Media release

26 January 2018

Julie Stevens receives Surf Coast Shire Citizen of the Year honour

When it comes to pitching in to help the local community and environment, Julie Stevens is a common thread.

The talented Torquay crafter is the Surf Coast Shire Australia Day Award Citizen of the Year winner, recognised for an incredible list of community contributions. It includes her latest project – supporting the group MOTHERS (Mothers Offering Time, Hope,Engagement, Refugee Support) which assists refugee families in Corio.

“Having worked with refugees in teaching, I decided to help this group where I can,” Ms Stevens said.
“I sell homemade items at the Spring Creek Community House and this money goes to MOTHERS to help meet the needs of the families as identified by the professionals working with them.

“I am currently making 1,000 net bags with the support of many in Torquay to raise further funds for MOTHERS. We’ll also be hosting a fundraising high tea at the community house on 19 February.”

The Torquay resident moved to the Surf Coast three-and-a-half years ago to enjoy retirement by the sea. Wanting to continue her involvement in community groups, she visited Spring Creek Community House.

“I’ve always been involved in community groups so when we first moved here, I went to Spring Creek Community House and joined in Quirky Craft,” she said.

“Soon I met (Coordinator) Laura Connor and many opportunities opened up from there.”

Ms Stevens has sewn more than 2000 Boomerang bags for Plastic Bag Free Torquay; set-up a sit and sew group at Torquay Community House for people to share their love of quilting and stitching; ran cooking and craft classes at the community house;knitted for a refugee settlement charity;set-up a walking and coffee group at Surf Coast Life Activities Club; helped fundraise for Torquay Relay for Life and sewn for Torquay Theatre Troupe.

She is also a volunteer at Surf Coast Repair Café, where she helps repair clothing and sews Boomerang Bags. The bags are made from recycled materials and reduce pollution by providing a sustainable alternative to plastic bags – aligning with the joint Council-community Towards Environmental Leadership program.

“I have always been environmentally aware and enjoy sewing, so to combine my love of sewing with helping to reduce the amount of plastic in the community meant that Boomerang Bags was a great match,” she said.

“It takes about half an hour to make a bag, so it is rewarding to see the bags being used in the community.”

The Surf Coast Shire Australia Day Awards recognise people who have made outstanding contributions to the community. Ms Stevens will accepther Citizen of the Year award at the Australia Day celebrations at Taylor Park, Torquay on Friday 26 January. The event is held in partnership with Torquay Lions Club.

“I feel that I am only a small part in many of the things I am involved in and that there are many others in the community just as deserving of the award as myself, so while pleased I have won I would also like to acknowledge that if it wasn’t for the commitment of others I would not be receiving this award,” she said.

“By being involved in a variety of community groups I have met a wide range of people – many of whom are now friends. I enjoy being busy and feel life is too short to sit at home and let the world pass me by.”

2018 Surf Coast Shire Australia Day Awards
Citizen of the Year nominees

  • Julie Stevens (winner)
  • Surf Coast Repair café co-founder Jo Murray
  • Surf Coast Animal Rescue volunteer Jason Cichocki
  • LGBTQI advocate Merrin Wake
  • Business And Tourism Anglesea treasurer Gordon Stabb
  • Anglesea Officer in Charge Sergeant Kevin Warburton