Introduction to Audiology Practice Final 1 — Key Page 1 of 5

Introduction to Audiology Practice Final 1 — Key

Introduction to Audiology Practice Final 1 — Key Page 1 of 5

1. A lesion is present in the inner ear and the VIII N. This is which type of hearing loss?

1. conductive

2. mixed

3. •sensorineural

2. Tubes that are closed at one end (like the ear canal) resonate to a frequency

1. that depends upon how wide the diameter of the tube is

2. •that has a wavelength 4 times the length of the tube

3. that is determined by the diameter of the ear canal

4. A and C are true

3. Cerumen is formed from

1. sebacious glands

2. apocrine glands

3. eccrine glands

4. celllular debris, hair

5. •all the above

4. Using audiometry it has been determined that your bone conduction thresholds are normal, but you have a 40 dB loss by air conduction. The type of hearing loss you have is

1. sensorineural

2. •conductive

3. mixed

5. Using an otoscope you could

1. measure hearing sensitivity

2. •observe the cone of light

3. obtain a type B tympanogram

6. If the audiogram shows a hearing loss, you

1. •could have a normal tympanogram

2. would expect the eardrum to appear abnormal otoscopically

3. could not have a normal tympanogram

7. A doorbell is judged to be equally loud as a 1000-Hz tone at 65 dB SPL. A dog barking has a loudness of 75 phones. You conclude that

1. •the dog is about twice as loud as the doorbell

2. the dog sounds about 10 times as loud since it has 10 times the intensity of the doorbell

3. there is not enough information to determine how loud the dog is compared to the doorbell

8. Using audiometry it has been determined that your bone conduction thresholds show a 30 dB hearing loss, and you have a 50 dB loss by air conduction. The type of hearing loss you have is

1. sensorineural

2. conductive

3. •mixed

9. The child has a sensorineural hearing loss. Which tympanogram type would you predict?

1. •Type A (normal peak admittance, normal middle ear pressure)

2. Type B (flattened)

3. Type C (normal peak admittance, negative middle ear pressure)

10. Earwax

1. normally is produced by sebaceous glands located in the bony portion of the ear canal

2. •normally is externalized by the growth pattern of tissue in the ear canal

3. typically, will totally occlude the ear canal, since the "massaging" action of the mandible results in the wax making a perfectly tight seal

11. The pH of the tissue lining the ear canal is higher than normal

1. creating an abundance of earwax

2. so a tympanostomy tube would be recommended

3. •making an external otitis more probable

12. An ear infection caused by bacteria is

1. •an acute otitis

2. a serous otitis

3. noninflammatory in nature

13. The cone of light is considered to be associated with the

1. speculum of the otoscope

2. •eardrum

3. bony portion of the ear canal

14. Which of the following is true?

1. Valsalva is credited with dividing the ear into its three major divisions: the ear canal, the eardrum, and the inner ear

2. •the cochlea is fluid filled and contains the membranous labyrinth

3. the middle ear cavity is normally fluid-filled; the eustachian tube permits drainage to enter the middle ear

15. A lesion is present in the outer ear and the middle ear. This is which type of hearing loss?

1. •conductive

2. mixed

3. sensorineural

16. The ear canal is "S" shaped

1. •protecting the eardrum from objects inserted into the canal

2. allowing the external ear to maintain homeothermy

3. improving our ability to hear high frequency frication noise

4. all the above

17. Hearing screening (for children 6 years and older) is designed to detect hearing loss greater than

1. 15 dB, the limits of the normal range

2. •20 dB, but only for frequencies at and above 1000 Hz

3. 25 dB

18. There are two middle ear muscles

1. •the tensor tympani and the stapedius muscle

2. which, when contracted, relax the middle ear, allowing more energy to enter the inner ear

3. that contract and stiffen the ossicular chain, causing better sensitivity in the lower frequencies

4. both A and C are true

19. In Figure 1, the helix is designated by

1. 22

2. 23

3. 24

4. 25

5. •26

20. In Figure 1, the superior crus of the antihelix is designated by

1. 22

2. 23

3. •24

4. 25

5. 26

21. In Figure 1, the triangular fossa is designated by

1. 22

2. •23

3. 24

4. 25

5. 26

22. In Figure 2, the umbo is designated by

1. 9

2. 10

3. 11

4. 12

5. •13

23. In Figure 2, the cone of light is designated by

1. 9

2. 10

3. 11

4. •12

5. 13

24. In Figure 3, the location associated with the umbo of the eardrum is designated by

1. 35

2. 36

3. •37

4. 38

5. 39

25. In Figure 3, the manubrium of the malleus is designated by

1. 35

2. 36

3. 37

4. •38

5. 39

Introduction to Audiology Practice Final 1 — Key Page 1 of 5