
Book 3- Telemachus with Nestor; Book 4- Menelaus and Helen


VOCAB: I have provided part of speech and definition; you are responsible for learning the words. Choose half (10) of these words to write an original sentence that conveys meaning (do not end your sentence with the vocab word).

Book 3
1. entrails-(N)- animals internal organs
2. diffidence-(N)- lack of self-confidence
3. petition-(N)- request
4. beseech-(V)- implore; ask earnestly
5. vindictive-(ADJ)- a desire for revenge
6. besieging-(V)- to surround a city or stronghold with armed forces in order to bring about its surrender or capture
7. carrion-(N)- the rotting flesh of a dead animal
8. precipitous-(ADJ)- very high and steep (side of mountain, cliff)
9. destitute pauper- (destitute-(ADJ)-; pauper-(N)-) a very poor person
10. portico-(N)- a covered walkway
Book 4
1. dominions-(N)- the land governed by a ruler
2. dauntless-(ADJ)- unlikely or unable to be frightened or discouraged
3. lacerations-(N)- a deep and jagged cut in the flesh
4. impetuosity-(N)- a tendency to act rashly
5. implacable-(ADJ)- impossible to pacify or to reduce in strength or force
6. pungent-(ADJ)- with a strong smell or powerfully sharp or bitter taste
7. ensconced-(V)- to hide something somewhere, for safety or secrecy (archaic or literary)
8. enmity-(N)- extreme ill will or hatred
9. consternation-(N)- a feeling of bewilderment and dismay, often caused by something unexpected
10. audacity-(N)- daring or willingness to challenge

In your literature notebook, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

Book 3

1. Who is Nestor and why is he important?

2. Athena encourages Telemachus to be direct in his questioning of the king. Why does Telemachus think this will be difficult for him?

3. How do the people of Pylos treat Telemachus and his crew?

4. Explain the importance of sacrifice.

5. What words of wisdom does Nestor give Telemachus of being gone too long and why?

6. Explain how Nestor realizes Athene has been dining with them.

Book 4

1. How are Telemachus and Nestor's son, Peisistratus, treated? Is this important? Why?

2. What does Helen put in the wine and why?

3. What story does Helen tell about Odysseus?

4. What story does Menelaus then tell? Provide "highlights" of it.

5. How did Menelaus get Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea, to tell of Odysseus' fate?

6. What do the Suitors plan to do to Telemachus and why?

7. Explain the disguise/form Athena comes as to comfort Penelope and explain what she does.