School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting Agenda

September 20, 2016

8:15 AM

I. Sign In –Ms. Weller welcomed everyone and had everyone present introduce themselves.

II.  May Minutes—Ms. Weller shared the minutes from our last SAC meeting. Mrs. Anstett moved to approve minutes. Ms. Rosario seconded.

III.  SAC Membership—We are in need of an ESE and ESOL representative

IV.  Election of Officers—Ms. Johnson and Ms. Weller will remain SAC Co-Chairs. Mrs. Anstett will be this year’s SAC secretary.

V.  Meeting Dates—Third Tuesday of Every Month—8:15 AM—Forest Glen Media Center

VI.  SAC By-Laws—By-laws were read by members and approved. Mrs. Provost moved to approve. Mrs. Bruno seconded.

VII.  School Improvement Plan—Members looked over the department goals. Amendments will be added to the SIP. Members will look at the School Improvement Plan in detail at the October meeting.

VIII.  Principal’s Message—School Grade. Mr. Forsman explained that the state has gone back to the old system that includes learning gains for the whole school and learning gains for the bottom 25%. We were the highest scoring school along with Nova Middle School, getting 80% in terms of acceleration. Many more middle schools are B’s, rather than A’s. 2 years ago we were 8 points away from an A. We went up 20 points in science, went up in acceleration, and are still 6 points away from an A. Three ways to get the points. Every level 3 student has a high school class. We don’t force kids to take them if they are not ready for it. Mrs. Provost asked if we see differences in how prepared students are when they come into middle school. Mr. Forsman explained that 6th grade is still a big catch-up year for science. Mr. Arterberry asked why school only gets credit for 1 accelerated course when students may take more than 1 during a school year. Mr. Forsman explained that this is a state rule.

IX.  October 24—There will be a presentation for parents. The goal is to improve and increase efforts for parents, students, staff to reduce/eliminate bullying. It will be at 6 or 6:30 at Coral Springs High School. Cyber bullying will be the focus.

X.  Mrs. Provost. Combined SAC/SAF meetings—Dual language program. Some schools in South Broward. Native Spanish and Native English speakers. Continues through 12th grade. From Kindergarten. Also talked Naviance. Forest Glen is doing that through 6th grade. Helps find scholarships for college. District paid for all students starting in 6th grade this year. All of our kids will be logged on by the end of September. Rotate among departments. Students should be not only focused on academics but also on extracurricular activities. Accreditation. Parent interviews. October 24th 5-6 pm. Surtax on the ballot will give money half a penny to district and half a penny to local. Coral Springs =-auditorium, shades for parks, football stadium.

XI.  Title I—1st meeting is next Tuesday. We would like for our parents and staff members to volunteer to attend one of those meetings. Information will be forthcoming next meeting.

XII.  Mrs. Tavares moved to end the meeting, Mrs. Rosario seconded.