Christian Streffer: Curriculum vitae (CV)


- 1959 Diplom in Chemistry (Master Degree)

- 1963 Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.)

- 1963 Postdoc Institute of Biochemistry, University of Oxford/England

- 1964 to 1971 Research Scientist of the University of Freiburg i.Br.

- 1967 Habilitation in Molecular Radiobiology in order to become a University teacher

1972 to 1974 Professor for Radiobiology, University of Freiburg i.Br.

- 1974 to 1999 Chair of Med. Radiobiology in the University Clinics Essen

- 1976/77 and 1981/83 Dean of the Faculty for “Theoretical Medicine”

1.10.198830.09.1992 Rector of the University of Essen

- 1. 8. 1999 Emeritus Professor for Medical Radiobiology

- 1999 Board Member, Institute for Science and Ethics, Essen, Acting Director until 2006

- since 1999 Scientific Coordinator of Indo-German Cooperation for the German Government (BMBF)


- 1970: Holthusen Ring of the Deutsche Röntgen-Gesellschaft

- 1985: Röntgen-Plakette of Remscheid-Lennep, birthplace of Röntgen

- 1995: Honorary doctor degree of the University of Kyoto, Japan

- 1996: BacqAlexanderAward of the European Society for Radiation Biology

- 2001: Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Medal of the Polish Soc. for Radiat. Research

- 2002 Friedrich-Dessauer Medal of the German Association for Radiological Protection

- 2007 Hanns Langendorff Medal of the Hanns-Langendorff-Foundation and Gesellschaft fuer Med. Strahlenschutz

- 2008 Sievert Award of the International Radiological Protection Association

- 2009 Ulrich Hagen Medaille der Gesellschaft für biologische Strahlenforschung

- 2009 Distinguish Service Award of the Radiation Research Society, USA


- 1990 Honorary member of Society of Medical Radiology (former DDR)

- 1992 Honorary Member of the Association for Med. Radiation Protection, Austria

- 1997 Honorary Member of the Association for Med. Radiation Protection, Germany

- 1997 Honorary Member of the Swiss Society for Radiobiology and Med. Physics

- 2000 Honorary Member of the German Society for Radiooncology, Biology and Physics

Services in scientific societies and commissions:

- Councillor in various national and international scientific societies;

- 1993/1994 President of the European Society for Radiation Biology, 2002 to 2008 Honorary President of the Society

- 1979 to 1985 and 1987 to 1995 Member “Strahlenschutzkommission”, 1984/85 and 1993/95 Chairman of the Commission

1980 to 1999 Advisor to the "United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation" (UNSCEAR), 2001 to 2006 Head of the Germ. delegation

- 1993-2000 Member of Committ. 1, Intern. Com. on Radiol. Protection (ICRP)

- 2001 to June 2007 Member of ICRP Main Commission and Chairman of Committee 2

- 1984 Guest professor at the University Rochester, N.Y., USA

- 2000 Guest professor at the University Kyoto, Japan

- 2008 Emeritus Member of ICRP

Organizer of International Congresses

Besides a number of smaller national and international conferences:

- 1977 2nd International Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Essen

- 1985 European Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Essen

- 1992 Annual Meeting of European Society for Radiobiology, Erfurt

- 1995 10th International Congress for Radiation Research, Wuerzburg (Secretary-General)

Fields of Research

(More than 300 original publications in peer-reviewed journals)

---Protein Biochemistry

---Metabolic studies in mice after ionising radiation

---Testing and mechanisms of radioprotective drugs in mice

---Developmental effects in mice after ionising radiation

---Cytogenetic effects in humans after ionising radiation

---Experimental radiotherapy with human cells and cancers

---Cell cycle studies with human and mouse cells after ionising radiation

---Studies of radiation effects in radiosensitive humans with genetic predisposition

---Studies of genomic instability after ionising radiation in humans and mice.

---Studies of low radiation doses and health risk