Westfield High School

Intermediate Mixed Choir General Syllabus


Mrs. Wessel


Course Description: This course focuses on the fundamentals of singing such as vocal production, posture, breath support and rehearsal procedures. WHS choirs sing many styles of music, which may include concert music, folk music, madrigals, jazz, rock, and pop styles. Fundamentals of music, note-reading and written work will also be emphasized. Student leadership, learning to work with others and personal growth are encouraged within the choral groups. This is a performance-oriented course.

Materials: Pencil with eraser

Plain red two-pocket folder- will be provided for you

Essentials of Music Theory Book 1

Performance attire- black shirt or blouse (long or short sleeve), black pants, and black shoes

Grading scale: A 93%-100%

A- 90%-92%

B+ 87%-89%

B 83%-86%

B- 80%-82%

C+ 77%-79%

C 73%-76%

C- 70%-72%

D 65%-69%

F 64% & below

Choir grades are made up of several components. The final exam is 20%. The remaining 80% is made up of the following components:

Daily participation- 20%

Singing and Counting Quizzes- 30%

Theory and other written work- 30%

Performances and after-school rehearsals -20%

Daily participation is an important component of this class. This includes having needed materials, proper posture, demonstrating good singing technique (as learned in class) and positively contributing toward the choir. You may earn up to ten points per day for class participation. If you miss a day of class, you will need to make up the points. Make-up assignments are available in the cabinet above the folders. These must be turned in within two days of your return to class in order to receive full credit. See Mrs. Wessel regarding extended absences. If you unable to sing due to illness, but still at school, you must complete a Rehearsal Observation Report. This is to be used rarely. You must get permission from Mrs. Wessel to complete this alternate assignment.

Performances are another important part of our class. We work very hard for many weeks to prepare concert music. If you need to miss a performance, you must make up the points. I also need a note from your parent before the absence will be considered excused. It is YOUR responsibility to see Mrs. Wessel for the alternate assignment.

Classroom Expectations

1.  Be on time every day for class and for performances. We cannot do what we need to do without YOU!

2.  Be responsible. Have your music and pencil ready to go every day. Keep other books, purses, etc. on the tables by the door. This is for safety, as well as keeping you from distractions.

3.  Be respectful. We work together to be the very best that we can possibly be. Everyone should feel safe, accepted, and valued in this room. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

4.  Be focused. We are all here for a common purpose- creating great music! Doing homework, reading books, using phones or laptops, writing notes, etc. are NOT acceptable activities during rehearsal time. Exceptions may be made occasionally.

5.  No food, gum, candy, or drinks. Water is the only exception. Keeping yourself hydrated is important. Singing is hard work!

6.  No spraying hairspray, perfume, cologne, body spray, or deodorant in the room. Some people have allergies. This is an enclosed space.

All other Westfield High School student regulations apply when you are in class as well. Failure to meet the expectations will result in detention or trips to the dean.