the school building and will remain in the Main Office supervised by the Main Office staff until the parent or legal guardian or designated escort arrives.”

In the event of an emergency or extenuating circumstance, the parent/legal guardian can request that the administration release the child to an alternate designated escort via direct communication with the Building Principal or his designee. The administration in those cases will have full authority to release the child to the alternate designated escort on the given day(s).

After three occasions that your child is not picked up by the designated dismissal time and remains in the office, you will be charged a fee of $50.00 per day for child care.

An independent After-Care Program for students is provided by Monmouth-Ocean Education Services Commission (MOESC). Information regarding this program can be obtained by visiting their website at or by contacting the Main Office at Antrim School.



New Jersey law requires that all schools conduct the Pledge of Allegiance and flag salute exercise each school day. All persons in the building are asked to be observant during this time.


All printed material must be reviewed and approved for distribution in advance by the administration. The administration reserves the right to prohibit the distribution of printed materials, which are not protected by the right of free expression. Additionally, the time, place, and method of distribution will be determined by the administration. The Courts have established limits on the rights of individuals to access students on school property.