/ Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Research Office
ARC Incubator Program
Expression of Interest
The University of Queensland
St Lucia Qld 4072
Ph: 07 3346 1621

This Expression of Interest (EOI) is designed to provide background information on your project for facilitators to discuss in the Faculty’s Grant Development Workshop on Wednesday 7 December 2015. Please ensure that your EOI is a maximum of 3 pages.Please submit your EOI by Friday 25 Novemberto .

Details of the session are:

HASS ARC Incubator Program – Grant Development Workshop

Wednesday 7 December, 1pm to 3pm

Room 329, Steele Building (3)

Please Note: It isn’t expected that your EOI is at application standard yet. This draft is to promote discussion with and advice from your group facilitators. If you have started preparing an application for the next round please include draft text where relevant.

Email / Phone
Project Type (ARC Discovery Projects or ARC Discovery Early Career Award or ARC Linkage Project)
Project Title
Chief Investigators (and/or Partner Investigators) / Affiliation
Summary - 100 word summary in plain English
Project Aims, Significance/ Innovation & Impact
Project Methodology, Research Environment & Personnel (or team if not sole CI proposal)
Overview of ARC Readiness/ Track Record
Have you submitted an ARC DP or DECRA in the last three years?
If yes, in which year(s): / Yes / No
Do you consider your track record to be competitive for ARC funding for the scheme you intend to apply for? / Yes / No
Is this a team submission?
If yes, do you have questions about a team approach (please list): / Yes / No
Please provide a brief statement detailing your major outputs, impact and career opportunities in the last five years (maximum 200 words per person or team member):
What mentoring have you had access to?
Have you participated in a school or centre ARC readership scheme?
If yes, please provide brief details of this support: / Yes / No
Do you have existing mentors or readers of your applications?
If yes, please list them: / Yes / No
Please advise of any faculty staff who you would believe would be appropriate mentors for your project:
Application Questions
Do you have an up to date ARC RMS account for yourself and all other participants on the application? If No, please advise if you need assistance: / Yes / No
Have you considered or chosen your FOR or SEO Codes?
If yes, please list them: / Yes / No
If you have started preparing your budget please list major items you are considering (optional):
Specific questions or issues you have for the FRO team or your facilitators about your application and application process

Please submit your EOI by Friday 25November 2016 to .

Details of the session are:

HASS ARC Incubator Program – Grant Development Workshop

Wednesday 7 December, 1pm to 3pm

Room 329, Steele Building (3)

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