Certification Information for

Colorado USATF Officials



Officials are provided with initial and ongoing training and reference materials in order to develop their skills. They are certified on an overall basis, and also for general areas and specific disciplines. There are five levels of certification as described below. Advancement from one level to another is earned through experience and proficiency.


·  Be 14 years of age, and be a member in good standing with USA Track & Field as of March 31st of each year

·  Submit the National Officials Certification Application form and a head & shoulders photo (jpeg preferred)

·  Pay the certification fee established by their association

·  Agree to uphold and follow the USATF Officials Code of Ethics and Performance Guidelines

·  Meet the criteria for their certification level specified below. These requirements are applied to each discipline independently of any other disciplines in which an official is certified.


·  New officials may apply for Apprentice certification at any time.

·  Officials who meet the criteria for certification upgrade may request advancement to the next level at the time they believe they are eligible.

·  Officials are certified for each four year Olympiad period during the year of the Summer Olympic Games. All certifications expire at the end of each Olympiad. Certification levels are subject to review at recertification; officials inactive or minimally active during the previous Olympiad may have a specific skill area or their entire certification level reduced by one level.


Individuals submit their request for certification to the Certification Chair, providing:

1) Current year USATF membership number. Join or Renew Online

2) Payment of the certification fee established

3) Photo (head only) - preferably a digital (jpeg format), or a 1" x 1" passport type photo

4) Completed National Officials Committee New Officials Application Form

5) Answer sheet for the Officials Rules Review/test. Download the Rules Review for your level from the "Certification Rules Review" section on the USATF Certification webpage.


Apprentice Level - New Officials

When first certified by USATF, all individuals become Apprentice level officials. The association will attempt to provide mentoring to guide this official.

For certification, individuals must:

·  Complete an open book examination on the rules of all aspects of the sport, with a score of at least 80%

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

Association Level - Officials ready to take on more responsibility at meets within their own Association

An Association level official will be certified in at least one skill at the Association level, and may be certified in other skills at the Apprentice or Association levels.

Upgrade criteria:

·  Have served as an Apprentice level official for at least two years

·  Officiated at a minimum of eight meets as an Apprentice level official

·  Have a least one positive, written recommendation from a National or Master-level official they have worked with or under

·  Complete an open book examination on the rules of all aspects of the sport, with a score of at least 85%

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

For recertification, individuals must:

·  Complete the Association level test with a score of at least 85%

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

National Level - Officials who are ready to take on more responsibility outside their association, and serve as head officials within their Association.

A National level official will be certified in at least one skill at the National level, and may be certified in other skills at the Apprentice, Association, or National levels.

Upgrade criteria:

·  Have served as an Association level official for at least two years

·  Officiated at a minimum of ten meets as an Association level official. At least two of those meets must be either outside the official’s local Association or be Regional, National, or International meets.

o  Serve as the event head official in at least two of those meets (Colorado requirement)

·  Have a least two positive, written recommendations from officials they have worked with or under – one from a Master level official and another from a National or Master level official

·  Complete an open book examination on the rules of all aspects of the sport, with a score of at least 90%

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

For recertification, individuals must:

·  Complete the National level test with a score of at least 90%

·  Officiate an average of at least seven meets per year over the previous two years (Colorado requirement)

§  At least one of those meets per year must be a championship meet, and at least one per year must be outside the Colorado Association (Colorado requirement)

§  Officiate the in discipline(s) being certified an average of at least four meets per year in the previous two years, and serve as an event head official in at least one of those meets per year (Colorado requirement)

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

Master Level - Officials who are capable of serving as head officials at major regional and national meets

Master level certification is reserved for a limited number of the most outstanding officials who have achieved mastery in a specific area of officiating. A Master level official will be certified in at least one skill at the Master level, and may be certified in other skills at the Association, National, or Master levels.

Upgrade criteria:

·  Have served as a National level official for at least two years

·  Officiated at a minimum of twelve meets as a National level official. At least two of those meets must be either outside the official’s local Association or be Regional, National, or International meets.

o  Serve as the event head official in at least four of those meets (Colorado requirement)

·  Have a least three positive, written recommendations from three different Master level officials they have worked with or under

·  Complete an open book examination on the rules of all aspects of the sport, with a score of at least 95%

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

For recertification, officials must:

·  Complete the Master level test with a score of at least 95%

o  Officiate an average of at least nine meets per year over the previous three years (Colorado requirement)

§  At least two of those meets per year must be championship meets, and at least one per year must be outside the Colorado Association or be Regional, National or International meets. (Colorado requirement)

§  Officiate the in discipline(s) being certified an average of at four meets per year in the previous three years, and serve as an event head official in at least two of those meets per year (Colorado requirement)

·  Attend an officials certification/training clinic (Colorado requirement)

Emeritus - Master level officials who have retired from officiating


Officials may transfer from USATF association to another, with their current certification levels, provided they are a member in good standing with the USATF and their former association. Individuals should contact the Certification Chair of the gaining association. The National Vice-Chair of Certification will make a final decision on the request.


Appeals are sent to the Association President or Certification Chair. They are acted upon by the Chair or a Certification Subcommittee; or if necessary, by the National Vice-Chair for Certification.


Officials may concentrate on and be certified in one or more of the following disciplines. The disciplines are intentionally broad at the Apprentice level for exposure to a variety of officiating duties. They are narrower at the Association and National levels to facilitate proficiency in specific skills. Master level disciplines are again broad so as to supervise and mentor in general areas of officiating.

Apprentice Level

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Colo Ofcls Certif Info, Oct 13

Track Events
Field Events
LDR/Off-Track Events
Race Walking
Athletics for Disabled

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Association Level

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Association Level Disciplines / Must be Apprentice certified:
Track Event Operations / Track Events
Fully Automatic Timing / Track Events
Finish/Start Line Admin. / Track Events
Throws / Field Events
Horizontal Jumps / Field Events
Vertical Jumps / Field Events
Association Level Disciplines / Must be Apprentice certified:
LDR/Off-Track Events / LDR/Off-Track Events
Race Walk Official / Race Walking
Race Walk Judge / Race Walking
Competition Secretary / Track or Field Events
Athletics for Disabled / Athletics for Disabled

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National Level

Colo Ofcls Certif Info, Oct 13

National Level Disciplines / Must be Association certified:
Starter / Track Event Operations
Umpire / Track Event Operations
Clerk of the Course / Finish/Start Line Admin.
Finish Line / Finish/Start Line Admin.
Shot Put / Throws
Discus / Throws
Javelin / Throws
Hammer/Wt Throw / Throws
Horizontal Jumps / Horizontal Jumps
High Jump / Vertical Jumps
Pole Vault / Vertical Jumps
National Level Disciplines / Must be Association certified:
Implement Inspector / Throws
Fully Automatic Timing / Fully Automatic Timing
Competition Secretary / Competition Secretary
Marshal / Track Event Ops or Finish/Start Line Admin.
Race Walk Official / Race Walk Official
Race Walk Judge / Race Walk Judge
LDR/Off-Track Recorder / LDR/Off-Track Events
LDR/Off-Track General / LDR/Off-Track Events
Athletics for Disabled / Athletics for Disabled

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Master Level

Colo Ofcls Certif Info, Oct 13

Master Level Disciplines / Must be National certified:
Starter / Starter
Umpire / Umpire
Clerk of the Course / Clerk of the Course
Finish Line / Finish Line
Throws / Shot Put, Discus, Javelin &Ham/Wt Throw (All 4)
Horizontal Jumps / Horizontal Jumps
Vertical Jumps / High Jump & Pole Vault
Implement Inspector / Implement Inspector
Master Level Disciplines / Must be National certified:
Fully Automatic Timing / Fully Automatic Timing
Competition Secretary / Competition Secretary
Marshal / Marshal
Race Walk Official / Race Walk Official
Race Walk Judge / Race Walk Judge
LDR/Off-Track Recorder / LDR/Off-Track Events
LDR/Off-Track General / LDR/Off-Track Events
Athletics for Disabled / Athletics for Disabled

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Officials may also be certified in disciplines which fall under a separate, numeric-graded system (Note 7)

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Grade 1 / Grade 2 / Grade 3
Referee / National or Master level in multiple disciplines; notes 1, 5, 6 / Master level in multiple disciplines; Grade 1 Referee; notes 2, 5, 6 / Grade 2 Referee; notes 3, 4
Technical Manager / National or Master level in multiple disciplines; notes 5, 6 / Master level in multiple disciplines; Grade 1 Tech. Manager; notes 3, 5, 6 / N/A
Combined Events Coordinator / Assn or Nat’l level in multiple disciplines; notes 1, 5, 6 / Nat’l or Master level in multiple disciplines; notes 1, 5, 6 / Nat’l or Master level in multiple disciplines; notes 2, 5, 6
Electronic Recorder / Assn, Nat’l, or Master level; note 6 / Assn Nat’l or Master level; note 6 / Assn Nat’l or Master level; note 6
Electronic Measurer / Assn Nat’l or Master level; note 6 / Assn Nat’l or Master level; note 6 / N/A
Electronic Judge / Grade 3 Electr. Record. & Grade 2 Electr. Measurer; note 6 / N/A / N/A

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1.  Have served in the discipline for approximately the same amount of time and for the same number of meets as required to upgrade from Assn to Nat’l level certification

2.  Have served as Grade 1 in the discipline for approximately the same amount of time and for the same number of meets as required to upgrade from Nat’l to Master level certification

3.  Have served as Grade 2 in the discipline for at least 2 years

4.  Satisfy requirements of the NOC Master Referee Certification Subcommittee

5.  Have positive written recommendations form Meet Directors or Officials Coordinators for whom they served in the discipline sought -- 2 recommendations for Grade 1, 3 for Grade 2

6.  Complete required test(s)

Paths and requirements for each discipline are more fully described in the National Officials Committee Certification Rules & Procedures

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