CURRICULUM VITAEAssoc. Prof. Oxana E.Kurkina (Polukhina)
Birth:1977, October 20, Russia (USSR), Gorky
Marital status:married from 2007, two children.
NationalResearchUniversityHigher School of Economics,
25/12, B.Pecherskaya str. Nizhny Novgorod, 603155,Russia.
Phone: +7-831-416-95-40
Fax: +7-831-436-04-89
E-mail: ,
- Assoc. Professor, Mathematics Department, NationalResearchUniversityHigher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
2002 Candidate of Science, Physics and Mathematics (Mechanics of Fluid, Gas and Plasma), Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).
1999 Diploma with distinction (M.Sc. equivalent), Applied Mathematics, Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity, (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).
Full time:
2007 – presentAssoc. professor, Mathematics Department, National ResearchUniversityHigher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod,Russia)
2003 – 2007Assoc. professor, Applied Mathematics Department, Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity(Nizhny Novgorod,Russia)
2003Senior teacher, Applied Mathematics Department, Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity(Nizhny Novgorod,Russia)
Part time:
2007 – presentSenior research assistant, Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity(Russia)
2003 – 2010Research associate, Institute of Applied Physics RAS (Russia)
1999 – 2003Junior research assistant, Institute of Applied Physics RAS (Russia)
Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity:
- Calculus (2003-2007),
- Methods of Mathematical Physics (2003-2007),
- Mathematical Modelling in Environment (2003-2007),
- Theory of Probability (2004-2007).
StateUniversity – The Higher School of Economics
- Calculus (2007-present).
- Discrete Mathematics (2011).
- Theory of Probability (2011-present).
-Nonlinear dynamics, nonlinearwaves, nonlinear evolution equations, asymptotic methods.
-Ocean waves: internal, edge, shelf, and Rossby waves.
-Dynamics of coastal zone. Water pollutant dynamics and sediment transport.
-Numerical modelling of wave processes in fluids.
-Geophysical monitoring, coastal and ecological management.
- Reviewer of Physics Letters A, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
- TEMPUS-TACIS No. JEP-10460-98
- ISTC No 1775p
- INTAS No 99-1068 “Resonant and autoresonant effects in dynamics of nonlinear waves, solitons and vortices”, 99-1637 “Extreme waves: strongly nonlinear surface waves in the ocean”, 01-0330 “Impact of waves and currents on oil and other surfactants transport in coastal areas”, 03-51-3728 “Strongly nonlinear internal waves in lakes: generation, transformation and meromixis”, 03-51-4286 “Control of nonlinear waves and vortices by synchronization”, 06-1000013-9236 “Mathematical modeling of mixing and dispersion effects in the shallow waters of the coastal zone”
- RFBR No 00-05-64223 “High amplitude internal waves in a coastal zone” (2000 – 2002), 00-05-64922 “Nonlinear interactions of trapped waves in a rotating ocean with arbitrary bottom relief”(2000 – 2002), 02-05-65107 “Freak waves: physical mechanisms and computing” (2002 – 2004), 03-05-64975 “Nonlinear evolution of trapped waves in the shelf zone of the ocean” (2003 – 2005), 03-05-64978 “Nonlinear dynamics of stratified coastal zone” (2003 – 2005), 04-05-39000-GFEN2004 “Dynamics of internal solitons on the shelves of East China and Japan Seas” (2004 – 2006), 06-05-64087 “Nonlinear and nonstationary dynamics of multimode and random ensembles of the trapped waves in a coastal zone of ocean” (2006 – 2008), 06-05-64232 “Features of appearance of extremely large short living internal waves in the coastal zone” (2006 – 2008), 06-05-72011-ISTC “Modelling and forecasting of anomalous sea waves (freak waves)” (2006 – 2008), 08-02-00039 “Dynamics and statistics of extreme waves on the surface of fluid of finite depth”(2008 – 2010), 09-05-00204 “Penetration of internal waves on large distances in the ocean: physical mechanisms and numerical modeling”(2009 – 2011), 09-05-90408-Ukr “Internal waves of large amplitudes in the ocean with variable depth: analytical solutions and numerical modeling” (2009 – 2010), 10-05-00199 “Edge surface and edge internal waves in horizontal- and vertical-inhomogeneous ocean: theoretical analysis and numerical simulation” (2010 – 2012), 11-02-00483 “Stochastic dynamics of strongly nonlinear gravity waves on the water surface” (2011 – 2013).
- Scientific School 1637.2003.2, 6043.2006.2, 1244.2008.2.
- Grants of President of Russian Federation for Outstanding Young Doctors of Science: MD-3024.2008.5, “Nonlinear and non-stationary dynamics of trapped and internal waves in the ocean coastal zone” (2008 – 2009), MD-99.2010.5 “Forecasting of shelf dynamical processes induced by long surface and internal waves in the framework of improved mathematical models” (2010 – 2011).
- RussianFederalTargetprogram"Research and scientific-pedagogical cadres of Innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, as part of the event 1.2.1 Scientific studies by groups under leadership of Doctors of Science, direction “Geophysics”, research issue “Nonstationary and nonlinear dynamics of physical processes in sheltered stratified basins” (state contract 851, 2010 – 2012),direction “Risk decrease and reducing of consequences of natural and anthropogenic disasters”, research issue “Mathematical modeling of water dynamics and propagation of pollutants in the problems of prevention and on-line forecasting of emergency situations in inland water basins and on the shelves of Russian seas” (state contract 518, 2010 – 2012).
- Estonian Science FoundationGrants: ETF 8870 “Wave induced hazards in Estonian coastal waters” (2011 – 2014), ETF 9125 “The reaction of the eastern Baltic Sea coasts to changing wave conditions” (2012 – 2015), Estonian Ministry of Educationand Science GrantSF 0140007s11 “Wave dynamics for coastal engineering” (2011 – 2016).
- RFBR No 01-05-06208 (2001), 02-05-06043 (2002), 03-05-06116 (2003), 05-05-64333 “Strongly nonlinear long internal waves in stratified ocean” (2005-2007).
- Grant of President of Russian Federation for Young Scientists MK-1358.2005.1 “Strongly nonlinear internal waves in stratified flows: models and dynamics” (2005 – 2006), MK-846.2009.1 “Dynamics of large-amplitude localized internal gravity waves in stratified horizontally inhomogeneous fluid”(2009 – 2010).
Polukhina, O.E., Kurkin, A.A., Dubinina, V.A. Dynamics of edge waves in the ocean.Nizhny Novgorod, NNSTU, 2006. 136 p. (in Russian). ISBN 5-93272-352-1.
Chapter in the book
E. Pelinovsky, O. Polukhina, A. Slunyaev, T. TalipovaInternal solitary waves // Chapter 4 in the book “Solitary Waves in Fluids”. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston. 2007. P. 85 – 110. ISSN: 1353-808X. ISBN-13:978-1-845641-57-3.
Papers in Journals
- E.N. Pelinovskii, O.E. Polukhina, K. Lamb Nonlinear internal waves in the ocean stratified in density and current. Oceanology, 2000,V. 40, No. 6, p. 757 – 766.
- N.V. Poloukhin, O.E. Poloukhina, V. Rey Sediment transport under surface wave action. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000. V. 1, p. 181 – 193.
- O.E. Poloukhina Surface waves in stratified ocean with shear velocity. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001. V. 2, p. 126 – 138.
- R. Grimshaw, E. Pelinovsky, O. PoloukhinaHigher order Korteweg – de Vries models for internal solitary waves in a stratified shear flow with a free surface. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2002, V. 9, p. 221 – 235.
- O.E. Polukhina, T.G. Talipova Numerical modeling of surfactant dynamics in the field of nonstationary inhomogeneous currents and waves. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2002.V. 3, p. 3 – 11.
- V.A. Dubinina, A.A. Kurkin, O.E. Polukhina Focusing of edge waves over the Sea Shelf. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2003, V. 39, No. 6, p. 758 – 767.
- O.E. Polukhina, A.A. Kurkin Nonlinear continental shelf waves. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2003. V.4,p. 17 – 25.
- A.A. Krasiltschikov, O.E. Polukhina, T.G. Talipova, A.A. Kurkin Solitary internal waves and their surface manifestations on the Laptev Sea Shelf.Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2003. V. 4, p. 156 – 170.
- V.A. Dubinina, A.A. Kurkin, E.N. Pelinovsky, O.E. PoloukhinaWeakly nonlinear periodic Stokes edge waves. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2004, V. 40, No. 4, p. 464 – 469.
- A.B. Ezersky, O.E. Polukhina, J. Brossard, F. Marin, I.MutabaziDynamics of surface wave solitons in shallow water resonators: Theory and experiment. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2004. V. 12. No 1-2, p. 138 – 158.
- A.B. Ezersky, O.E. Polukhina, E.N. Pelinovsky Excitation of internal wave solitons in resonators.Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004. V. 6, 90 – 97.
- A.A. Kurkin, O.E. PoloukhinaNonlinear focusing of anomalous Rossby waves in the ocean: numerical experiments. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2005. V. 41, No. 1, p. 93 – 101.
- V.A. Dubinina, A.A. Kurkin, O.E. PoloukhinaNonlinear dynamics of edge waves over a linearly sloping bottom. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2005, V. 41, No. 2, p. 242 – 246.
- O.E. Poloukina, A.A.Kurkin Improved theory of nonlinear topographic Rossby waves. Oceanology, 2005. V. 45, No. 5, p. 607 – 616.
- N.V. Polukhin, T.G. Talipova, A.A. Kurkin, O.E. Poloukina, Xu ZhaotingKinematic parameters of internal waves for Yallow, Japan and East-China Seas. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2005. V. 14, p. 47 – 59.
- E. Pelinovsky, A. Lechuga, A. Kurkin, O. Poloukhina, V.Dubinina Ondas de orilla gigantes. J. Ingenieria Civil, 2005. No. 140,p. 93 – 98.
- V. A. Dubinina, A. A. Kurkin, E. N. Pelinovsky, and O. E. PoloukhinaResonance three-wave interactions of Stokes edge waves. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2006, V. 42, No. 2, p. 277 – 284.
- A.B. Ezersky, O.E. Polukhina, J. Brossard, F. Marin, I. Mutabazi Spatiotemporal properties of solitons excited on the surface of shallow water in a hydrodynamic resonator.Phys. Fluids,2006, 18, 067104, p. 1 –12.
- A. A. Kurkin, E. N. Pelinovsky, and O. E. PoloukhinaAmplitude variations of edge waves on a shelf slowly varying in the alongshore direction. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2006, V. 42, No. 3, p. 353 – 361.
- O. E. Polukhina, A. A. Kurkin, and N. V. PolukhinInterpretation of edge waves observations on Shikotan island. Oceanology2006. V. 46. No. 5. p. 645 – 649.
- O.E. Polukhina, A.V. SlunyaevImproved evolutionary model on a base of Gardner equation for internal waves in stratified fluid. Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2006. V. 18, p. 82 – 90.
- K.G. Lamb, O. Polukhina, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, W. XiaoandA. KurkinBreathergenerationinfullynonlinearmodelsofastratified fluid Phys. Rev. E, 2007, 75, 046306, p. 1 – 6.
- N. Zahibo, A. Slunyaev, E. Pelinovsky, T. Talipova,A.Kurkin, O. Polukhina, Strongly nonlinear steepening of long interfacial waves.Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 2007, 14, p. 1–10.
- O. E. Polukhina and N. M. SamarinaCylindrical divergence of solitary internal waves in the context of the generalized Gardnerequation. Izvestiya, AtmosphericandOceanicPhysics, 2007. V. 43, No. 6, p. 755 – 761.
- I. Bezruk, N. Zelenova, O. Polukhina The study of nonlinear regimes in a hydrodynamic resonator on a boundary of two fluids // Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007. V. 20, p. 113 – 118.
- N. Zelenova, I. Bezruk, O. PolukhinaNonlinear dynamics of intensive impulses on an interface of two fluid layers of almost equal depth bounded by rigid walls in the framework of improved Boussinesq-type two-wave model.Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences,Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007. V. 20, p. 119 – 125.
- V. A. Dubinina, A. A. Kurkin, and O. E. PoloukhinaOn the nonlinear interactions in edge wave triads on a sea shelf. Physical ocenography, 2008. No. 3, p. 3–19.
- E. Pelinovsky, O. Polukhina, and A. KurkinRogue edge waves in the ocean.The European Physical Journal. Special Topics,2010, 185, p. 35–44.
- R. Grimshaw, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky and O. Kurkina Internal solitary waves: propagation, deformation and disintegration.Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 2010,633-649, doi:10.5194/npg-17-633-2010.
- E.A. Ruvinskaya, O.E.Kurkina, A.A. Kurkin Improved nonlinear evolution equation for internal gravity waves in a three-layer symmetric fluid.Transactions of R.E.AlekseevNizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity, 2010, No 4, p. 30 – 39.
- D.Tyugin, O.Kurkina, A.Kurkin Software package for modeling of internal gravity waves in the World Ocean. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics 4 /2; 2011, p. 32–44.
- E. Rouvinskaya, O. Kurkina, A. KurkinInvestigation of the structure of large-amplitude solitary internal waves in a three-layer fluid. Transactions of MoscowStateRegionalUniversity, Series: “Physics –Mathematics” 2; 2011, p. 61 – 74.
- E. Rouvinskaya, O. Kurkina, A. KurkinModeling of “internal weather” in an ecosystem of a stratified sea shelf. Ecological Systems and Devices 6; 2011, p. 8 – 16.
- E. Averbukh, O. Kurkina, A. KurkinModeling of surfactant film dynamics in a field of linear propagating edge waves on a sea shelf. Transactions of MoscowStateRegionalUniversity, Series: “Natural sciences” 2; 2011, p. 109 – 121.
- D.Tyugin, O.Kurkina, A.Kurkin The digital atlas of kinematic and nonlinear parameters of internal gravity waves in the Worldocean. Sensors & Systems 12; 2011, p. 39 – 52.
- O. Kurkina and T. Talipova Huge internal waves in the vicinity of the SpitsbergenIsland (Barents Sea). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences11; 2011, p. 981–986..
- O. Kurkina, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky and T. Soomere Mapping the internal wave field in the Baltic Sea in the context of sediment transport in shallow water.Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64(II); 2011, p.2042–2047. ISSN 0749-0208.
- O.E. Kurkina, A.A. Kurkin, T. Soomere, E.N. Pelinovsky, E.A. Rouvinskaya Higher-order (2+4) Korteweg–de Vries–like equation for interfacial waves in a symmetric three-layer fluid.Phys. Fluids. 2011, Vol. 23. No. 11, 116602, p. 1 –13.
- Soomere T., Kurkina O.Statistics of extreme wave conditions in the south-western Baltic Sea. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics 4 /4; 2011, p. 43–57.
- Kurkina O.E., Kurkin A.A., Rouvinskaya E.A., Pelinovsky E.N., Soomere T. Dynamics of solitons in non-integrable version of the modified Koreteweg – de Vries equation.JETP Letters 95 /2; 2012, p.98 – 103.
Proceedings of Conferences
- O. Poloukhina, N. Poloukhin, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, R. Grimshaw, K. Lamb, S. Muyakshin Modelling of large-amplitude internal waves in the ocean. // Proceedings of international conference “Progress in Nonlinear Science”, 2001, V.2. P.252 – 257.
- Pelinovsky, E., Kurkin, A., Poloukhina, O.Unsteady dynamics of edge waves above a sloping beach. // Proc. “Long Wave Symposium 2003”(Thessaloniki, Greece), 2003, 161-168.
- A. Ezersky, O.Poloukhina, J. Brossard, F. Marin, I. Mutabazi Modelisation des ondes solitaires excitees dans un canal en eau peu profonde // Proceedings of “16-eme Congres Francais de Mecanique”, Nice, 1-5 Septembre 2003. P. 1 – 6.
- V.A. Dubinina, A.A. Kurkin, O.E. PoloukhinaNonlinear Properties of Long Edge Waves above a Cylindrical Shelf // Proceedings of The Sixth (2004) ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, September 12-16, 2004. P. 157 – 162.
- E. Pelinovsky, A. Lechuga, A. Kurkin, O. Poloukhina, V. Dubinina Freak Edge Waves // Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium on Ocean Waves, Measurement and Analysis “Waves-2005”, 3 – 7 July 2005, Madrid, Spain. P. 1 – 9.
- O. Poloukhina, A. Kurkin, E. Pelinovsky, V. Dubinina Edge waves on uniform shelf: focusing, instability and interactions // Proceedings of 8th conference on Dynamical systems – theory and applications. Lodz. Poland. 2005. P. 149 – 156.
- Didenkulova, I.I., Kurkin, A.A., Pelinovsky, E.N., Poloukhina, O.E., Sergeeva, A.D., and Slunayev, A.V.«Freak waves» on the coasts: observations and modeling. // Modern methods of mathematical modeling of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes (Proc. VIII Russian Conf., Kemerovo, 2005). Institute of Computer Technologies and Institute of Mine and Mine-Chemistry. Kemerovo, 2006, 147 – 157.
- E.A. Vladykina, O.E. Polukhina, A.A. Kurkin Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean with Two Pycnoclines: Models and Dynamics // Proceedings of The ninth international conference on the Mediterranean coastal environment, MEDCOAST 2009, E. Ozhan (editor), 10-14 November 2009, Sochi, Russia. P. 949 – 960.
- O.E. Polukhina, A.A. Kurkin, E.A. Vladykina, V.M. Norkin Analysis of near-bottom flow velocities in the field of long nonlinear internal waves // The IV-th Sakhalin Youth Scientific School “Natural catastrophes. Study, monitoring, forecast”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, June 2-5 2009: the book of the materials (proceedings) / Ex. ed. O.N. Likhacheva. RussianAcademy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2010. P. 233 – 239.
- E.A. Vladykina, O.E. Polukhina, A.A. Kurkin, V.M. Norkin Special features of solitary internal wave dynamics in the ocean with two pycnoclines // The IV-th Sakhalin Youth Scientific School “Natural catastrophes. Study, monitoring, forecast”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, June 2-5 2009: the book of the materials (proceedings) / Ex. ed. O.N. Likhacheva. RussianAcademy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2010. P. 225 – 232.
- Тюгин Д.Ю., Куркин А.А., Куркина О.Е. Разработка геоинформационной системы в составе программного комплекса для исследования внутренних гравитационных волн в мировом океане // ISBN 5-9273-0681-0 Информатика: проблемы, методология, технологии. Материалы XI международной научно-методической конференции (10-11 февраля 2011 г.) – Воронеж: Воронежский государственный университет, 2011. – 486 с. С. 385 – 388.
- Авербух Е.Л., Куркина О.Е., Куркин А.А. Динамика пленокповерхностно-активных веществ под воздействием триад краевых волн /Современная наука: идеи, исследования, результаты, технологии. Сборникнаучных статей. Выпуск 2(7).-Киев: “НПВК Триакон”, 2011.C.159-162.ISSN 2076-6866.
- Авербух Е.Л., Куркина О.Е., Куркин А.А. Краевые волны на вдольбереговомсдвиговом течении над ступенчатым шельфом / Современная наука: идеи,исследования, результаты, технологии. Сборник научных статей. Выпуск2(7).-Киев: “НПВК Триакон”, 2011.C.163-166. ISSN 2076-6866.